?????? ?????

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We recommend to visit

ကြော်ငြာများထည့်သွင်းလိုပါက ဒီအကောင့်ကိုဆက်သွယ်ပေးပါ??

Last updated 4 months ago

@sithuaung2006 တခြားအကောင့်လုံးဝမသုံးပါ

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

ကြော်ငြာများထည့်သွင်းလိုပါက ဒီအကောင့်ကိုဆက်သွယ်ပေးပါ??

Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago

8 Monate, 2 Wochen her

Instagram Lookup & Reset Tool ?

import os try: from uuid import uuid4 as uid from secrets import token\_hex from OneClick import * import requests except: os.system('pip install requests') os.system('pip install OneClick') os.system('pip install uuid') os.system('pip install secrets') os.system('pip install user\_agent') os.system('pip install stdiomask') os.system('pip install hashlib') from uuid import uuid4 as uid from secrets import token\_hex from OneClick import * import requests csr = token\_hex(8)*2 E = '\033[1;31m' B = '\033[2;36m' G = '\033[1;32m' S = '\033[1;33m' os.system('clear') print(f'''{B}{E}===================================== |{G}[+] DEVELOPER : {B}@EthicalFaizan | |{G}[+] TELEGRAM : {B}@SedxJerryHack| {E}=====================================''') user=input(f'{S}[+] UserName ==> {B}') print(f'{E}==============================') head = { "Content\-Type": "application/x\-www\-form\-urlencoded; charset=UTF\-8", "Host": "i.instagram.com", "Connection": "Keep\-Alive", "User\-Agent": Hunter.Services(), "Cookie": "mid=YwvCRAABAAEsZcmT0OGJdPu3iLUs; csrftoken="+csr, "Cookie2": "$Version=1", "Accept\-Language": "en\-US", "X\-IG\-Capabilities": "AQ==", "Accept\-Encoding": "gzip",} data= {"q":user, "device\_id":f"android{uid}", "guid":uid, "\_csrftoken":csr} whisper=requests.post('https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/users/lookup/',headers=head,data=data).json() email=whisper['obfuscated\_email'] id=whisper['user']['pk'] prv=whisper['user']['is\_private'] ph=whisper['has\_valid\_phone'] ce=whisper['can\_email\_reset'] sms=whisper['can\_sms\_reset'] fb=whisper['fb\_login\_option'] phn=whisper['phone\_number'] wa=whisper['can\_wa\_reset'] lookup=f'''{G}[+] UserName ==> {user} [+] UserID ==> {id} [+] Is Private ==> {prv} [+] E\-mail ==> {email} [+] Has Phone Number ? ==> {ph} [+] E\-mail Rest ==> {ce} [+] SMS Rest ==> {sms} [+] WhatsApp Rest ==> {wa} [+] FaceBook Login ==> {fb} [+] Phone Number ==> {phn}''' print(lookup) print(f'{E}==============================') rest=input(f'{S}[+] Wanna Send Rest E\-mail (Y/N) : {B}') print(f'{E}==============================') if rest == 'y' or rest == 'Y': data=data= {"user\_email":user, "device\_id":f"android{uid}", "guid":uid, "\_csrftoken":csr} restt=requests.post('https://i.instagram.com/api/v1/accounts/send\_password\_reset/',data=data,headers=head) res=restt.json() ress=restt.text if 'obfuscated\_email' in ress: email=res['obfuscated\_email'] print(f'{G}[√] Done Send Rest : {B}{email}') print(f'{E}==============================') else: print(f'{E}[×] Error Send Rest') print(f'{E}==============================') if rest == 'n' or rest == 'N': exit(f'{S}[÷] {B}tnak') print(f'{E}==============================')

DEV:- @EthicalFaizan
Share With Credit Else Your Mom is Randi

9 Monate, 3 Wochen her

Unfollow the instagram followers who don't followed you back - Python.

from instagrapi import Client

client = Client()
username = "your_username"
password = "your_password"
client.login(username, password)

me = client.user_id

followers = client.user_followers(me)

following = client.user_following(me)

unfollowers = [user for user in following if user not in followers]

for user in unfollowers:

print(f"Unfollowed {len(unfollowers)} users who don't followed you back.")

Must install:
pip install instagrapi
pip install Pillow

1 Jahr, 5 Monate her

Want more REEDEM codes
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On @JerryViewsReaction

1 Jahr, 5 Monate her

Doing free fire id giveaway

I'd collection:- https://t.me/jerrypvt/78?single

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ကြော်ငြာများထည့်သွင်းလိုပါက ဒီအကောင့်ကိုဆက်သွယ်ပေးပါ??

Last updated 4 months ago

@sithuaung2006 တခြားအကောင့်လုံးဝမသုံးပါ

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

ကြော်ငြာများထည့်သွင်းလိုပါက ဒီအကောင့်ကိုဆက်သွယ်ပေးပါ??

Last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago