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 «Eslating! Zero eslatma mo'minlarga manfaat yetkazur...»
(Zoriyot surasi 55-oyat)


Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago

8 months, 3 weeks ago



  1. Have you ever made a cake yourself?
    Well, I am not a good cook, but I am trying to learn cooking. I remember I made a chocolate cake last month. I burnt the cake because I overcooked it. Instead, to give up, I tried another one and got success in it. Everyone liked my cake.

  2. Do you like cakes ?
    Yes, I enjoy eating cake. Cake is a very adaptable treat that may be produced in a variety of flavors, forms, and sizes. It's an excellent method to commemorate any important occasion.

  3. Do you like cakes when you were a child ?
    Of course, I did . I think every child loves cakes. Cakes are always a part of a child's birthday. I remember when I was a child , I always asked my mom to buy me a strawberry cake on my birthday. I loved that cake so much because of its smell. 

  4. Do you eat cakes or other sweet things after a meal ?
    Yes but not all the time because it isn't healthy. Too much of something is always bad. I'm watchful with my eating habits, especially eating sweets because I'm scared of getting fat or acquiring some illnesses.

8 months, 3 weeks ago


Park or Garden

One of my favorite parks to visit is Central Park, located in the heart of my city. I go there quite often, especially on weekends, to unwind and enjoy nature’s beauty.
Central Park is a large and well-maintained park with lush greenery, meandering pathways, and a serene lake. There are numerous benches and open spaces where people can sit, relax, and have picnics. The park is also home to a variety of wildlife, such as squirrels and birds, which adds to its natural charm.
Whenever I visit Central Park, I love to stroll along the tree-lined paths, take in the fresh air, and enjoy the tranquility away from the bustling city streets. The park offers a temporary escape from the urban hustle and bustle, providing a peaceful oasis where I can clear my mind and simply appreciate the surroundings.
One of the reasons I enjoy visiting Central Park is its versatility. Whether I’m looking for a place to read a book, have a leisurely walk, or simply sit and people-watch, the park offers a space that accommodates all of these activities. It’s a place where I can find solitude or spend quality time with friends, making it a special spot for me in the midst of a busy city.

8 months, 3 weeks ago



So I’m going to talk about when my neighbour made a lot of noise when he renovated his house a few months ago. The noise of the drillshammers and other power tools during the daytime was really annoying.
I heard that a newcomer had bought the house next to mine and because of some problems with water leakage; he had made up his mind to do some repairs and renovations to the house, and after that, the noise of hammers, saws, and drills seemed to be endlessaround my house all day long, even on the weekends. My neighbour wanted to live in his house as soon as possible so he would start the work early every morning, and that made my family members and I wake up earlier than usual.
During this time I felt extremely exhausted and I really wanted to make a complaint so that my neighbour would take some actions but his house renovations were legal so there was nothing I could do. Hearing the noise all the time drove me crazy, and had quite a negative impact on my work.
Sometimes I was sleepless all night. But luckily, after about a month or so, my neighbour finished the renovations and the terrible construction noises ceased. I finally felt relieved!

1 year ago



♻️Should children learn how to use money at school or from their parents?

1.Children start to learn about money from early childhood. Parents and carers have the most important influence on how children deal with money in adult life. Teaching children about money helps them manage their own finances as they get older.

♻️Why is it hard for some people to save money?

  1. There are many reasons why some people struggle to save money. One reason is that they simply don't earn enough to cover their basic expenses , let alone save for the future. This is especially true for people who live in expensive cities or have high levels of debt.

♻️What is the best way to save money ?

  1. Well, I think that it's planning our spending and limiting overspending but, first, figuring out how much money we spend and what we spend it on.

♻️Should children have pocket money ?

4.Even children need money. They might not be buying their own food or paying their own bills, but pocket money can be a great tool to help children learn how to manage their own money. By giving children a fixed amount on a regular basis, we can help them learn how to budget and teach them good savings habits.

1 year ago


Making decisions

♻️How do people make important decisions?

  1. When faced with the need to make an important decision, people often begin by actively seeking out and collecting relevant information from various sources. They conduct research , read extensively , consult experts, and explore different avenues to ensure they have the necessary knowledge before reaching a conclusion.

♻️What important decisions do young people need to make after the completion of high school?

2.At this stage of life, students are making decisions about friends, intimate relationships, careers, and college. Although they are moving toward independence, they also need guidance (even if they can't ask for it). Learning to trust their own decisions is important.

♻️Do you think advertisements can influence our decisions when shopping?

3.Definitely, yes. If there was no advertisement and people visited a store, they might just buy what they desired based on what others had told them, how the goods seemed, or, based on the item, what was written on the label.

