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luv, cheyenne ♡

i love u in every universe 💗
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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Last updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Last updated 9 months, 1 week ago

2 months ago

i feel so guilty tonight :( after coming home at 7pm ish i did nothing until like 1am (took a nap, showered, used my phone lol) and wastes like 6 hours doing nothing...

i can't tell if it's the feeling of lagging behind or the stress but nowadays i realise i can't seem to not feel guilty about studying... but im really trying my best 😭🙏🏻 let's hope tomorrow will be a better day but ill head to bed for tonight

2 months ago

sharing my thoughts can be so scary because I don't rly know what people are thinking but this community we've created is so kind, so open, SO WHOLESOME. I genuinely think i lucked out because this little channel has been such a support system for me. and I hope that people enjoy reading my reflections and thoughts, and all of us can prosper, grow, and navigate life together

2 months ago

before I go to bed, happy Easter Sunday and happy start of April 🎀🤍

today was a reminder of Jesus's sacrifices and that no matter all the wrongs in the world at least God still loves me unconditionally. and i guess i got reminded that if Jesus could forgive me for all ive sinned then maybe I have the capacity to forgive the people who have wronged me too, and so tonight im choosing to forgive people who have hurt me in one way or another not only for themselves but also for myself.

can't say im excited for April -> already so jam packed with so much going on, but i hope this month brings even more happiness, joy, and precious memories. may a new month signify a new me once again, and a fresh start to all who's been longing for a change.

this channel started in june 2022 as a small community for my daily reflections and thoughts and has grown to a somewhat large community of people all over, seeking comfort in my thoguhts. I'm incredibly honoured and so extremely grateful for 226 ppl to validate my thoughts and listen to me through all my yapping, nonsense, and emo hours. the fact that it's been close to 2 years is crazy to me. thank you for sticking w me, and for journeying alongside me as we grow and find beauty in all aspects of life. i love humans and i love you thankyou 🤍

with luv, cheyenne ♡

3 months, 4 weeks ago

the unification of mankind amidst all the chaos, war, and messiness in the world leaving behind reality and simply connecting heart to heart with each other. 50,000 lives all from different background, with different stories, all coming together for one day loving life the way it should be loved. it truly did restore my faith in humanity, even if it was just for that night.

3 months, 4 weeks ago

anyways on a more light hearted note, coldplay concert was THE healing experience i never knew i needed

3 months, 4 weeks ago

some days i wish i cared less of what other people think of me and cared more for myself. maybe that'll be my goal for this month.

prioritise yourself!!!!!! even though sometimes we always put others above us but we seriously don't give ourself enough credit for what we're doing because we're always hungry to do more

4 months ago

I really wanted to buy a digicam but I decided I shouldn't impulsively buy and save up until I have the $$ LOL

4 months ago

does anyone want a free SG35 coupon from ShutterHouse for a digicam

4 months ago

if the multiverse theory was real, i hope that in all of them, or at least one other universe, everyone gets to live their happily ever after.

6 months, 1 week ago

:( parents are so precious please appreciate them. sometimes I thunk about life as an adult and when I move out and I get all sentimental bc I'm not ready for a life without my parents

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Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Last updated 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Last updated 9 months, 1 week ago