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SOLKIE | Solana's Favorite Dog

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Last updated 3 months ago

Варвина Наталья
Реклама: +7-962-903-50-69 Лиза

Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago

1 month, 3 weeks ago
***🟣*** **Big news for Solkie Genesis …

🟣 Big news for Solkie Genesis NFT Minters!

We're increasing the revenue share from 10% to 20%!

Mint yours:

To track NFT revenue share type /nftw
After Minting:
Your NFT will be visible on Magic Eden & Tensor |

2 months ago
***🟣*** Support Solkie in these ways:

🟣 Support Solkie in these ways:

1️⃣ Vote for Solkie on Dextools:

2️⃣ Vote with 'Rocket' on Dexscreener:

3️⃣ Mint your Solkie genesis NFT for faster CMC listing:

4️⃣ Follow socials!



Let's propel Solkie to new heights together!

2 months, 1 week ago

*🟣 *Important Announcement for the Solkie Community!
We have made a significant decision regarding the revenue share model for Solkie holders from revenue generated by SolHunters and future utilities. After careful consideration, we have decided to cancel this model for several reasons:

Preserving Solkie's Identity: Solkie was designed as a memecoin, and maintaining this identity is crucial for its long-term success.

Focus on Utility Success: Solkie's success should not solely rely on the success of its utilities. We want Solkie to thrive independently of utility performance.

Appeal to Investors: The revenue share model may not be appealing to potential investors, especially in the early stages when utility profitability may be limited.

Sustainable Business Model: Implementing a revenue share model could place undue pressure on the business model, potentially hindering its growth.

Instead, we will focus on sustainable growth strategies:
Solkie Empowers SolHunters: SolHunters will continue to be powered by Solkie, providing sustainable exposure for Solkie within the Solana ecosystem.

Revenue Distribution: Revenue generated by Solkie utilities will be distributed as follows: 20% Buyback & Burn, 30% for Solkie Marketing, 10% for NFT holders, and 40% to Solkie's treasury.

Future Utility Development: We remain committed to building future utilities powered by Solkie, ensuring a diverse ecosystem of innovative solutions.

While this decision may be inconvenient for some Solkie holders, we believe it is the best path forward for both Solkie as a memecoin and its utilities to thrive independently.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support!

2 months, 1 week ago
*****🍏***** **Exciting Plans Ahead for Solkie!**

*🍏 *Exciting Plans Ahead for Solkie!
Phase 1:

We'll focus on growth, boosting followers for more listings and increased revenue share with Solkie holders.

Strengthening the token by consistent liquidity pool additions.

Phase 2:

Upgrade to V2 with enhanced features and user experience.

Supporting Solkie price with burns and marketing fueled by revenue from

Phase 3:

Launch two new utilities: a unique Telegram Raid bot and a unique Telegram buybot.

We count on your community patience and support throughout the process.

Invite others to our family and promote Solkie's utilities among other Solana communities.

2 months, 1 week ago
***🟣*** Calling All [#SolkieSupporters](?q=%23SolkieSupporters)!

🟣 Calling All #SolkieSupporters!

As we journey through the ever-evolving crypto world, the strength of 'SOLKIE' grows not just from our groundbreaking utility, dedicated devs, and tireless team, but significantly from YOU, our community.

While we're grateful for the backing of big names in the space, our mission to soar to new heights hinges on your support.

We're at a pivotal moment where engagement on Twitter and beyond can truly amplify our impact. Your voice, enthusiasm, and active participation are the fuel that powers 'SOLKIE's' journey forward.

Yes, we have a solid foundation and are committed to enhancing 'SOLKIE' with even more valuable utilities. Our team is ready to put in the work, but the path to breaking out and reaching beyond the stars becomes clearer and more achievable with a dedicated community by our side.

Let's rally together, engage, and show the crypto world the strength of our unity.

With your support, there's no limit to where we can go – the sky's just the beginning.

Join us in making 'SOLKIE' stronger than ever. Together, we can achieve extraordinary things.

2 months, 2 weeks ago
***🟣*** **Exciting Update!**

🟣 Exciting Update!
We're boosting revenue shares for Solkie holders with 1% or more from and future utilities to 30%!

NFT holders' share increases to 10%, with an additional 10% allocated for buyback, burn, and LP boost.


2 months, 2 weeks ago
*****🔥***** **$SOLKIE** **Buyback and Burn Program!**

*🔥 *$SOLKIE Buyback and Burn Program!

To fuel long-term rise in $SOLKIE token value, we're implementing a game-changing strategy:

5% of revenue from Solkie's utilities, including, will be allocated towards BUYBACK and BURN!

To track Burn wallet, type /burnw.

X post:

3 months, 2 weeks ago
**Revenue Sharing for Solkie Holders:**

Revenue Sharing for Solkie Holders:
Solkie holders with 1% or more of the supply enjoy a 25% share of's revenue, creating a symbiotic relationship between the success of SolHunters and the prosperity of our dedicated community.

3 months, 2 weeks ago
**List your token on** **SolHunters** **for …

List your token on SolHunters for prime exposure!

$SOLKIE powers, amplifying exposure for Solana tokens.

The platform enhances Solkie's visibility, boosting the token's value within the vibrant decentralized landscape.

3 months, 2 weeks ago
SOLKIE | Solana's Favorite Dog is …

SOLKIE | Solana's Favorite Dog is being protected by @Safeguard

Click below to verify you're human

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•┊بوت زغرفه 🎧 -

Last updated 3 months ago

Варвина Наталья
Реклама: +7-962-903-50-69 Лиза

Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago