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Oriental Review

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1 month, 2 weeks ago

Dust of the Earth

Human beings have a fundamental bond with the planet on which we live – we are made of its stuff.

“You are dust, and to dust you shall return…” (Gen. 3:18)

Human beings have a fundamental bond with the planet on which we live – we are made of its stuff. We are not made of Mars dirt, or Moon…


Oriental Review

Dust of the Earth

“You are dust, and to dust you shall return…” (Gen. 3:18) Human beings have a fundamental bond with the planet on which we live – we are made of its stuff. We are not made of Mars dirt, or Moon dus…

Dust of the Earth
1 month, 3 weeks ago

The U.S. Has The World’s Most Insincere Government.

US pretends to be a democracy, but represents only the richest.

It pretends to be a democracy and a republic, but it actually represents only the richest .1% of the richest 1% — the richest hundred-thousandth — of Americans, and this has been empirically (i.e., scientifically) proven by all of the scientific analyses of the truth or falsehood of that…


Oriental Review

The U.S. Has The World’s Most Insincere Government.

It pretends to be a democracy and a republic, but it actually represents only the richest .1% of the richest 1% — the richest hundred-thousandth — of Americans, and this has been empirically (i.e.,…

The U.S. Has The World’s Most Insincere Government.
1 month, 3 weeks ago

Another Ukraine’s Claim of Its “Historic Ethnic Space” Nothing But An Expansionist Doctrine Against Russia

Another Ukraine’s Claim of Its “Historic Ethnic Space” Nothing More But An Expansionist Doctrine Against Russia.

The geopolitical events that are now unfolding around Ukraine show for many that once again, for the third time over the last century, such a thing as the “collapse of the Ukrainian nationalist project” has attempted to become a reality. Similar projects, as the…


Oriental Review

Another Ukraine’s Claim of Its “Historic Ethnic Space” Nothing But An Expansionist Doctrine Against Russia

  The geopolitical events that are now unfolding around Ukraine show for many that once again, for the third time over the last century,  such a thing as the “collapse of the Ukrainian nationa…

Another Ukraine’s Claim of Its “Historic Ethnic Space” Nothing But An Expansionist Doctrine Against Russia
1 month, 3 weeks ago

Is Turban Russia’s Invention? Ukrainians Suspect Russians Were Originally Non-Slavic

Ukrainians claim that Russians were originally Muslims, not Christians, and thus frame them as a foreign, non-Slavic and non-European population.

Among the many pseudohistorical fabrications promoted by ardent Ukrainian nationalists, there is the concept of the so-called “Russian turban”. This idea is used to imply that Russians were originally Muslims, not Christians, and thus to frame them as a foreign,…


Oriental Review

Is Turban Russia’s Invention? Ukrainians Suspect Russians Were Originally Non-Slavic

Among the many pseudohistorical fabrications promoted by ardent Ukrainian nationalists, there is the concept of the so-called “Russian turban”. This idea is used to imply that Russians were origina…

Is Turban Russia’s Invention? Ukrainians Suspect Russians Were Originally Non-Slavic
1 month, 4 weeks ago

How Corrupt Is America?

In a capitalist economy, such as the United States, the actual Government isn’t merely the public office-holders, such as the President and the members of Congress, but is also the owners of the giant armaments-manufacturing firms.

By overwhelming margins, the American people believe that their Government is corrupt, and the polling shows that the margins who believe this have soared…


Oriental Review

How Corrupt Is America?

By overwhelming margins, the American people believe that their Government is corrupt, and the polling shows that the margins who believe this have soared from over 80% in 1976, to over 90% today. …

How Corrupt Is America?
1 month, 4 weeks ago

Analyzing The Kremlin’s Newly Declassified Archival Evidence About The Katyn Massacre

These documents suggest one of two scenarios: the Nazis either carried out their own Katyn Massacre, or were responsible for the entire tragedy.These documents suggest one of two scenarios: the Nazis either carried out their own Katyn Massacre three years after the Soviets’ and then clumsily manipulated evidence in order to cover up their crime, or the Nazis really were…


Oriental Review

Analyzing The Kremlin’s Newly Declassified Archival Evidence About The Katyn Massacre

These documents suggest one of two scenarios: the Nazis either carried out their own Katyn Massacre three years after the Soviets’ and then clumsily manipulated evidence in order to cover up their …

Analyzing The Kremlin’s Newly Declassified Archival Evidence About The Katyn Massacre
3 months, 4 weeks ago

Joe Biden: The Damnation Of Age

He was sweet and well meaning, but he was old. He was hazy. His memory was poor. Doddering, confused, the self-proclaimed leader of the Free World seemed ready to check into a retirement village. That, at least, is the thick insinuation of the Special Counsel’s report on President Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents when vice president during the Obama…


Oriental Review

Joe Biden: The Damnation Of Age

The campaign trail till November 2024 will be long and vicious, and Biden’s team may well have to reprise their role as quarantine specialists for their leader. 

Joe Biden: The Damnation Of Age
3 months, 4 weeks ago

Germany Swims Or Sinks With NATO

There couldn’t be a better metaphor than what a Chinese analyst used to characterise the NATO while commenting on its secretary general Jens Stoltenberg’s recent remark that the West does not seek war with Russia but should still “prepare ourselves for a confrontation that could last decades.”

The Chinese commentator compared Stoltenberg to an in-charge of a firm of undertakers,…


Oriental Review

Germany Swims Or Sinks With NATO

NATO needs conflict, bloodshed for earnings. So it spreads fear and panic to ensure its member countries to contribute military funding.

Germany Swims Or Sinks With NATO
3 months, 4 weeks ago

Did Alexei Navalny Die?

The situation is extremely ambiguous, as is the reputation of this person in Russian society. In the West, Alexei Navalny is glorified, turned into an icon of the struggle against ‘Vladimir Putin’s regime,’ but was he really such? People may have different opinions about him, but one thing is clear: he left his mark on Russian history. A mark, undoubtedly,…


Oriental Review

Did Alexei Navalny Die?

In the West, Alexei Navalny is glorified, turned into an icon of the struggle against ‘Vladimir Putin’s regime,’ but was he really such?

Did Alexei Navalny Die?
4 months ago

Tucker Carlson: The Only Representative Of Independent Western Media Or Donald Trump’s Secret Envoy?

One of the most burning topics of recent days is Russian President Vladimir Putin’s interview with American TV commentator Tucker Carlson. Perhaps it is no coincidence that this particular man was chosen: a conservative, a Republican and one of the closest associates of the former US President Donald Trump. He graduated from Trinity College, Connecticut, in 1992 with a bachelor’s…


Oriental Review

Tucker Carlson: The Only Representative Of Independent Western Media Or Donald Trump’s Secret Envoy?

One of the most burning topics of recent days is Russian President Vladimir Putin’s interview with American TV commentator Tucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson: The Only Representative Of Independent Western Media Or Donald Trump’s Secret Envoy?
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Offizieller Kanal von Achgut.com

Last updated 2 weeks, 3 days ago