Freedom News

The world's oldest surviving anarchist publication, Est. 1886.
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6 months, 3 weeks ago

Freedom News

My arresting experience the day Prince Charles came to town - Freedom News

Charles Windsor has form for pre-emptively arresting people who would spoil his parties.

Freedom News
6 months, 3 weeks ago

We are heartbroken report the untimely passing of Luciano Pitronello, known as Tortuga, an anarchist from the territory dominated by the Chilean state.

Here, you can read some of Tortuga's writing and some recollections of him:

In 2011, at age twenty-two, Tortuga was severely injured during an attempt to carry out an attack on a Santander bank in Santiago. The explosion resulted in Tortuga losing one hand and suffering severe damage to his other hand as well as his eyes, skin, and lungs. At first, it was unclear to what extent he would recover.

Demonstrating admirable determination, he survived the ordeal and exceeded expectations in the extent of his recovery.

In 2012, Tortuga was acquitted of terrorism charges and released from prison. After his release, he helped to establish and maintain the self-managed social center and autonomous library Sante Geronimo Caserio.

Two days ago, while Tortuga was working in Santiago, he came into contact with electrical cables and was killed by an electrical shock. This tragedy illustrates that the most dangerous thing is not resistance—it is ordinary life at the mercy of capitalism. We honor all of the ways that Tortuga contributed to the struggle for a better world, not least the example that he set in confronting hardship.

6 months, 4 weeks ago

Freedom News

A pick and a shovel - Freedom News

From Chiapas, an essay on solidarity, empathy and courage — to thank the mothers searching for victims of the human rights crisis in Mexico Solidarity with what is far away – and I am not referring to geography, but to its place in information – is not only…

Freedom News
6 months, 4 weeks ago

Freedom News

Britain’s antifascist moment - Freedom News

Coordinated antifascist defense has been inspiring, but it must grow to become omnipresent — Tuesday July 30 saw the start of an uprising of far-right terror on British streets. The Southport Mosque was viciously attacked after a vigil held for the child…

Freedom News
6 months, 4 weeks ago

Freedom News

Freedom's Top Ten Olympic Moments - Freedom News

The Olympic games have finally come to a close -- here are our takeaways

Freedom News
7 months ago

An anarchist group in Bangladesh, Auraj, has celebrated the resignation of Sheikh Harina and encouraged the protesting students to “decide the future of Bangladesh for privacy and democracy.” They too have recognised the potential risks of this revolutionary moment, warning against “looting” and “attacking minorities” corrupting the “great achievement“. Full report:

Freedom News

Anarchists warn against attacks on minorities as Bangladesh government falls - Freedom News

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned and fled the country as protesters stormed the presidential palace in Dhaka

An anarchist group in Bangladesh, Auraj, has celebrated the resignation of Sheikh Harina and encouraged the protesting students to “decide …
7 months, 1 week ago


Il premier britannico, Keir Starmer, ha convocato una riunione d’emergenza del comitato per le emergenze Cobra dopo il dilagare dei disordini organizzati negli ultimi giorni da gruppi di estrema destra in numerose città del Regno Unito. Ieri sera si sono verificati violenti scontri anche nella cittadina di Tamworth, nello Staffordshire, Inghilterra centrale, che si…

7 months, 1 week ago

It is no surprise that state and media normalisation resulted in racist riots scattered around the country. After all, the scandalous Tory incumbency has for 14 years spearheaded extreme neoliberalism and xenophobia, decimating communities and rousing hate.

But now an extreme-centrist Labour government has taken the reins. With one hand it is using the far right to excuse even more restrictive policing; with the other, it is giving it the streets. The fash are the elites’ street hounds, a useful reserve to be deployed every time a social movement like the Trans community raises its head and threatens to gain visibility and connect the dots with capitalism and the State.

full article:

Freedom News

Fuck the Cis-tem: Trans politics and the Far Right assault - Freedom News

We belong together and in front against fascism and all kinds of oppression

It is no surprise that state and media normalisation resulted in racist riots scattered around the country. After all, the …
7 months, 1 week ago

And the electric batteries so essential to the so-called “energy transition”? Speak about them, for example, to the workers of the Bou-azeer mine and the inhabitants of the oases of this Moroccan region who are bearing the brunt of this 21st century gold rush. Renault extracts the minerals needed to give a clear conscience to the ecologists of the metropolises on the backs of sacrificed lives. Speak to the “forest people” of the island of Halmahera in northeastern Indonesia, the Hongana Manyawa, who despair of seeing the forest where they live being destroyed on the altar of the “ecological transition”. The French state, via the company Eramet, is participating in the devastation of lands that have until now been spared. Similarly, it does not want to let go of the Melanesian Rock* to continue to extract the precious nickel.

We will stop here in the impossible inventory of deadly and predatory activities of all States and all capitalists economies. To go on would not render any aid to breaking with a dull and depressing life, a life of exploitation, the violence of States and religious leaders, of heads of families and police patrols, of patriots and employer militias, as much as that of shareholders, entrepreneurs, engineers, planners, and architects of the ongoing devastation. Fortunately, the arrogance of power continues to clash with the anger of the rebellious oppressed. From riots to insurrection, during offensive demonstrations and uprisings, through daily struggles and underground resistance.

On this day, through the sabotage of the TGV lines connecting Paris to the four corners of France, may we hear the cries of "woman, life, freedom" from Iran, the struggles of the Amazonians, the "fuck France" coming from Oceania, the desires for freedom that reach us from the Levant and Sudan, the fights that continue behind prison walls and the insubordination of deserters from all over the world. To those who blame these acts for spoiling tourists’ stays or disrupting holiday departures, we respond that it is still so little. So little compared to the event in which we yearn to participate and which we call for with all our hearts: the fall of a world based on exploitation and domination. Then, yes, we will have something to celebrate.

-An unexpected delegation

mass as in the Catholic religious ceremony.
The French onomatopoeia for the rooster crow and as such is a French victory roar, the rooster being one of the French Republic's emblems.
French Multinational integrated energy and petroleum company
French National Railway
***Referring to New Caledonia

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