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Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago
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Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago
? Hi guys
Today we're releasing a new update to @WordsBannedBot.
⚙️ Improvements in settings.
• The founder of the Group will be able to choose whether to give admins the ability to open settings.
• We have added a new punishment, we are talking about the deletion of the message. Again from the dedicated panel, you can only set the deletion of the message for the banned words that will be used.
• The possibility of deleting them all by clicking a simple button has been added from the banned words panel.
• The management of immune users has been improved, giving you the possibility, in the dedicated panel, to remove individual members without using the /unfreewords command.
• It will now be possible to set a duration when mutating a user.
? Silent mode
• We have created and added a silent mode, where the bot will act as usual but without sending messages to your Group. You can activate it via the bot settings.
(By default it will be deactivated, so if you are interested in the idea, hurry and activate it!)
?? More news
• The Group founder will be able to set log messages in the private chat with the bot instead of in a channel.
• Immune users can now only be added and removed by the Group founder.
• In the punishments sent by the bot we have inserted a button to easily unmute and unban the punished user.
? As always, we want to remind you that for any problem you can find us in our Support Group or on @ApaticxDevBot.
? 1000+ Groups
Well yes, today we are here to celebrate the achievement of 1000 Groups for @QuizzesMathBot. We are very happy with the results we are getting from this simple bot.
? To thank you for using the bot daily, we are here to announce an update.
? General bug fixes
During these weeks we have been focused on finding and solving various bugs in our bot, including the annoying empty space that was received in the ranking when no one had privacy active. Now a popup will be shown, much better than a blank space.
We also fixed the automatic increase of incorrect answers. Now the count will only increase in case of a wrong answer, as it should be. (I advise you to reset your statistics, in order to play correctly)
? New colors in images
We have made the bot, once again, more customizable, thus introducing the possibility of modifying the color of the images by choosing from those available.
At the moment the colors available are: ? Orange, ⚪️ White, ? Yellow and ? Blue.
Let us know in our Group if you want a particular color and, if possible, we'll add it.
? Did someone say "extra customization"?
We're not done here, in addition to the new images we give you the opportunity to customize your gaming experience by creating your own clone. Everything you need to do is written inside the bot, quick and easy.
I remind you that to easily manage your clone, you can use @ApaticxDevClonesBot.
? Guide on
We have created a small guide on using the bot, with an explanation of the various commands and the various functions it has. If you need clarification, go and take a look at us and if you still have doubts you can find us in our Support Group.
? More news
In addition to the things listed above, there are other minor improvements we've made:
• In the Group settings it is now possible, as in private, to select the color of the image that the bot will show.
• During the statistics transfer phase, we noticed that local statistics were not being transferred. Thanks to your reports we managed to resolve this little bug
• The "Random" option for sending quizzes has been temporarily disabled, it will return soon. Don't worry.
• The bot will now delete the previous quiz when it sends a new one.
☁️ This update ends here. Hoping you like it, we remind you that for any doubts or problems related to the bot you can find us in our Group or in the Bot.
? Maintenance in progress..
└ We are carrying out small maintenance on our server, this means that all our bots (including clones) will remain non-operational for a few hours.
✅ Maintenance completed! (08:30-13:30)
└ All bots are back operational again. If you had a clone I recommend forwarding the token back to the main bot. If you encounter any problems, please report to our group.
➕ New bot
We are happy to announce the join of a new bot into our community.
We're talking about @ShareWallpapersBot, a bot with the purpose of sharing images in your Groups. You can customize the sending via a dedicated settings panel.
Furthermore, you will also have the possibility to vote the images sent, so that those with fewer votes will be deleted by the bot. This is to keep active only the ones you like the most!
? Do you want to translate the bot into your language?
Contact us via @ApaticxDevBot.
? Hi, how are you?
It's been a while since @MorracineseRobot's last update, so today we're announcing a small update to the bot.
First of all, we want to tell you that we have decided to reduce and improve the bot's graphics. The previous ones seemed a little dull in color. Hoping you like them, let's move on to the practical part of the update.
? Resolved various problems in the ranking
Due to some values, some rankings were not available for some time. We have fixed this bug and added a new alias to the command: /ranking
. So, in addition to the usual /top
, now you can also see the ranking with this command.
? Clones
Since the idea of the bot is to entertain and have fun the members of your groups, we thought we would give you the possibility of adding an extra touch of personalization, being able to create your own personal clone to use.
I remind you that to easily manage and customize your clone, you can use @ApaticxDevClonesBot.
⭐️ Do you like this project?
Support the development of this bot by voting for us on @BotsArchive, it's quick and easy.
? For any problem you can find us, as always, in our Support group. Come and give us your opinion on the bot.
The @ApaticxDev staff wishes you a peaceful start to a new year full of good intentions.
? We want to take this opportunity to present you a new bot for managing your clones.. we're talking about @ApaticxDevClonesBot.
Using it is very simple, once you have created your clones of our bots, you can modify some clone settings directly from this bot.
? We remind you that for any problem you can find us in our Support group or directly in our bot.
❄️ Good morning!
Introducing the first update of @UpdateDumpBot.
⌨️ Keyboard Dump
By typing the /keydump command in reply to a message containing buttons, the bot will send you the contents of the button.
? HTML Dump
By typing the /htmldump command in reply the bot will return the text formatted in HTML.
? Stay updated so you don't miss any updates regarding our bots.
❤️ Hello friends!
How is the Christmas period going? Let's hope so. To increase your well-being during this period, we have reserved a nice update for @QuizzesMathBot, also because we recently exceeded 850 groups and we are very happy about this.
➕ / ➖ / ➗ / ✖️
Tired of receiving unpleasant operations? No problem, from now on you can choose which operations to send from the bot. This choice will have to be set via the settings in your Group. If you do not select any operation, the quiz will not be sent.
? Reset and transfer of statistics
Previously the statistics reset was only found in the /quiz command of the groups, but no longer. From now on you will find a dedicated panel in private, in your profile section.
In the same panel you will also find the possibility to transfer your statistics to another account. Don't worry, the operation is very simple, just follow the steps written by the bot and in a few minutes you will have transferred your statistics to another account.
? Message repeat update
Given the little use of sending every 45 minutes, we decided to eliminate this option by keeping the following active: 15, 30, 60.
Old groups set to 45 minutes have been moved to 60 minutes.
? Did you find any bugs or would you like to suggest new features for the bot?Join our support group and use the #feature and #bug commands.
Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
Last updated 1 week, 5 days ago
Sharing my thoughts, discussing my projects, and traveling the world.
Contact: @borz
Last updated 1 week, 2 days ago
Official Graph Messenger (Telegraph) Channel
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Last updated 7 months, 2 weeks ago