The Pythagorean Lair

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EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago

7 months, 2 weeks ago

**Passing the Torch Under the Buck Moon - The Obama Connections

Today was the day of the Buck Moon, and of course bucks feature prominently in 'Leave the World Behind,' for which the Obama's were executive producers
The Republican National Convention was just held in Milwaukee, home of the NBA's Milwaukee Bucks
Buck Moon = 31 (Full Reduction)
Obama = 31 (Reverse Reduction)
Barack Obama was born on the 216th day of the year
6 × 6 × 6 = 216
He left the White House during his 666th month of life
Michelle Obama turns exactly 60 years 6 months 6 days old on Tuesday, and tomorrow if you count the end date
Michelle's latest book, published in 2022, was titled 'The LIGHT We Carry' and was announced on July 21st 2022, exactly two years before today
Of course, Lucifer is the light-bearer, but it also connects to the passing of the political torch right before the Summer Olympics
'The Light We Carry' was published exactly 616 days before Tuesday, and tomorrow if you count the end date
616 is the original/alternate Number of the Beast
616 days is also exactly 88 weeks
Michelle Robinson = 88 (Reverse Reduction)
Trump = 88 (English Ordinal)
Barack was born 6833 days (counting end date) after Biden
6833 is the 880th prime number
Joe Biden is currently 1010 lunar phases old and Barack was born exactly 10 months 10 days before Trump's birthday
Satan = 10 (Full Reduction)
Barack means lightning in Hebrew and two years ago on his birthday, lightning struck just outside the White House killing 3 people and injuring 1
Luke 10:18 (KJV) - And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven
Barack was born on the date leaving 149 days in the year
Revelation = 149 (Reverse Ordinal)
Vice President = 149 (English Ordinal)
Michelle = 149 (Reverse Ordinal)
Finally, today is exactly 107 days before Election Day
Vice President Obama = 107 (Reverse Reduction)**


Obama Praises Biden for Decision to Exit Race, Does Not Endorse Harris

Former President Barack Obama praised President Biden, his former apprentice, for his tenure and decision to exit the race in a statement Sunday afternoon. But he didn’t endorse a successor. “J

**Passing the Torch Under the Buck Moon - The Obama Connections
7 months, 2 weeks ago

**The Truth Codes | Excerpt 47

This video is actually a 20 minute excerpt from a much longer video that is still in progress titled "John the Baptist and the Celebrity Messiah."

The sport of football / soccer was invented by the same occult forces that govern the rest of the "matrix": 2024's European championship contained a lot of the symbolism and patterns that dictate American politics and world history.

2024 is an Olympic year. The European championship final -- between Spain and England -- was held in a stadium whose original construction was commissioned by Adolf Hitler himself (for the 1936 Summer Olympics): the Olympiastadion in Berlin, Germany.

This chapter looks at one of the greatest code numbers of the matrix: 47**@ThePythagoreanLair

7 months, 2 weeks ago

Derek Tikkuri **| 7/19 CrowdStrike Outage - A Moon landing tribute to Paul Allen and the Church of Satan

Also watch:**Derek Tikurri | Controlled Chaos - FAA Suffers "LaVeyan" Catastrophe@ThePythagoreanLair

11 months, 3 weeks ago

**The Truth Codes | NEW YORK NEW YORK, featuring Arizona

In the Olympic year of 2024 - at a time of the powerful astrological phenomenon of the Pluto Return of the United States and the Bavarian Illuminati; both formed in 1776 - the Statue of Liberty holds particular esoteric significance.

It shares the torch symbol with the Olympic Games - the Illuminati itself (Illuminated) and 2024's Super Bowl LVIII at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, Nevada that has the giant Al Davis Memorial Torch.

Las Vegas, Nevada is also home to the New York, New York Hotel and Casino and its replica Statue of Liberty. The New York New York Hotel and Casino might also hold a predictive clue for the energy-harnessing world of professional sports.

The Statue of Liberty is made of copper. The esoteric significance of the element of copper - in mythology, and astrology, and manifested in current events - is revealed here.**

The Truth Codes | COPPER QUEEN, The Cult of Cybele, Jupiter and the Olympic Games@ThePythagoreanLair

11 months, 3 weeks ago

**The Broken Masonic Record Continues in Andrew Tate's Latest Arrest

Tate's latest arrest in Romania on charges in the UK happened late on March 11th, the date written 3/11 and exactly 3 months 11 days after his birthday
3 × 11 = 33
Masonry = 33 (Full Reduction)
The Top G = 330 (Jewish)
33 is the highest degree in Freemasonry
Prior to his arrest in Romania, Tate claimed to own 33 cars
He was originally released in Romania exactly 3 months 30 days after his birthday and exactly 3 months 3 days (counting end date) after his arrest
He was indicted on new charges in Romania on June 20th, a date with numerology of 33
(6) + (20) + 2+0+2+3 = 33 DN
He was then put on extended house arrest exactly 3 weeks 3 days after the birthday of modern Freemasonry and 137 days (counting end date) before his own birthday
137 is the 33rd prime number
His father Emory Tate Jr died exactly 33 weeks 3 days before Andrew made his premier on Big Brother and gained public notoriety
Today's court ruling in Romania allowing for the extradition of the Tate brothers comes 303 days (counting end date) after the anniversary of the current Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
Finally, this Masonic ritual comes 4 months 5 days (counting end date) before his brother Tristan's birthday, who was born on the 197th day of the year
197 is the 45th prime number
Ritual = 45 (Reverse Reduction)

