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Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

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1 day, 10 hours ago

“You’ll probably surprise yourself with what you can accomplish—if you’re focused on one thing.

You’ll probably frustrate yourself with what you fail to accomplish—if you’re doing 5 or 7 or 10 things.

Nobody performs well when stretched in a half dozen directions.”


1 day, 19 hours ago

If you’re not a person who hustles, who are you?

Where does that leave the people counting on you?


1 day, 20 hours ago

Many young people trapped in the "intellectual black hole". A person that's very good at consuming impressive amounts of information. But doesn't produce much.

The best people output often more than they input, IMHO. In a kind of uncontrollable way.


2 months, 1 week ago

If you believe morality has gone down, maybe do some small and random acts of kindness.
If you believe people aren’t nice to each other anymore, try being nice and helpful yourself.
If you believe there’s too much superficial content on YouTube, maybe stop watching them, and start watching those that are genuinely good.
If you believe that big publications are taking over, start supporting a couple of smaller publications.
If you believe local businesses are struggling, do make an effort to shop locally.
If you believe education is lacking, maybe start a YouTube channel or something. (I love The Coding Train and Eddie Woo.)
If you believe people are becoming increasingly isolated, make sure to reach out to your friends, family, and neighbours.
If you believe that society is acting like a poopy-pantsed four-year-old who dropped its ice cream, maybe write a self-help book for societies, exactly like Tim Urban did.


2 months, 3 weeks ago
2 months, 3 weeks ago

Auction/ On Sale : Updates In AI


Link 👉**** @updatesinai


4 months ago

You will never fully convince someone that he is wrong; only reality can.

📖 @ebookscafe

4 months ago

This is the truth: there are many things we cannot change or even influence.
It sucks to be powerless.
But then, there are things we can change and influence.
They may seem inconsequential in the grand scheme of things but they are not.
They are important too and most importantly,
they matter because you can actually do something about them aside from the regular lament and concern.
You can take action that matters. And because of this possibility to effect change, to do big things in small ways, those little concerns matter.

📖 @ebookscafe

4 months ago

What does it actually mean to be aggressive?

It means you show up every time you are meant to show up even if you’re tired.

It means you produce quality work. Quality work that matters.

It means you don’t just produce quality work once but multiple times.

It means you’re consistent with producing quality work multiple times. So you consistently produce quality work.

It means you also take a break when you need to, to avoid burnout and to always get back to work once you’re refreshed.

It means doing it and keeping at it. You don’t give up. You don’t abandon your newsletter after four issues or 40 issues, that’s not how you get your desired subscriber base.

📖 @ebookscafe

7 months ago

WhatsApp Channel

Your death has left
a homesickness in me.

We recommend to visit

Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

For feedback and business enquiries

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

News and announcements of the library. No books here.
🇨🇳Official Chinese channel: t.me/zlib_china_official
🌐 https://zlibrary-global.se
🐦 https://twitter.com/Z_Lib_official
🐘 https://mastodon.social/@Z_Lib_official

Last updated 4 months, 1 week ago

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