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+212 709‑185524

Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago


جهت رزرو تبلیغات✨: @Adsmee

برای درست کردن عکسای شخصیتون یا مورد علاقتون که سریع حاضر بشه به این چنل سر بزنید🌙:

Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

تلگرام و واتساپ
0902 1800 744
شنبه تا پنج شنبه
🕙10 AM-6 PM🕖

Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago

2 months ago

Laylatul-QadrWhen you are on pursuit of Laylat al-Qadar, you do Salah, Ibaadah, Qur’an, Dhikr and everything you know of but this one has a specific authentic Du’aa to it. When you are pursuing the night of Laylat al-Qadar you should say it and say it more so in the final ten nights as much as you can because it could be one of the final ten nights (more narrowed down to the odd nights).

اللَّهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ  تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي
Allāhumma innaka `Afuwwun, tuḥibbul-'afwa fa'fu 'annī
(O Allāh, You are Most Forgiving, and You love forgiveness; so forgive me)."

Tell me by Allah, has he not been cheated who misses out on the blessings of this night? Has he not wronged and oppressed himself, he who spends it in vain or in prohibited gatherings and settings? Abandon that comfortable sleep. Do not recline to laziness, especially on this night. Fix your feet firm to your Lord in humility and get those 83.33 years worth of reward. It is not something anyone with his right mind misses out on.

If I were to buy something valuable and you come to me and ask me for it, I tell you do you even know how much that cost? Immediately it is embedded in your mind that it is a very, very high price and such a high figure beyond that which is normal and comprehendible. Allah tells you do you even know what Laylat al- Qadar is? Do you even know what you are going to get out of Laylat al-Qadar?

The night of Al-Qadar (Decree) is better than a thousand months (i.e. worshipping Allah in that night is better than worshipping Him a thousand months (i.e. 83 years and 4 months) (Surat al-Qadar: 3)

-Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril حفظﷲ

2 months ago

As I said before, this month reveals the true reality of your nafs. If your nafs perceives this month as a burden and eagerly awaits its end to indulge in desires, then recognize that this is a sign of hypocrisy.

What if your nafs desires the same after performing the hijrah? 'It's enough, I want to return to my comfortable place.'

Therefore, understand your reality in Ramadan before making life-changing decisions

2 months ago

May Allah destroy the Hindus & Indian secularists, may He erase every last one of them from this earth. May He cause them immense suffering in this life and the next. [Remember to make du'a against the kuffar during Ramadan]

2 months, 1 week ago

A New Publication

al-Bayʿah wa Ḥaqīqat as-Sirāʿ (The Bayʿah and the Reality of the Conflict) is a book written by Shaykh Abū Maysarah ash-Shāmī raḥimahullāh. Therein, he refutes the claim of al-Qāʿidah that the Islamic State had a Bayʿah towards it with al-Qāʿidahs own statements!

So we announce that this book was translated into the English language and we ask Allāh to make it beneficial for the Muslims.

Spread it and share it in shāʾ Allāh
So that you may respond to the Mubtadiʿah.

Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah raḥimahullāh said:

الراد على أهل البدع مجاهد

“The one who responds to the people of the Bidʿah is a Mujāhid.”

[Majmūʿ al-Fatāwā 4/13]


2 months, 1 week ago
2 months, 1 week ago

Comment on Shaikh Ahmad jibril's answer to the question about the overeating :

Evil scholars are addicted to seeking fame or a position of authority. If they are addicted to fame, then undoubtedly they are also addicted to binge eating because both addictions share common goals: seeking desires (dopamine) or short-term pleasure. This also demonstrates that evil scholars experience inner insecurity or emotional pain.

How do they cope with this inner suffering? They resort to behaviors such as binge eating, seeking fame, and excessively talking, which serve as forms of escapism.

Inner pain leads to escapism through excessive talking or eating.

The hatred in their hearts should not be limited to their speeches or fatwas; we must also distance ourselves from their addictive behaviors. This approach would represent a complete (kamil) dissociation from them

Here these are some sayings of early scholars about excessive eating :

Ibn al jawzi
As for excessive eating, it causes sleep and full stomach blinds the heart & weakens the body

Hasan al basri
He who wants to have fear in his heart & increase his tears , let him eat to half of his stomach

Ibn al qayim
to satisfy one’s appetite for food is permitted, not forbidden. Yet a person should not take excessive license with this and become so full that he needs to find something to aid his digestion, thereby making his stomach his main concern both before and after eating. The servant of Allah should feel hunger and satisfy his appetite, but he should turn down food when he simply craves it. The perfect balance is in the Prophet’s words, ‘One third for his food, one third for his drink, one third for his breath—the three [parts] are not all for food.

Ibn qudamah
The desire of the private parts and greed for wealth both start from the desire of the stomach and is followed by many obstacles all of which is begotten of satiety and eating one’s fill.
In a hadlth the Prophet  said: “The believer eats from one intestine [i.e. is satisfied with little] while the disbeliever eats from seven intestines [i.e. eats too much]. (Sahih muslim 2062)

Qadhyi ibn Iyadh
Excess in eating & drinking is indication of greed, weak self control and self-indulgence, as well as cause of bodily diseases, laziness of soul

Umar (ra)
Beware of excessive eating, for it causes laziness in salah, corruption of the body and diseases

2 months, 2 weeks ago

When people see practicing, religious families, they tend to view a blessing that was handed on a gold platter. What many don’t see is the years of dark nights, of trials and hardship, that led to the commencement of such a blessing.

Such families often begin from a single person, who Allāh سبحانه وتعالى used as a catalyst to guide the rest — a person who suffered from alienation, mockery, pressure, force, hatred, threats, and rejection for many years, just like many brothers and sisters reading this today are facing. Then the numbers slowly grow, and the Haqq triumphs the falsehood as promised.

