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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago

Last updated 1 month ago


Last updated 4 days, 4 hours ago

1 month ago

I asked Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî: Is it a condition to make up the fasts of Ramadân before fasting the 6 days of Shawwâl?

He said: This is correct, that you start with making up [the fasts of Ramadân] first.

I said: And [can we] fast the 6 days of any month, or only Shawwâl [to attain the reward]?

He said: From Shawwâl till Dhul-Hijjah.

1 month, 1 week ago

Imâm Ahmad ibn Hanbal رحمه الله said:

The people need knowledge like bread and water, because knowledge is needed every hour and bread and water [is needed] once or twice a day.


1 month, 1 week ago

Shaykh Sulaymân al-‘Alwân فك الله أسره said:

The statement: Sadaq-Allâhul-‘Athîm after the reciter stops from the recitation [of the Qur’ân] has no basis and it is not legislated. Because the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم did not do it, nor did any of the Sahâbah, nor the Tâbi’în.

1 month, 3 weeks ago

Shaykh ‘Abdullâh as-Sa’d said:

The time of making Takbîr for ‘Eid [al-Fitr]

Allâh تعالى said: and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allâh for that [to] which He has guided you [2:185]

It is Sunnah to make Takbîr. The Takbîr should be done when the servant leaves [his house] for the ‘Eid prayer, just as what is confirmed from ‘Abdullâh ibn ‘Umar رضي الله عنهما that he used to make Takbîr when he left [his place] for the ‘Eid prayer until he prayed with the Imâm. So he would make Takbîr until the prayer ended.

And it has come from the majority of Ahlul-'Ilm that the Takbîr starts from the confirmed sighting of the crescent of Shawwâl, meaning from sunset from the night of 'Eid.

And the matter concerning that is broad [and of ease], but that which is apparent is as what is confirmed from ‘Abdullâh ibn ‘Umar رضي الله عنهما and nothing has come from the Sahâbah that contradicted him, and it is also the opinion of many of the Tâbi’în that the Takbîr should [start] when the servant leaves [his house] for the ‘Eid prayer. So from the Sunnah is to make alot of Takbîr when the worshipper leaves [his house] for the ‘Eid prayer.

1 month, 3 weeks ago

Greetings on the day of ‘Eid

No specific wording is authentic.

Wâthilah Ibn al-Asqa’ said that he met the Prophet ‎ﷺ on 'Eid and he said: “Taqabbal-Allâhu minnâ wa mink", and the Prophet ‎ﷺ said: “Na’am, taqabbal-Allâhu minnâ wa mink."

[Narrated by al-Bayhaqî, and it was weakened by Ibn 'Adî, al-Bayhaqî, ibn al-Qaysarânî and Ibn al-Jawzî]

‘Ubâdah ibn as-Sâmit said, I asked the Prophet ‎ﷺ about the people saying on ‘Eid: “Taqabbal-Allâhu minnâ wa minkum” and he ‎ﷺ said: This is what Ahlul-Kitâb do and I dislike it.

[Narrated by al-Bayhaqî, and it was weakened by Abû Hâtim, ibn Hibbân, al-Bayhaqî, and Ibn al-Jawzî]

1 month, 3 weeks ago

I asked Shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî: In the Masjid before the ‘Eid prayer, everyone makes Takbîrât in congregation, is this a Bid’ah?

He said: By this current way, yes it is a Bid’ah.

I said: Allâhul Musta’ân Shaykh, this is famous in the Masâjid in Australia.

He said: Allâhul Musta’ân.

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Shaykh Khâlid al-Hâyik حفظه الله said:

The Dayyûths in the Ummah have reached a great amount!!! What we see is beyond description!

3 months, 2 weeks ago

I asked shaykh Abû ‘Abdillâh al-Hâshimî: “What is the ruling on celebrating Valentines Day?”

He said: “I seek refuge with Allâh, it is harâm and not allowed, and it is from imitating the Kuffâr, the corrupters in the land, the callers to destruction of produce and progeny, and the spreading of immorality.”

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Shaykh Sulaymân al-‘Alwân said:

“Valentines day is from the greatest ways of imitating the Christians.”

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Shaykh Abû ‘Alî al-Hasanî said:

There is no authentic report or Hadîth in determining the night of al-Isrâ’ wal-Mi’râj, not in the 27th night of Rajab or any other time.

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Canal d’actualité axé principalement sur le conflit israélo palestinien 24/7📌

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Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago

Last updated 1 month ago


Last updated 4 days, 4 hours ago