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Ruby on Rails | rubyclub

Software Writer @yegordv
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👾Купить игру или задать вопрос: @sonyplaystationpluss_bot

Last updated 1 month ago

قناة عراق انستا لتوزيع حسابات انستڪرام ❉
بـرامج زيـاده متابعين ، ❈
مـواقع زيـاده متـابـعين ، ❈
- CH2: @PHP88
- My Y : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnFykPkaONB_NVg0UeouB5A
- MY INSTA : https://www.instagram.com/c_941

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago

Last updated 5 months ago

1 week, 2 days ago
***💻*** **Rails 8** is coming soon, …

💻 Rails 8 is coming soon, so DHH will kick off the second edition of #RailsWorld in Toronto with an Opening Keynote highlighting what is new in Rails today, and where the framework is headed tomorrow. The rest of the speakers will be announced in the coming days, so stay tuned for more.

3 weeks, 3 days ago
2 months, 1 week ago

Use this commands for new Rails app:

"rails new myapp --main -d=postgresql -c=tailwind -a=propshaft"

"--main" ensures that I have all the goodies that are not available with Rails 7, and will only be released with Rails 8 (presumably around RailsWorld 2024 in September)

New features:

Built-in PWA (Progressive Web App) support
Default Github CI config
Propshaft - lightweight version of sprockets
Brakeman - security scanner
Rubocop code linter

You can learn more about all the "rails new" options by typing "rails new --help" in your terminal.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

❤️ Active Record Basics Guide Refresh, Encrypted Attributes Re-Optimization, and more...
- The Rails World CFP will close in just one week on March 21.
- Active Record Basics Guide
- Do not try to alias on key update when raw SQL is supplied
- Memoize “key_provider” from “key” or deterministic “key_provider” if any
- 🇰🇿 Updating Astana with a Western Kazakhstan timezone
- Preserve encoding on “truncate_bytes”
- Support custom blob key in ActiveStorage::Blob.compose
- Fix MySQL adapter for inserts with aliases
- Railties configure sanitizer vendor in 7.1 defaults more robustly

2 months, 2 weeks ago

👩‍💻 Ruby jobs advertised on Linkedin

If you are looking for a Ruby developer job abroad or even remote work, it's interesting to look at which places have the most jobs posted on Linkedin for those skills.

These interactive charts will tell you the places where the most jobs are being offered and also compares the job offers with the local poulation to understand how competitive the job market could be.

There is a world chart but also a close-up on Europe and a detailed map of the USA where the information is broken up by state.

4 months, 2 weeks ago
**Rails 7.1.3 has been released**

Rails 7.1.3 has been released


Action Mailer has a new method to deliver enqueued jobs: deliver_enqueued_emails. It works with and w/out a block. With a block, it delivers all emails within the block. It also accepts a 'queue' option, which delivers the emails held in 'queue'.

4 months, 2 weeks ago

DHH about Turbo 8
Instaclick-style hover preloading of links is coming to Turbo 8. Remarkable how effective it is for perceived performance hundreds of ms saved in many cases.

💻 Add InstantClick behavior


Add InstantClick behavior by davidalejandroaguilar · Pull Request #1101 · hotwired/turbo

Description This PR adds InstantClick-like behavior to Turbo. For those not familiar with it, what it does is prefetch links that are likely to be clicked on. Before visitors click on a link, they...

4 months, 2 weeks ago

💻 This Week in Rails is out! Among the updates:

- the default number of threads in Puma config has now been updated from 5 to 3
- Object#with block support added
- 'explain' support for methods like last, pluck and count
Check it all out here:

❤️ this-week-in-rails

Ruby on Rails

Updated Puma configuration, Object#with_block, and more!

Hi! Vipul here with the second edition of This Week in Rails for 2024!

***💻*** This Week in Rails is out! Among the updates:
6 months, 1 week ago
**Ruby on Rails #154 Avo 3 …

Ruby on Rails #154 Avo 3 upgrade

📺 AVO 3 was released a few days ago

We recommend to visit

Мы продаем подписки PsPlus, EA Play, GamePass, Netflix, Spotify.

А также игры для Sony, Xbox.
Никакого VPN, никаких оплат на карточку. Только на ваши аккаунты с вашей почтой.

👾Купить игру или задать вопрос: @sonyplaystationpluss_bot

Last updated 1 month ago

قناة عراق انستا لتوزيع حسابات انستڪرام ❉
بـرامج زيـاده متابعين ، ❈
مـواقع زيـاده متـابـعين ، ❈
- CH2: @PHP88
- My Y : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnFykPkaONB_NVg0UeouB5A
- MY INSTA : https://www.instagram.com/c_941

Last updated 1 month, 4 weeks ago

Last updated 5 months ago