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Matt Parrott
My Obesity Awakening
Overthinking being Overweight
Angelo Plume and Matt Parrott were Greg Johnson‘s special guests on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, which was the fourth meeting of the Counter-Currents Book Club: a discussion of Dr. Johnson’s latest book, Against Imperialism. It is now available for download and online listening.
Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 581: Fourth Meeting of the Counter-Currents Book Club — Greg Johnson’s Against Imperialism
372 words / 1:58:28 Angelo Plume (Telegram, YouTube) and Matt Parrott (Telegram, Substack) were Greg Johnson‘s special guests on the latest broadcast of Counter-Currents Radio, which was the fourth meeting of the Counter-Currents Book Club: a discussion of…
Saturday's livestream will be the next meeting of the Counter-Currents Book Club, where we will be discussing Greg Johnson's new book, Against Imperialism. There are some debates among those White Nationalists who wish to build a political movement that are best left until after our race is saved from the brink of extinction. Ethnonationalism versus imperialism is not one of them, however. Ethnonationalists want a world in which every distinct people has the right to a sovereign homeland. Imperialists want a single white racial state. Please join us for a lively discussion! Also, the book is available through our site at a 20% discount through Saturday. Follow the link for details:
Saturday’s Livestream: The Counter-Currents Book Club Discusses Greg Johnson’s Against Imperialism
251 words Join the Counter-Currents Book Club for its fourth meeting on Saturday, where the discussion of Counter-Currents’ latest book, Against Imperialism, will be led by author and host Greg Johnson, Angelo Plume (aka Pox Populi), and Matt Parrott. The…
Yesterday I got into an argument on twitter that spilled over onto the guy's livestream. Check out me and "The Contraband Wagon" arguing about race in America.
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"The problem with these White Nationalists choking up your replies isn’t that they’re pro-White and complaining about anti-White bias. It’s that they have given very little thought to the policy consequences of those opinions, and what little thought they’ve given is generally bad."
Matt Parrott
Mystery Meat Guide to White Identity Politics
How to respond to the large and growing pro-White mob
By now you will have heard that my husband Sam Melia was sentenced today to two years in prison for his intentions behind publishing stickers that the prosecution said were both lawful and truthful.
The sentencing guidelines gave the judge the option of choosing anywhere between 2 years and 6 years, and the minimum was given due to the lack of seriousness regarding the offence. The judge could’ve suspended the sentence (and sent Sam home) at two years, however he chose not to and said the reason why was because he wanted the sentencing to act as a deterrent to other people with the same beliefs.
Before today, Sam met with his Probation Officer who said that Sam was no risk to the public and there was no chance of reoffending, and recommended a community order. The judge chose to ignore this.
The worst case scenario is that Sam will serve 12 months in prison. Potentially, he could serve 6 - 8 months. He is considered low risk and could therefore be on day release from as early as in a few months.
If you take anything from this, let it remind you why we do what we do. We live in a country where our people are attacked by the anti-White state for advocating for their own safety and interests.
I don’t want cuddles and condolences. I don’t want thoughts and prayers. I want you to join me in filling the void that Sam leaves for the next few months. There are no excuses. Not everybody has to be on the front line. There is plenty you can do behind the scenes.
Sam should hold his head up high knowing that he put his head above the parapet when many others dare not. He didn’t back down at any point over the last three years, nor did he take any offer they offered him. He remained defiant for us, and now it’s our turn to repay his sacrifice by carrying his flame until he is back.
"The interview effectively disassembled the pro-Russian talking points of paleocon and America First opponents of supporting Ukraine. Point by point, Putin explained that he does not regard any of Ukraine or its independence as legitimate."
Matt Parrott
On Ukraine, Revisited
The clock is ticking for Ukraine
"The feds hold all the cards here, and even if they do temporarily fold to avoid taking general election damage, they’ll do so in a targeted and temporary manner, redirecting the caravans to states that aren’t resisting the invasion and ripping down the wires shortly after the election (regardless of who wins)."
Matt Parrott
Texas Fold 'Em?
Nothing Ever Happens, Until it Happens
My husband Sam Melia has just been found guilty of inciting racial hatred and encouraging criminal damage for creating stickers that said slogans such as:
-Reject White Guilt
-It’s ok to be White
-We will be a minority in our homeland by 2066
-White Lives Matter
-Stop Anti-White Rape Gangs
-Love Your Nation
He awaits sentencing on 1st March and has been advised not to talk about the case or trial as it could impact the sentence. I will also refrain from talking about the case or the trial until after sentencing as I don’t want to influence the sentence, being so close to Sam. Anybody else is free to talk about it, so please do.
I will say, however, that I am proud of my husband. He put his head above the parapet, defended his people and told the truth.
As detailed above, I won’t say any more about Sam just to be on the safe side, but I and many others unapologetically stand for a safe homeland for the British people. This will never change for us, no matter what they throw at us.
“We ask those who join us to march with us in a great and hazardous adventure. We ask them to be prepared to sacrifice all, but to do so for no small and unworthy ends. We ask them to dedicate their lives to building in this country a movement of the modern age, which by its British expression shall transcend, as so often before in our history, every precursor of the Continent in conception and in constructive achievement. We ask them to rewrite the greatest pages of British history by finding for the spirit of their age its highest mission in these islands. Neither to our friends nor to the country do we make any promises; not without struggle and ordeal will the future be won. Those who march with us will certainly face abuse, misunderstanding, bitter animosity, and possibly the ferocity of struggle and of danger. In return, we can only offer to them the deep belief that they are fighting that a great land may live.”
"While I do not compare myself in wisdom or esteem to St. Herman of Alaska, I am inspired by his ministerial approach to the Inuit, one where he worked with rather than against the ethnic heritage and identity of the peoples he sought to baptize into the one truth Faith. By being both an advocate for those people and for the Faith, he brought Orthodoxy to the new world. And it will be through the inspiration of his example that Orthodoxy might finally take hold among White Americans."
Matt Parrott
Reflections on my Faith
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