♻️Do you think the influence of advertising is good ?

  1. Advertising is a crucial component of any successful business strategy. It allows companies to make themselves more visible and accessible to a wide range of potential customers. Also, advertising is an essential tool for any business looking to grow and succeed in today's competitive marketplace.

♻️How does advertising influence children?

5.Advertising can influence children's behavior efficiently. Children may be urged to engage in unhealthy habits, try dangerous stunts, and develop materialistic feelings, among others, by advertising. On the other hand, advertisements may also encourage children to exercise, increase knowledge, and spread awareness.

♻️Does advertising have a bad impact on people?

6.advertising can be annoying, manipulative, and even dangerous. It can invade our privacy, bombard us with false or misleading claims, and exploit our fears and insecurities. It can also be used to sell harmful products, like tobacco and alcohol, or to promote harmful behaviours, like gambling.

1 year ago



♻️Why is cheap fashion so popular?

1.The most obvious reason is affordability. Cheap fashion allows consumers to update their wardrobes frequently without breaking the bank. People may be drawn to the idea of having more clothing options at lower prices.

♻️How important are price and quality in influencing consumer behaviour?

2.We know that price is important because it affects sales, but the quality is just as important because it affects customer satisfaction and loyalty. Customer loyalty increases profits, improves sales success, and allows for growth.

♻️Do you think location is the key factor that attracts customers ?

3.Choosing the best location for your retail store is one of the most important decisions you will make as a business owner. The right location can attract customers, boost sales, and enhance your brand image. The wrong location can cost you money, time, and reputation.

♻️What kinds of shops are popular in your country ?

4.In my city, there are many popular types of shops. Convenience stores and supermarkets are very common, as are clothing stores and beauty shops. In recent years, cafes and restaurants with unique themes or decor have also become more popular.

♻️Why do young people enjoy going to boutiques ?

5.Firstly, boutiques often offer unique and stylish clothing and accessories that align with the latest fashion trends. The curated selection in boutiques allows young people to find distinct pieces that help them express their individuality and personal style.

1 year ago


Science subject

Well, In my school, I studied chemistry, and I liked the subject very much. In fact, I was fascinated with this science subject which opened a new avenue of knowledge for me. Studying this subject gave me great pleasure. Thank you very much for this interesting topic.Chemistry, as a school subject, mostly deals with the composition and properties of materials or substances, molecules, atoms, chemical bonding of matter or substances, how chemical reactions take place and how it can help up understand matter and materials around us. The subject also deals with chemical and material theories and concepts.The application of chemistry is interesting in real-life situations. But to comprehend things, we, sometimes, need to understand the formation of matter, atoms, molecules and chemical reactions. The subject shows the interaction of each matter with the others. When I was asked to take three core courses in science, I picked this one as my first choice. I did so because it was always one of my favourite subjects in school and college. 

1 year ago



♻️How can a person adapt to changes in life?

  1. To my mind, adapting to changes in life is something we all have to deal with sooner or later . I believe one crucial aspect is having a positive mindset. When we face changes , whether they're big or small, it's essential to approach them with an open mind and see them as opportunities for personal growth .

♻️Why do some people quit and change jobs ?

2.Employees may go where they can find growth and advancement possibilities if their workplace doesn't provide them. They want to utilise their skills and improve at what they do. This may also mean getting ready for more challenging roles and, if they believe their abilities are adequate, they may accept it.

♻️Do you like new things or changes in life?

3.Yes, I like changes .even that is an essential part because I want to do something new in my life and with the flow of changes, I expect to do a lot of things, and it’s a kind of productivity which I am seeking for. Moreover, I gain from them and learn from them. Therefore this improves for everyone in terms of change.

1 year ago


Feeling tired

♻️When do people usually feel tired ?

1.People usually feel tired for a variety of reasons , and it can happen at different times during the day or in certain situations. Common causes of tiredness and fatigue include: not getting enough sleep or finding it hard to get to sleep ,and an unhealthy lifestyle.

♻️Whan can make people feel tired ?

2.The most common causes of excessive sleepiness are sleep deprivation and disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia. Depression and other mental health conditions, certain medications, and medical conditions affecting the brain and body can cause daytime drowsiness as well.

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? @DTMreklama

Ushbu kanalda abituriyentlar uchun edu.uz dtm.uz xushnudbek.uz kabi taʼlimga oid rasmiy manbalardagi xabarlar sodda tilda yoritiladi.


Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago

 «Eslating! Zero eslatma mo'minlarga manfaat yetkazur...»
(Zoriyot surasi 55-oyat)


Last updated 1 year, 3 months ago