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Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Sky Bri 🔥 Realskybri 💋🍓18+💦

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

1 week, 3 days ago

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Who are the Piedmontese? (Part I)

What are the origins of the indigenous inhabitants of the Piedmontese lands, and above all, from which ancient peoples do they descend? Anyone who has been interested in local identity and culture will undoubtedly have encountered this question and also several attempts to an answer, more or less based on reliable sources and data. The question is not foreign even to the Traditionalist Pagan, who, wanting to follow the path to the Gods of his ancestors, first of all needs to know his own ancestry.

Read the first part of our series of articles on our website!


Who are the Piedmontese? (Part I)

We explore the ethnogenesis of the native Piedmontese people of Northwestern Italy in a series of articles.

***🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿*** Who are the Piedmontese? (Part I)
1 week, 3 days ago

🇮🇹 Chi sono i piemontesi? (Parte Prima)

Quali sono le origini degli abitanti indigeni delle terre piemontesi, e soprattutto da quali popoli antichi essi discendono? Chiunque si sia interessato di identità e cultura locale avrà senza dubbio incontrato questa questione e anche innumerevoli tentativi di risposta più o meno basati su fonti e dati attendibili. La domanda non è estranea neppure al pagano tradizionalista, il quale volendo seguire la via al divino dei propri antenati necessita prima di tutto di conoscere la propria ascendenza, con la consapevolezza delle culture antiche alle quali i suoi antenati appartenevano, nella maniera più precisa possibile.

Puoi leggere la prima parte della nostra serie di articoli sul nostro sito!


Chi sono i piemontesi? (Parte Prima)

In una serie di articoli esploriamo l'etnogenesi degli autoctoni piemontesi dell'Italia nord-occidentale.

***🇮🇹*** Chi sono i piemontesi? (Parte Prima)
1 week, 4 days ago

*Decline is an old temptation of the European soul, the dark side of its tragic courage. In spite of the sun of Attica, Hesiod had already whispered the song of the twilight, before the bards took it back under the grey sky of the old Germania and the Celtic countries.

It was this song that haunted Master Robert Wace, in his island of Jersey, one day as he traced on parchment the first lines of his Roman de Rou, in the middle of the 12th century:

«All things hasten to decay
All fall, all perish, all come to an end
Man dieth, iron consumeth, wood decayeth
Towers crumble, strong walls fall down, the rose withereth away*...»

*Certainly. But also, all things come back, they are reborn, they live again. Children are born and succeed to fathers.

And even if some generations would be forgetful and unfaithful, without them knowing it, through them life is transmitted and with it, a part of the heritage that other generations eager to return to the sources of the kingdom, beyond time, will find later on.*📖 History and Traditions of Europeans — Dominique Venner, 2002

2 weeks, 3 days ago
Via Electri
2 weeks, 3 days ago
Via Electri
2 weeks, 3 days ago
Via Electri
2 weeks, 6 days ago
Statue of Arminius during the Solar …

Statue of Arminius during the Solar Flare

3 weeks, 4 days ago
The mythical Irish hero *Cú Chulainnn* …

The mythical Irish hero Cú Chulainnn fights with a peer in Emain Macha. Illustration by Breton comic-book artist and historian Ronan Seure-Le Bihan. 🇫🇷

Celtic Europe - channel link (please share!):

1 month ago
Via Electri
1 month ago
Cao de ano: Roman and Venetic …

Cao de ano: Roman and Venetic New Year

The beginning of March marks the coming of the New Year in Venetic and Roman Traditions. It represents the start of the active and military year, propitiating the awakening of the nature. For this occasion the sacred fires (primarily the fire of Vesta) were renovated. Under these positives signs, Societas Hesperiana took part in the event of 'la Torre' (that we kindly thank for the opportunity, as guests in Veneto's lands. There we discussed together local languages, archaeo-genetics, and the Venetic language and culture. Finally, we reflected upon which lessons we can learn from our Indo-European forefathers. Besides these speeches, there were martial arts demonstrations, the best way to honour the God Mars, patron of the period.

Long life to our people, Ave Venetia!

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Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

Sky Bri 🔥 Realskybri 💋🍓18+💦

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago