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📊 بزرگترین مرجع اطلاعات عمومی، آزمون های چالشی😉😜، هوش و سرگرمی

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با داشتن این چنل نمیذاری تو جمع کسی حرف بزنه😂

Last updated 4 days, 4 hours ago

اینجا یادگیری زبان را به یک سرگرمی اعتیاد آور روزانه تبدیل کنید

برای دریافت مشاوره رایگان نام و شماره تماس خودتون رو به آیدی زیر بفرستید

👉 t.me/englishadmin 👈
با شما تماس میگیریم 📞

لینک ابتدای کانال

Last updated 1 month ago

ثبت نام دوره های آفلاین تاپ ناچ/۴۰۰۰واژه/گرامر


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t.me/Startquiz/3 :ابتدای کانال

Last updated 3 days, 3 hours ago

1 month, 3 weeks ago

Rules for a Beautiful Life:

1. Don't stay up late at night if you have to wake up early.

2. Even if you know someone can take a joke, don't go overboard and put them down.

3. Don't criticize someone who has put in all their effort to make you happy. Don't think it was their duty.

4. Respect other people's beliefs.

*5. Remember, a good day doesn't come by chance, it has to be created.

6. Don't do anything when you're not ready, whether it's starting a task or entering a relationship.

7. Don't lose yourself in the pursuit of finding someone else.

8. Learn to be happy by yourself.

9. Don't overthink things that haven't happened yet, especially when it comes to falling in love with someone.

10. Don't explain yourself to everyone. Let them understand you on their own.*


1 month, 3 weeks ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago


1 month, 4 weeks ago

Freedom is:

• Nature
• Saying no
• Road trips
• Great hires
• Deep sleep
• No meetings
• 4 hour work days
• Do not disturb mode
• Controlling your schedule
• Spontaneous adventures

Entrepreneurship is about freedom.

1 month, 4 weeks ago

Disability in music and theatre

کانال ما در واتساپ 👇


1 month, 4 weeks ago


کانال منابع رايگان : 👇


2 months ago

Son's New Playmate Resides in a Home With S.e.x Offender

DEAR ABBY: We recently moved to a new neighborhood. My 8-year-old son, "Joey," has become best friends with a classmate, "Paul," who lives on our street. We know from research we did when we bought our house that Paul's stepfather, with whom he lives, is a sex offender who committed crimes against children and served time in prison.

Paul has been coming to our house most days, which is fine. However, both Paul and Joey have started asking whether Joey can go play at Paul's house. I will never allow my son to play there. At some point, the boys will want an explanation, but I don't think Paul knows about his stepfather's past, and I don't think Paul's mother knows that I know.

If I tell Joey an age-appropriate version of the truth, I am sure he will tell Paul. I don't think this is how Paul should hear about his stepfather's past, plus I am concerned it might cause Paul's mother to get upset and cut off the kids' friendship. Do you have any advice? — CONFLICTED IN THE WEST

DEAR CONFLICTED: Are you absolutely certain that you have the story right and Paul's stepdad is a registered sex offender? I ask because I'm surprised that he would be allowed to live in a household with a minor child.

Your concern that Joey might tell Paul about his stepfather is laudable. A way to handle it would be to continue insisting that the boys play only at your house. I do think you should discuss this with Paul's mother so you know for sure this is what you are dealing with. If it is true, for the next few years use the old, "Because I'm your mother and I said so!" when Joey asks to visit Paul. Eventually, the truth is going to come out, but Paul should hear it from his mother.

کانال ما در واتساپ


2 months ago


2 months ago
2 months, 1 week ago

کانال ما در واتساپ


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📊 بزرگترین مرجع اطلاعات عمومی، آزمون های چالشی😉😜، هوش و سرگرمی

تبلیغات 👇👇

با داشتن این چنل نمیذاری تو جمع کسی حرف بزنه😂

Last updated 4 days, 4 hours ago

اینجا یادگیری زبان را به یک سرگرمی اعتیاد آور روزانه تبدیل کنید

برای دریافت مشاوره رایگان نام و شماره تماس خودتون رو به آیدی زیر بفرستید

👉 t.me/englishadmin 👈
با شما تماس میگیریم 📞

لینک ابتدای کانال

Last updated 1 month ago

ثبت نام دوره های آفلاین تاپ ناچ/۴۰۰۰واژه/گرامر


🔴تبلیغات پربازده

t.me/Startquiz/3 :ابتدای کانال

Last updated 3 days, 3 hours ago