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6 months, 3 weeks ago

Python Programming Language for Beginners
Oliver R. Simpson, 2019


6 months, 3 weeks ago

Quick Java
David Matuszek, 2023

6 months, 4 weeks ago

Computer Organization and Embedded Systems
Carl Hamacher, 2012

7 months ago

How to Solve It by Computer
R.G. Dromey, 1982

7 months ago
7 months ago

C and Python Applications
Philip Joyce, 2023

7 months, 2 weeks ago
**Programming, includes a more complex arrangement …

Programming, includes a more complex arrangement of processes of which coding is only one.

7 months, 3 weeks ago

🔴 How to MASTER a programming language using ChatGPT: 📌

  1. Can you provide some tips and best practices for writing clean and efficient code in [lang]?

  2. What are some commonly asked interview questions about [lang]?

  3. What are the advanced topics to learn in [lang]? Explain them to me with code examples.

  4. Give me some practice questions along with solutions for [concept] in [lang].

  5. What are some common mistakes that people make in [lang]?

  6. Can you provide some tips and best practices for writing clean and efficient code in [lang]?

  7. How can I optimize the performance of my code in [lang]?

  8. What are some coding exercises or mini-projects I can do regularly to reinforce my understanding and application of [lang] concepts?

  9. Are there any specific tools or frameworks that are commonly used in [lang]? How can I learn and utilize them effectively?

  10. What are the debugging techniques and tools available in [lang] to help troubleshoot and fix code issues?

  11. Are there any coding conventions or style guidelines that I should follow when writing code in [lang]?

  12. How can I effectively collaborate with other developers in [lang] on a project?

  13. What are some common data structures and algorithms that I should be familiar with in [lang]?

How to Create Resume using ChatGPT


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How to Create Resume using ChatGPT 1. Gather Information: Before you start, collect all the necessary information for your resume, including your contact details, work experience, education, skills, and achievements. 2. Use ChatGPT for Content Generation:…

8 months ago

Here's a 30-day roadmap to learn C++ up to an intermediate level, along with project ideas:

Week 1: C++ Basics
Day 1-2:
- Day 1: Install a C++ compiler (e.g., Visual Studio, Code::Blocks, or g++) and write your first "Hello, World!" program.
- Day 2: Understand C++ syntax, data types, and variables.

Day 3-4:
- Day 3: Learn about basic input and output operations in C++ using cin and cout.
- Day 4: Study operators and perform arithmetic and logical operations.

Day 5-7:
- Day 5: Explore control flow with if-else statements and loops (for, while, do-while).
- Day 6: Understand switch statements and how to use them for menu-driven programs.
- Day 7: Practice writing small programs involving conditions and loops.

Week 2: Functions and Object-Oriented Programming
Day 8-9:
- Day 8: Learn about functions (methods) in C++ and how to define your own functions.
- Day 9: Study function parameters, return types, and function overloading.

Day 10-12:
- Day 10: Understand the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP) in C++, including classes and objects.
- Day 11: Dive into constructors, destructors, and operator overloading.
- Day 12: Explore encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

Day 13-14:
- Day 13: Study C++ namespaces and access specifiers (public, private, protected).
- Day 14: Practice creating classes and objects for real-world applications.

Week 3: Data Structures and Standard Template Library (STL)
Day 15-17:
- Day 15: Dive into C++ arrays and understand their usage.
- Day 16: Explore the Standard Template Library (STL) and containers like vectors and lists.
- Day 17: Learn about iterating through containers using iterators.

Day 18-19:
- Day 18: Study other STL components like maps, sets, and queues.
- Day 19: Understand when and how to use different STL containers in C++.

Day 20-21:
- Day 20: Explore exception handling in C++ and how to handle runtime errors.
- Day 21: Practice working with try-catch blocks and handling exceptions effectively.

Week 4: Intermediate Topics and Projects
Day 22-23:
- Day 22: Learn about file handling in C++, including reading and writing files.
- Day 23: Create a small project that involves file operations, like a text-based note-taking application.

Day 24-26:
- Day 24: Study C++ pointers, references, and dynamic memory allocation.
- Day 25: Explore more advanced C++ topics like multithreading or creating a simple game using libraries like SDL or SFML.
- Day 26: Work on a project that involves pointers, references, or multithreading.

Day 27-28:
- Day 27: Explore more advanced C++ libraries and frameworks that interest you (e.g., Boost or Qt).
- Day 28: Work on a more complex project that combines your knowledge from the past weeks. For example, create a small database application using SQLite and C++.

Day 29-30:
- Day 29: Review and revisit any topics you found challenging.
- Day 30: Continue building projects and exploring areas of C++ that interest you.

Remember to practice coding daily, and don't hesitate to explore additional resources, online tutorials, and forums to enhance your C++ skills. Good luck with your C++ learning journey!


8 months, 1 week ago

30-day roadmap to learn Java up to an intermediate level.

This roadmap is designed for beginners, so adjust your pace as needed.

Week 1: Java Basics
Day 1-2:
- Day 1: Get Java installed on your computer and set up your development environment.
- Day 2: Learn about Java's history, its role in programming, and write your first "Hello, World!" program.

Day 3-4:
- Day 3: Study Java syntax, data types, and variables.
- Day 4: Understand operators and perform basic arithmetic operations.

Day 5-7:
- Day 5: Explore control flow with if-else statements and loops (for and while).
- Day 6: Dive into switch statements and understand how to handle user choices.
- Day 7: Practice writing small programs that use conditions and loops.

Week 2: Functions and Object-Oriented Programming
Day 8-9:
- Day 8: Learn about functions (methods) and how to define your own functions in Java.
- Day 9: Study function parameters, return types, and method overloading.

Day 10-12:
- Day 10: Understand the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP) in Java.
- Day 11: Learn about classes, objects, and constructors.
- Day 12: Explore encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

Day 13-14:
- Day 13: Study Java packages and access modifiers (public, private, protected).
- Day 14: Practice creating classes and objects in real-world scenarios.

Week 3: Data Structures and Collections
Day 15-17:
- Day 15: Dive into arrays in Java and understand their usage.
- Day 16: Study Java's collection framework and ArrayList.
- Day 17: Learn about iterating through collections using loops and iterators.

Day 18-19:
- Day 18: Explore other collection types like LinkedList and HashMap.
- Day 19: Understand when to use different collection types in Java.

Day 20-21:
- Day 20: Study exception handling in Java and how to deal with errors.
- Day 21: Practice working with try-catch blocks and handling exceptions effectively.

Week 4: Intermediate Topics and Projects
Day 22-23:
- Day 22: Study file handling in Java, including reading and writing files.
- Day 23: Create a small project that involves file operations.

Day 24-26:
- Day 24: Learn about multithreading and how to create and manage threads in Java.
- Day 25: Study Java's built-in libraries for networking and socket programming.
- Day 26: Work on a project that involves multithreading or networking.

Day 27-28:
- Day 27: Explore more advanced Java topics like JavaFX for GUI development or JDBC for database connectivity.
- Day 28: Work on a more complex project that combines your knowledge from the past weeks.

Day 29-30:
- Day 29: Review and revisit any topics you found challenging.
- Day 30: Continue building projects and exploring areas of Java that interest you.

Consider joining Java communities and forums to seek help and advice. Java is a versatile language with many applications, so your learning journey can continue well beyond this roadmap. Good luck!

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Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago

Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

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Last updated 1 week ago

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