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♥️🙏Donald Trump ist
DER Auserwählte GOTTES
für die (Endzeit/Apokalypse)🙏❤️

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Last updated 5 days, 11 hours ago

News/Aktuelles www.opos-records.com

Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago

♥️🙏Donald Trump ist
DER Auserwählte GOTTES
für die (Endzeit/Apokalypse)🙏❤️


Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago

1 year, 5 months ago



PRINZ HEINRICH-PUTSCH: Razzia - Thüringer Adeliger und Reichsbürger wollte Regierung stürzen

Umfangreiche Razzien gegen Reichsbürger wegen mutmaßlicher Umsturzpläne in Deutschland: Am Mittwochmorgen wurden nach Angaben der Bundesanwaltschaft 25 Personen wegen des Verdachts der Zugehörigkeit oder Unterstützung einer terroristischen Vereinigung festgenommen.…

1 year, 6 months ago

WE WON! Pelosi is gone, we take Congress and, if we can stop their very obvious CHEATING, will also take the Senate. Big Victory, don’t be stupid. Stand on the rooftops and shout it out loud!

1 year, 6 months ago

WE WON! Pelosi is gone, we take Congress and, if we can stop their very obvious CHEATING, will also take the Senate. Big Victory, don’t be stupid. Stand on the rooftops and shout it out loud!

1 year, 8 months ago

JETZT - Russlands Putin spricht mit Indiens Modi über die Ukraine: "Wir wollen, dass das alles so schnell wie möglich aufhört."

"Es sind keine sehr guten Nachrichten.
Ich kenne deine Sichtweise auf den Konflikt in der Ukraine.
Ich kenne deine Bedenken und ich weiß das du deine Bedenken weitergibst.
Wir alle wollen, dass das alles so schnell wie möglich aufhört.
Die andere Seite, die Führung der Ukraine, will ihre Ziele auf dem Schlachtfeld militärisch erreichen.
Wir werden dich auf dem Laufenden halten, was dort drüben weiter passiert."




NOW - Russia's Putin tells India's Modi on Ukraine: "We want all of this to end as soon as possible." @disclosetv

1 year, 8 months ago

NOW - Russia's Putin tells India's Modi on Ukraine: "We want all of this to end as soon as possible."


1 year, 8 months ago

Experte: Die Behörden bereiten sich auf die Änderung des Status einer speziellen Operation in der Ukraine vor

Die russischen Behörden bereiten sich darauf vor, den Status der militärischen Sonderoperation in der Ukraine zu ändern. Dies kündigte der politische Stratege Marat Baschirow an. Kadyrow kündigte die Rückkehr von Elitekämpfern in den Donbass an. "Eine Änderung des Status der NMD wird vorbereitet", schrieb der Experte in seinem Telegramm-Kanal. Gleichzeitig präzisierte Baschirow nicht, was er vorhabe, berichtet Radiotochka NSN. "Das sollen die offiziellen Stellen bekannt geben", sagte der Politstratege. Zuvor hatte die Staatsduma vorgeschlagen, der Sonderoperation in der Ukraine den Status der Terrorismusbekämpfung zu verleihen. Eine solche Initiative wurde insbesondere vom Vorsitzenden der Partei "Gerechtes Russland für die Wahrheit", Sergej Mironow, ergriffen, erinnert die RIA FAN. Der Politiker schlug vor, dass die Operation zum Schutz des Donbass zu einer "Anti-Terror-Operation mit allen sich daraus ergebenden Konsequenzen" werden könnte.

Nun, da Putin sagt, er wolle den Ukraine-Konflikt so schnell wie möglich beenden und die BRICS-Länder ihn auffordern, den Krieg zu beenden, passt dies zu dem, was wir Anfang der Woche gesagt haben, dass Putin eine Änderung des Rahmens für den Krieg ankündigen wird. Es handelt sich nicht mehr um eine spezielle Militäroperation, sondern um einen ausgewachsenen Krieg gegen den Terrorismus. In dieser Woche hat er seine Beziehungen zu anderen Staatsoberhäuptern auf dem Gipfeltreffen in Schanghai sicherlich verstärkt. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass er sehr bald eine große Ankündigung machen wird.