First you recruit a sibling, then another. Then a parent who brings the other on board. After that a cousin and an aunt or uncle. Then they all have families and children of their own and before you know it, you’re dead and buried in your grave but there’s a village of Muslims upon the correct ‘Aqeedah and Manhaj that you’re receiving the Ajr of. Perhaps one who you are a means to guide ends up even surpassing you in guidance and steadfastness! Surely, that’s a result worth all the heartbreak and rejection you faced in the journey.

What you’re facing today may be the early stages of a beautiful journey that will end with the outcome you desire. Guidance is in the hands of Allāh سبحانه وتعالى totally, but don’t lose heart. Stay steadfast on your principles and in your Da’wah to your family, it will pay off in the Ākhirah no doubt, and insha’Allāh very possibly in this life as well.

May Allāh سبحانه وتعالى grant us the ability to remain steadfast as we were commanded, to succeed in Da’wah to those we love, and be a means to guide them from the darknesses into the Light.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

#UpdatesFromRojCamp #GoodNews

Alhamdulilah sister's came out from Prison, that was caught with a phone last month...The PKK Kurds want to empty the Prison during Ramadan. Insha'Allah that is true..

May Allah subhanahu wa Ta'alaa free all the muslimeen around the world. Allahuma Ameen 🤲

2 months, 2 weeks ago

You will then have a currency that is traded with internationally, and you will be rich.

[Part three]

RasulAllah then informed my son: Amer¡ca will then seek a tre@ty with you.

[Narrators comment: RasulAllah ﷺ has already mentioned the hadith about the group of Bani Asfar towards end of time, they will make an all¡ance with you to f¡ght another mutual enemy...
- The f¡lthy kingdom of Saud claim they are in the tre@ty right now, Audhubillah, the enem¡es of Allah may Allah humiliate them!]

You will then open the city of K¡rkuk and Amer¡ca will make an all¡ance/tre@ty with you. They will also keep all¡ance with the kurd¡sh and the kurd¡sh area which is northern Iraq and western Syria all the way to Qamishli north, will stay under their power for now.

In Syria, you will open the city of Damascus with Takbirāt and Tahlīl.

Afterwards there will be some disagreements between the kurds and the Amer¡cans and during that period you will open the kurd¡sh area, from Erbil all the way to Qamishli in northern Syria!

After your Hudna [tre@ty] with the Amer¡cans, disturbance will rise between Ir@n and Amer¡ca and so Amer¡ca will launch an att@ck on Ir@n and during that att@ck the openings will be in your favor [*], until all of the land of Fāris will be opened!

You will then be powerful, honored and people will enter the deen of Allah in multitudes. The f¡ghters of the deen will also increase.

You will then send a message to the Arabian Peninsula, asking them to go under you to spare you an att@ck on them! They will refuse, so you will att@ck and open all of the Arabian Peninsula.

[Narrator said he mixed up and the Opening of Jazīrah [Arabian Peninsula] was in reality before the opening of Fāris [Iran] in the dream.]

Rasulallah ﷺ then told the boy Muhammad, "And as for you, I have a glad tiding for you!"

He asked him to inform him and He ﷺ said: "You, your mother and your siblings have a high station with Allah, and I will be waiting for you at the doors of Jannah."

The boy then said, 'how will my father believe me?' RasulAllah ﷺ then informed me to greet my father and to tell him that he already met him twice, once in bayt al Maqdis and I gave him a white paper with such and such writing and another time I met him at the sacred house of Allah and that he told him such and such. [Which was some dreams the father had previously]

[Narrators words: His father is in mayadin right now (recording is from 2017) and he is a close companion of mine, and I witness Allah to what I am saying is the truth - except there is some differences in choice of words etc. But one who witnesses Allah and lies can fall into kufr. He informed me all of this personally.]

The boy then asked how will I reach the Amir of Mumimeen? He told him to seek the help of Allah and he will convey the dream to him. [End of dream]

Narrators words:
I then forwarded this dream to a brother who managed to convey it to A.B.B.

[Questioner in the audio: was there any description of RasulAllahs looks in the dream?] Narrator: yes! The same as the Ahadith, the exact same.

RasulAllah also informed us that the dreams towards ends of time will be like كفلق الصبح, as clear as the sun in the morning. They would not need interpretation, what you see will happen exactly how you saw it.

The young boy then met Amir al Mumineen and told him that he saw RasulAllah ﷺ in the dream telling him that a young boy will convey a message to you soon!

When he came back to his area, [our area as mentioned is a area with mountains and not easy to att@ck or to b0mb] a b0mb fell on the family and they all d¡ed as the glad tidings of RasulAllah of their m@rtyrdom.

End of audio

[Part Four and Last]


2 months, 2 weeks ago


Sheikh ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah may Allah be pleased with him said:
قال شيخ الإسلام بن تيمية رحمه الله : “قد جعل الله لأهل محبته علامتين: اتباع السنة.. والجهاد في سبيل الله.” كتاب العبودية ص 91
“Verily Allah has made two signs for the people who loves Him :

  1. Following the Sunnah
  2. Jihad in Allah’s path.”

(al-Uboodiyyah page 91)


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حتى نجاحي سيكون مفاجأة كما كانت أفعالي صادمة للجميع 🧡
+212 709‑185524

Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago


جهت رزرو تبلیغات✨: @Adsmee

برای درست کردن عکسای شخصیتون یا مورد علاقتون که سریع حاضر بشه به این چنل سر بزنید🌙:

Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

تلگرام و واتساپ
0902 1800 744
شنبه تا پنج شنبه
🕙10 AM-6 PM🕖

Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago