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Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
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Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago
20,000 Haitians were shipped into an Ohio town that had a population of 58,000 people. They're allowed to work due to a Biden program that granted them permits.
New York Times claims they are "revitalizing" the town. Residents say they're bringing crime and destroying the housing market. The Haitians are already costing the state vast sums of money because their children can't speak English and schools have to pay translators. A local boy was killed because a retarded Haitian was driving on the wrong side of the road and crashed into a school bus.
Locals say:
*"Haitians are occupying our land"
"Not one person asked anyone in this community how we felt about them coming in here and invading our city"
"Here in Springfield, the new homeless are people who can’t afford to pay $2,000 or $3,000 a month in rent"*
There is no way in hell that 20k Haitians would organically migrate to a small Midwestern town. Who is shipping them there?
Edit: The culprit may be "First Diversity."
It would be a real shame if people used the form on the linked site to express their discontent with this situation. Please don't make unlawful threats if you feel so compelled.
?? - Who is Michel Barnier, who is now at helm in Paris?
A 73 years old, he is the oldest PM in the history of the Fifth republic. He was minister and European Commissionner multiple times. When Brexit happened, his experience earned him the job of negotiating Brexit on EU's behalf, a position that he fulfilled truthfully until the peaceful secession of Britain from the EU was completed under a comprehensive Brexit deal.
A catholic gaullist, he is against immigration, favors austerity both on financial and climate issues and intends to cooperate with Marine Le Pen to get things done.
His name was suggested by Marine Le Pen to Emmanuel Macron.
That which you do for the sake of men will be forgotten, the glory of those deeds will fade because man is a fickle, ephemeral, and capricious beast.
The glory of the deeds done for the sake of God will never fade because the memory of the Lord is perfect, his nature both eternal and unchanging.
When you fight for your people remember to do so in a way that glorifies God. Keep your actions and character up to Christian standard. Remember that all that is good in you comes from Christ and that not all that is in you is good.
Wage war upon the enemy but also upon yourself and your sinful nature. Pray as if everything depends on God and work as if everything depends on you.
May we live in peace when possible, may we not shirk our duty when just war is necessary. Hail Christ, Hail our people.
Sear it into your memory. That is the destiny that we are to fulfill.
Husband/Wife For Your Family
Holy Spirit, grant for me, for my spouse and for my children,
those divine gifts with which you strengthened the Apostles, that powerful grace which
which enlightens the understanding, sweetly moves the will, and gloriously overcomes concupiscence.
gloriously overcomes concupiscence.
Grant us the gift of a clear understanding,
the knowledge of the good and the willingness
will to exercise it.
Take my children under your divine protection;
preserve them from every shameful passion; protect them, free them from falling into the snares of seduction with which the devil tries to make them fall into sin.
Make them humble, obedient,
honest and God-fearing;
lovers of truth and religion.
Give them grace to overcome vices and passions.
And to me grant the grace and wisdom necessary to educate them and direct them
Blessed Alessandro Dordi
Priest and Martyr
Died: 1991
He was an Italian priest and martyr. He served as a missionary priest to Peru. He was deeply involved in family pastoral care and human promotion, which he believed was the antidote to the guerrilla movement, known as the “Shining Path” who were terrorizing Peru. The group did not like Fr. Dordi because he was proclaiming the justice and truth of the Gospel. He was shot on the head and chest after celebrating Mass.
➕ Died this day, 25th August, 1270, Saint Louis IX, King of France ➕
In 1242 French King Louis IX, who was known as the "lieutenant of God on Earth," conducted two crusades. In order to finance his first crusade he ordered the expulsion from France of all Jews engaged in usury and the confiscation of their property, for use in his crusade.
Louis also ordered, in response to the 1239 decree of Pope Gregory IX, the burning in Paris of 24 cartloads or roughly 12,000 manuscript copies, of the Talmud and other Jewish books. These he had ordered seized in 1240.
➕ Requiescat in pace ➕
How our government works: A middle eastern nation rewards and punishes our politicians to do what it wants. Israel has an "AIPAC person" assigned to each congressman to manage our politicians for the best outcomes for Israel.
Massie:"I've Republicans...say: that's wrong what AIPAC is doing to you...let me talk to my AIPAC person"
"What does that mean, an AIPAC person?"
"It's like a babysitter"
"Every member has...this?"
"IDK how it works on the Dem side...that's how it works for Republicans"
Community chat:
Last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Your easy, fun crypto trading app for buying and trading any crypto on the market.
📱 App: @Blum
🆘 Help: @BlumSupport
ℹ️ Chat: @BlumCrypto_Chat
Last updated 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
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Collaboration - @taping_Guru
Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago