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Last updated 10 hours ago

Maths By Gagan Pratap is a channel which helps you to prepare for all gov. exams.

Gagan Pratap Sir is providing high quality education on Careerwill App for various competitive exams like SSC BANK, RAILWAY EXAMS & All Other Gov. exams.

Sports Analyst | Entrepreneur

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Last updated 5 days, 19 hours ago

1 month, 3 weeks ago

April 2024 Silent immersion retreat now in progress. Until April 29, 5:30pm UTC. You will receive all past content. Join now: https://www.oraclegirl.org/event/2024-04-02-apr-2024-silent-immersion-retreat

1 year, 3 months ago
The centre of your power lies …

The centre of your power lies at an unknown location which no one else can access except you. Your path is always to drop attempts to gain that access yourself, stepping out of the illusion that you are not that very location itself. The age old quest of self discovery is totally redundant. But learning how to live who you already are is an infinity of creation. A true dance of exquisite beauty, you are the most breathtaking sight nature ever beheld.


Personal purifications: Reboot group

1 year, 4 months ago
We are all able to succeed. …

We are all able to succeed. Yes, there are many things which are wrong and should not be happening. And yes, it is obvious that there are people on the planet with ill intentions. But nothing changed. It’s just more obvious. The question always was, is purity your priority? Are you actually living that way? Do you say no? And even if the answer is no to all of those 3 questions for very good reasons, you can still change your axis of being in a second - and freefall all the faster into infinity. The universe does not blame. Pure love does not even bother to explain. It just acts, continually self informs, recalibrates and purifies, whatever it finds. So must we. This is the only dynamic, here from the very beginning. A diet and a regimen without any intrusion … it’s called “trust your instinct” and it’s called “course correct”.


Personal purifications: Reboot group

1 year, 4 months ago
As you know, it is the …

As you know, it is the way of things. When you speak the truth people attack you and try to take you down. They can’t help it. Their own stuff comes up and they have to face themselves. It is not easy for anybody and we have to have compassion. But no is no. Yes is not no. And no is not yes. There is such confusion in the world that now the negative is held up as positive and the positive is held up as negative. Those who slander and defame are held up as doing everyone a favour. Those who give everything they have, try their best, and have deep love and care are denounced as the enemy. Patience and endurance. It does not matter. Purity sustains, it will always be here and even the lost, in the end, will find their place. This world is age old and nature silently watches. It has no problems alongside humans who make such trouble for themselves. The way of nature is love itself, uncompromising, fierce and tender. It never supports what should not be supported. That is the way of things … whether people realise or not.


Personal purifications: Reboot group

1 year, 4 months ago
Love is stronger than negative power. …

Love is stronger than negative power. It is beautiful. It transforms anything. It is fierce and it is ruthless. It will remove anything and anyone who gets in the way. But for this to happen humans have to be filled with love and actually operating from its frequency - and now even those who believe this don’t know how to do it. This ability is completely recoverable and can restore very quickly. It works faster than anything else, is deadly efficient and has no preconditions or cost. But who will become an instrument of the true force within existence? Very slowly it seems, more and more on this planet. The hidden presence has cried wolf too many times …

Personal purifications: Reboot group https://www.oraclegirl.org/reboot-group


1 year, 4 months ago
So now we hit the accelerator. …

So now we hit the accelerator. The next 4 years will be the toughest and the most liberating. It will get more extreme and yet, less will apply. You'll be forced to make some very hard decisions. But there simply won't be any other option. It will come from absolutely every angle - but it will always be the same. You'll be immune to fear, pain and emergency. You'll become incredibly sharp, immediate and clear. You'll do so much more with so much less. Your frequency will go off the scale. You'll stop waiting for zombie others and you'll take off in your own direction. You'll learn to treasure your body. And experience how it can protect you. The chips are down. The stakes are high. Nothing less than the survival of humanity. You will come through. Most others won't. Massive numbers will continue leaving. And hour by hour, and day by day, the negative influence on this planet will vanish. A thin line and a narrow path. If you always choose your purity.

Personal purifications: Reboot group https://www.oraclegirl.org/reboot-group


1 year, 5 months ago
So what do you think? Will …

So what do you think? Will Santa be visiting you this Christmas? Not likely. He’s been cancelled for safety reasons. He’s responsible for climate change and we’re all in terrible danger. [Who do we really need to cancel? For sure we all know]. The reindeer have been retired - and replaced by AI versions. And this year there’s a bit of a stocking shortage: the prices are rather high. But that’s OK because next year, there won’t be any inflation. Money will also be cancelled and you’ll only have to obey. It’s quite inconvenient supporting you, you’re simply no longer useful. Maybe just disappear to the country - but oh, you won’t be able to get there. You see, we’re going to stop you from driving, all for your own protection. Better to stay at home I guess and think twice about going out. If you’re not doing anything, there can hardly be a problem. There’s so much on your smartphone anyway - to occupy yourself with instead. Whole new universes and realities, delivered straight inside your head. We can even programme what you say and do, it’s all been thought out for you. Here’s a chip, just slide it in, and we’ll let you out … well, sometimes. And even better, you’ll get Christmas back. It’s called ending up, the turkey.

Personal purifications: Reboot group https://www.oraclegirl.org/reboot-group


1 year, 5 months ago
Panda power. And people power. A …

Panda power. And people power. A massive wave is heading for the beach, which when it breaks, will dramatically reconfigure the planetary landscape. Certain things and certain people no longer getting to dictate what happens anymore - it’s quite a shock for them. This is why they are pressing harder, quicker to get your face, your name … all in one place. But what’s the problem anyway? Surely only those who shouldn’t be “in” society will lose all access. And it’s only no permission to use the internet and your bank account - not that drastic really. Oh, and the ability to leave your town, then later your house. Oh, and to be visited by your family and friends. Better get a fish for company - they’re pretty low maintenance. Well, depending on the type of fish of course. Oh ... and as long as it has its own certificate of profoundly stupid syndrome or, so sorry, it won’t be joining you …

Personal purifications: Reboot group


1 year, 5 months ago
The truth always wins. Not your …

The truth always wins. Not your truth or my truth. Nature. It doesn’t matter how evil or criminal it gets, in the end there is no more pathway. It just takes longer when so few will tread any other path themselves. But that doesn’t really matter. It takes a handful per million to align with nature’s principles and when the time is right, the results are cataclysmic. A small number globally is emerging who simply will not compromise. They can’t do anything else. Their frequency is the game changer - it doesn’t lie in the hands of those in power. Can you see what I am saying? It is simply too late for those who lie, kill and destroy. Also those who support them. The reawakening of a few key groups the world over is currently firing a revolution. Nature comes first and so does love. Finally only truth and peace can follow.

Personal purifications: Reboot group


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Must Follow on Instagram, X, Threads ( ID: @AnuragxCricket )‼️

For Business or Promotion: @FanSports11

Last updated 10 hours ago

Maths By Gagan Pratap is a channel which helps you to prepare for all gov. exams.

Gagan Pratap Sir is providing high quality education on Careerwill App for various competitive exams like SSC BANK, RAILWAY EXAMS & All Other Gov. exams.

Sports Analyst | Entrepreneur

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Last updated 5 days, 19 hours ago