Also note that in the picture the NY Times used for their article linked below, Tate is forming the Masonic compass with his fingers while being escorted from court today, symbolism for which he and his brother are well known for (see more examples here)

Also read:**Andrew Tate Arrested in Clear Satanic/Masonic RitualThe Ritual Sacrifice of Emory Tate Jr and the Rise of Andrew Tate"The Top G" Andrew Tate Released From Romanian Prison To House Arrest By The NumbersAndrew Tate Indicted in Yet Another 201/33 RitualThe 201/33 Rituals Are All So Tiresome with Andrew Tate@ThePythagoreanLair

NY Times

Andrew Tate Can Be Extradited to Britain After Romanian Trial, Court Rules

Mr. Tate and his brother, Tristan, were arrested on charges made between 2012 and 2015, which include allegations of sexual aggression, a spokesman said.

**The Broken Masonic Record Continues in Andrew Tate's Latest Arrest
11 months, 4 weeks ago

**The Truth Codes | COPPER QUEEN, The Cult of Cybele, Jupiter and the Olympic Games

2024 is an Olympic year. The Olympics carry great significance in mythology, history, symbolism and even magic.

One of the most salient symbols of the Olympic Games is the torch. But the torch is significant to much more, such as the Statue of Liberty. Through the Olympic Games and the Statue of Liberty we see the modern day manifestation of the Greco-Roman Cult of Cybele who was a previously androgynous Olympian deity who later became exclusively female.**@ThePythagoreanLair

11 months, 4 weeks ago

**The Truth Codes | CELEBRITY INITIATION RITES: The Master Numbers

On March 2nd, 2024 world number 2 ranked golfer Rory McIlroy experienced a very rare performance collapse at the Cognizant Classic in The Palm Beaches, Florida.

Familiarity with some of the imagery of Freemason initiation ceremonies suggests that McIlroy -- and many other celebrities -- are actually publicly performing rites and rituals.

Rites and rituals involve numerology, and no numbers are more powerful than the Master Numbers: 11, 22 and 33 which manifest here 6 weeks before the first golf Grand Slam Major tournament: THE MASTERS; the one Major that Rory McIlroy has never won.**@ThePythagoreanLair

12 months ago
**Trump Hits 6.66M Followers While Following …

**Trump Hits 6.66M Followers While Following 66 in Blatant Number of the Beast Ritual

Trump's Number of the Beast milestone today comes 870 days (counting end date) after Truth Social was founded, and on the day of Biden's State of the Union address
Number of the Beast = 87 / 66 (Reverse Reduction / Full Reduction)
State of the Union = 66 (Full Reduction)
Trump posted "TRUTH SOCIAL, THE REAL VOICE OF AMERICA" shortly after the milestone was set
Truth Social = 151 (Reverse Ordinal)
151 is the 36th prime number
Today is 36 days (counting end date) before Anton LaVey's birthday, who founded the Church of Satan
The 36th triangular number is 666
Finally, today is 2 years 16 days (counting end date) after Truth Social's official launch date
6 × 6 × 6 = 216**@ThePythagoreanLair

1 year ago

**The Truth Codes | WATERLOO, Money Metaphors and the Rothschild Banking Dynasty

Water is a metaphor for money. The Rothschild banking dynasty are synonymous with money. They are said to have exponentially increased their grip on the financial realm after the 1815 defeat of French Emperor Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo. "WATER" loo.

Synchronicity is seen between the elements of that narrative, the 2023 release of the movie "NAPOLEON" (starring Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon) and the death of the patriarch of the Rothschild family Jacob Rothschild on February 26th, 2024.**@ThePythagoreanLair

1 year ago

**Alexei Navalny Dead at 47 in Number of the Beast Ritual

Navalny's death comes exactly 1 year 51 weeks after the beginning of the Russo-Ukraine War
151 is the 36th triangular number
The 36th triangular number is 666
Today is February 16th, the date written 2/16
6 × 6 × 6 = 216
Navalny was born on the 156th day of the year, and reportedly died in Kharp, Russia
Kharp Russia = 156 (Reverse Ordinal)
Six Six Six = 156 (English Ordinal)
The 156th prime number is 911
Ritual Human Sacrifice = 911 (Satanic)
It also comes exactly 33 weeks 3 days before Putin's birthday and exactly 3 years 30 days after Navalny's arrest
Satan was cast out of Heaven with 33.3% of the Angels
Navalny received a scholarship to the Yale World Fellows program at Yale University in 2010
Yale University is the host of Skull and Bones, and Yale turned a Skull and Bones count of 322 years old exactly 4 months 7 days ago
Today is the 47th day of the year, 258 days (counting end date) after Navalny's 47th birthday
Beast = 47 (English Ordinal)
Number of the Beast = 258 (Reverse Ordinal)
In the end, Navalny had fateful name gematria
Alexei Navalny = 206 (Reverse Ordinal)
Sacrifice = 206 (Jewish)**

the Guardian

Western leaders point finger at Putin after Alexei Navalny’s death in jail

Russian opposition leader’s death described as political assassination attributable to president

**Alexei Navalny Dead at 47 in Number of the Beast Ritual
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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States

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Last updated 1 year ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.

Last updated 3 weeks, 4 days ago