1 year, 8 months ago
Now that Putin is saying he …

Now that Putin is saying he wants to end the Ukraine Conflict as soon as possible and BRICS countries telling him to end the war - This goes with what we were saying earlier this week that Putin is going to announce a change in the framework of the war. From it being a special military operation to now being a full scale war on terrorism. His certainly been strengthening ties this week with other leaders at the Shanghai Summit. I have a feeling a big announcement is coming from him very soon.

1 year, 8 months ago

I’m not a full on hardcore Anon and I really wouldn’t class myself as an Anon. I’m just a mother from Yorkshire trying to piece all this together like everyone else here. My goal was always to connect people with other people across the planet - we have created…

1 year, 8 months ago

I’m not a full on hardcore Anon and I really wouldn’t class myself as an Anon. I’m just a mother from Yorkshire trying to piece all this together like everyone else here. My goal was always to connect people with other people across the planet - we have created a beautiful community.
Q is a very small piece of the puzzle and I look at the bigger picture not just what it says in the drops. At the start Q guided me and still continues to guide of how deep this all goes but a lot of what’s happening isn’t mentioned in the drops. I don’t just rely on Q - I rely on God, intuition, Discernment, Faith, research and what feels right to me. I know some people out there don’t agree with what I put out on the channel which is fine but I’ve discovered in the last couple of years if your truth don’t fit another persons truth then your on your own. This should be a time where we all as truthers, Anons, patriots, warriors come together. Fuck the ego!!! However there are some out there taking the absolute piss out the movement but I don’t expose them on the channel AS EVERYONE HAS A GOD GIVEN CHOICE who to follow and listen to. It’s not up-to one individual to tell people who to listen or not listen to. Let people learn themselves. This is what the Great Awakening is all about - your own individual journey and ascension. Don’t let anyone dictate to you how you should feel and think. You don’t even need to listen to me I’ll be the first to put my hand up and say I’ve got stuff wrong because guess what - It’s a Military Op and we only see 20% of what’s happening. Can you imagine seeing the other 80%?? MINDBLOWING!!!

On another note try and not expect something major to happen at the funeral on Monday. If something happens then it happens. We know everyone going on Monday are Deep State with very few good guys attending….the world will be watching. Everything that’s about to happen Bigly is all going down on Chyna Biden.
There are a few factors here - chatter about surrounding the 24th September (we will see), Feast of trumpets 25th September, 8th of October. Putin could be changing the framework of the Ukrainian war to full blown war on Terrorism, we also know there has been Military Tribunals taking place behind the scenes. Not just with Ukraine but Global Military Tribunals taking place at other sites. We’ve got the BRICS countries absolutely smashing it and destroying the west by building a strong relationship with each other whilst the west implodes on its self. It really is Biblical to watch. The Black Swan event is imminent it’s very obvious at this point that the financial system is truly a sinking ship - this is the big one to watch. Also the over turning of the 2020 election which has already been overturned by SCOTUS and Convid connection to the election. My eyes right now is on the financial system it always has been from the very start - everything we are seeing is a complete show and distraction. The Military are in FULL control. The collapse of the financial system is the linch pin for events to follow…..they had to removed the Queen so things can take place and move forward. No more Maritime or Admiral Law.

And the last week or so Trump is now associating himself with Q and the MSM are in complete panic. This is certainly event driven and full military covert Ops.

It’s definitely about to get wild🔥🍿

1 year, 8 months ago

I’ll soon be heading to the scene of the unwarranted, unjust, and illegal Raid and Break-In of my home in Florida, Mar-a-Lago. I’ll be able to see for myself the results of the unnecessary ransacking of rooms and other areas of the house. It has already been…

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Last updated 5 days, 11 hours ago

News/Aktuelles www.opos-records.com

Last updated 3 weeks, 1 day ago

♥️🙏Donald Trump ist
DER Auserwählte GOTTES
für die (Endzeit/Apokalypse)🙏❤️


Last updated 1 year, 6 months ago