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Last updated 5 days, 19 hours ago

BRACE 2202 210°-240° 11 3 IMPACT 2411 ☢️

End Game

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Actress Pooja Hegde

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Last updated 4 weeks ago

4 days, 13 hours ago
Rest easy. ***🌕******✨***

Rest easy. 🌕

He’s got this.

6 days, 2 hours ago

It’s all about the body language.

Spacey describes the flights he took on Lolita Express with Epstein and Maxwell while representing The Clinton Foundaton.

“There were young girls on those flights.”

🔗 Rachel (@Rev1621)

6 days, 10 hours ago

X (formerly Twitter)

Jason (@J_Q_17) on X

Umm, pretty sure I called it. ***🥸***

Misfit Media
2 weeks ago
Misfit Media
2 weeks, 1 day ago
[]( is a selfless, heplful Anon. … is a selfless, heplful Anon. We need Moar like him. Gib a follow to own censorship fags...

2 weeks, 3 days ago

X (formerly Twitter)

Jason (@J_Q_17) on X

See you at midnight.

Misfit Media
2 months, 2 weeks ago

My mind continues to be blown, the more I look back at past events an Trump interviews.

How the hell is it possible that we have 3 YUGE coincidences in a Trump interview from 1982. 🔥

1) The psychology if winning. (We are going to win so much, you may get tired of winning speech) wtf?!

2) Trump was given a 45 million dollar tax abatement?! There is that 45 again. Castle 45?! Wtf?

3) People were drawn together politically due to threat of bankruptcy and blackouts?! Only at the precipice.. The people had to be shown? Wtf?!

It's almost as if Trump was working with people behind the scenes even back then... And for the public narrative to mirror exactly what's happening to the whole country as we speak makes me wonder yet again...

How long has this operation really been going on?!

2 months, 2 weeks ago

On this Day of Easter, I have seen an abundance of posts by dedicated atheists deriding the notion of God, The Resurrection, etc. These people revel in using the mystery of Faith as a means to destroy it. Since one cannot prove the existence of God (or non-existence, for that matter), then their view is that God may be said to not exist.

What they utterly miss is the fact that the QUESTION of God’s existence ultimately makes no difference here on Earth. (Please distinguish that sentence from any assertion that God does not matter) What matters is what we do when confronted by the obvious presence of Good and Evil.

The most miraculous aspect of Christianity is that it works whether the person following Christ’s teachings is possessed by rock-solid faith or not.

Jordan Peterson has said when asked if he believes in God that the best he can do each day is to act as if he does believe. And this gets to the core of both Christianity and why it works, even if one has imperfect faith, or even none at all.

If one wakes up each day and acts as if God exists and Jesus is his Son, then one will daily strive towards Good and away from Evil. Even if you harbour doubts about the human conception of God, acting in this way will point you reliably in the direction of love, good, and the improvement of mankind.

I am of an imperfect form of faith. I struggle with the concept of God and with the understanding of His Revelation in human history and culture. But I am certain that I have, especially in recent years, been witness to as pure a form of Evil as I have ever experienced, while at the same time I’ve seen something very close to pure Good. The presence of Good and Evil have forced me to consider their source and nature, and in this way I came to God.

And as I look at the various forms of faith on the planet, it is simple Christianity that I see most reliably calling to us to do good and be the best we can possibly be.

So, to my atheist friends, I say that you are free to doubt or even state wth certainty that God does not exist. But if you turn your back on Evil and choose, for whatever reason, to follow Good, you are essentially and importantly already in some way a follower of Christ and in that regard, a walk with you.

And finally, I find that when I turn towards Christ, when I meditate on what He means and what prayer to Him produces within me, I think more clearly and calmly, and am better prepared for what challenges lie ahead.

That, to me, is a very personal way of discovering God within me such that I am very comfortable with the thought that He is with and within us all.

Happy Easter. Christ is risen.

2 months, 3 weeks ago

X (formerly Twitter)

Thread Reader App (@threadreaderapp) on X

@FriendsFeisty @FriendsFeisty Guten Tag, please find the unroll here: Enjoy :) ***🤖***

2 months, 3 weeks ago
JUST IN - Massive fire, explosion …

JUST IN - Massive fire, explosion reported at Comfuel gas station in Bowling Green, Kentucky

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A space for collaborating on video Tasks Share Vedio ,exchange expertise, and work together Earn together❤️to create compelling content.Let's make every frame count!⚠️We don't pay you guys for tasks.Problem contact @DopamineKaBot1_bot #PecafullCommunity🫶

Last updated 5 days, 19 hours ago

BRACE 2202 210°-240° 11 3 IMPACT 2411 ☢️

End Game

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Actress Pooja Hegde

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Last updated 4 weeks ago