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ကြော်ငြာများထည့်သွင်းလိုပါက ဒီအကောင့်ကိုဆက်သွယ်ပေးပါ👇👇

Last updated 1 day, 13 hours ago

@sithuaung2006 တခြားအကောင့်လုံးဝမသုံးပါ

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

ကြော်ငြာများထည့်သွင်းလိုပါက ဒီအကောင့်ကိုဆက်သွယ်ပေးပါ??

Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

1 year, 7 months ago

**#509 Airdrop - Combonetwork x Pokyhedra

?Thông tin sự‌ kiện:**- Thời gian kết thúc: 24/8
- Giải thưởng: Combo
- Chain: Combo

- Connect ví mạng Combo test
- Complete task
- Mint NFT

Mint xong click > Join now
- Bridge Box từ mạng Combo -> mạng opBNB
- Done

Gas bên Combo test thì bridge từ BSC testnet sang

*?Follow Coinbay***@CoinBayGuild | @coinbaytesttoearn

1 year, 7 months ago
**#508 Airdrop - Oin

**#508 Airdrop - Oin

?Thông tin sự‌ kiện:**- Thời gian kết thúc: N/A
- Giải thưởng: Oin
- Chain: Sei
- Thể lệ: connect ví, đăng ký, check balance và join

?‍♂️Link tham gia:

*?Follow Coinbay***@CoinBayGuild | @coinbaytesttoearn

1 year, 7 months ago

⚡️[Airdrop - Supra Oracles - Update] Cập nhật tới nhiệm vụ thứ 13 1/ Truy cập link : 2/ Vào phần "Mission" làm nhiệm vụ Đáp án Ensuring fair and unpredictable outcomes —————————————————— ?Follow Coinbay @CoinBayGuild…

1 year, 7 months ago
***⚡️***[Airdrop - Polyhedra - Update] NFT …

⚡️[Airdrop - Polyhedra - Update] NFT Arbitrum đc tính 1 tx bên LayerZero ?‍♂️Link: —————————————————— ?Follow Coinbay @CoinBayGuild | @coinbaytesttoearn

1 year, 7 months ago

**What is the Galxe OATs?
? - An On-chain Achievement Token system

What is Galxe?
? - A Web3 credential data network

How can users get a Soulbound Token in Galxe Passport?
? - By going through the verification process on Galxe

What is a Sybil attack?
? - An attack where a single entity creates multiple accounts to influence outcomes

Who was the first CEX to list Gal token?
? - Binance

What was the first block of the Bitcoin blockchain called?
? - Genesis Block

Is the Galxe Passport Token bought from Galxe?
? - No What is a common trick used in social engineering NFT hacks?
? - All of the above

The revenue from the Top-Level-Domains launched on SPACE ID 3.0 will go to the DAO treasury.
? - True

I can make an offer to the expiry domain.
? - True

What is the most common type of NFT hack?
? - Social engineering attempts to trick the user into a false sense of safety

What is the use case of SPACE ID domains?
? - Send funds, swap tokens, or buy NFTs with a readable domain

What will happen when my expiry domain passes the grace period?
? - The domain is released for registration by anyone with a temporary premium that starts at $100,000,000 and reduces exponentially until it reaches $0 over 21 days.

What is the minimum extension duration for SPACE ID?
? - 1 day

Which of the following TLD will NOT be unveiled and powered by SPACE ID in the near future?
? - Bitcoin

What is a regular audit?
? - A process that can help identify and fix potential vulnerabilities in smart contracts and other blockchain code
Who is known as the founder of Bitcoin and blockchain technology?
? - Satoshi Nakamoto

What did the Bitcoin white paper propose?
? - A decentralized system for electronic transactions

What is the mission of Galxe?
? - To build an open and collaborative credential data network in Web3
What is the Galxe Passport Token used for?
? - To distinguish verified individuals

Which of the following actions can lead to an NFT hack?
? - All of the above

Hardware wallets only protect against malware attacks.
? - True

What is Galxe ID?
? - A Web3 DID system that gives users a multi-chain identity and displays past achievements/credentials**

1 year, 7 months ago
**#507 Airdrop - Galxe x SPACE …

**#507 Airdrop - Galxe x SPACE ID

?Thông tin sự‌ kiện:**- Thời gian kết thúc: 18/8
- Giải thưởng: $20,000 in GAL & ID tokens
- Thể lệ: Hoàn thành các tasks trên Galxe Claim 2 OAT

?‍♂️Link tham gia:

❗️ Note:
- Để lấy role Galxe Festival Quizzer:
➭ Ae vào Discord Galxe - channel #⁠?・festival-quiz để làm quiz
(Dùng lệnh /festivalquiz để bắt đầu trả lời câu hỏi)

- Để lấy role SID Festival Quizzer:
➭ Ae vào Discord SPACEID - channel #⁠?・festival-quiz để làm quiz
(Dùng lệnh /festivalquiz để bắt đầu trả lời câu hỏi)

*?Follow Coinbay***@CoinBayGuild | @coinbaytesttoearn

1 year, 7 months ago

*⚡️[Airdrop - Polyhedra - Update]*NFT Arbitrum đc tính 1 tx bên LayerZero


*?Follow Coinbay***@CoinBayGuild | @coinbaytesttoearn

1 year, 7 months ago
**#506 Airdrop - Lagrange

**#506 Airdrop - Lagrange

?Các bước tham gia:**- Truy cập:
- Đáp án các nhiệm vụ quiz :
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. D
14. B
15. C
16. A
17. D
18. A

*?Follow Coinbay***@CoinBayGuild | @coinbaytesttoearn

1 year, 7 months ago
*****⚡️***[Airdrop - Dackie Swap - Update]**Check …

*⚡️[Airdrop - Dackie Swap - Update]*Check point:

*?Follow Coinbay***@CoinBayGuild | @coinbaytesttoearn

1 year, 7 months ago
**#505 Airdrop - Space Nation*****✨***Space Nation …

#505 Airdrop - Space NationSpace Nation nhận được khoản đầu tư 50 triệu đô la từ Foresight Ventures, SevenX Ventures, HashKey Capital

*?Các bước tham gia:*- Follow các nền tảng mạng xã hội của dự án (Twitter, Discord).
- Đăng ký tài khoản và xác minh qua Email
- Kết nối ví Metamask.
- Hoàn thành các MISSON để tăng Level và nhận $ORB.
- Tham gia Event trên Twitter để nhận slot WL.

Càng nhiều follow = càng nhiều token.

*?Follow Coinbay***@CoinBayGuild | @coinbaytesttoearn

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ကြော်ငြာများထည့်သွင်းလိုပါက ဒီအကောင့်ကိုဆက်သွယ်ပေးပါ👇👇

Last updated 1 day, 13 hours ago

@sithuaung2006 တခြားအကောင့်လုံးဝမသုံးပါ

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

ကြော်ငြာများထည့်သွင်းလိုပါက ဒီအကောင့်ကိုဆက်သွယ်ပေးပါ??

Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago