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A liquid staking derivative protocol built on TON blockchain



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Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago

📥 Pengaduan @NgadminJajanBOT

🎗 Channel Lapak • @LapakBasejajan
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‼️ BlackList • @BJReport

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1 month ago
*****🔥*******Now available for everyone!** *****🔥*****

*🔥*Now available for everyone! *🔥
🔹* By combining the capabilities of EVAA and bemo on the TON blockchain, you can increase your profitability while maintaining the flexibility and accessibility of your assets.

1️⃣ Stake $TON for $stTON in bemo
2️⃣ Deposit $stTON into EVAA
3️⃣ Borrow more $TON in EVAA
🔄 Repeat the cycle!

💡 Earn stXP for stTON supplying in EVAA 😉

Easy, right? Join EVAA and bemo right now!😉

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1 month ago
***🧐****Curious about what **bemo** is? Let's …

🧐Curious about what bemo is? Let's explore the world of liquid staking together and discover stTON—the heart of our platform!

What is stTON?

stTON is the key token of the bemo platform, representing a user's share in the staking pool. When users stake their TON tokens through the bemo platform, they receive stTON in return. This token accumulates staking income, thus its value gradually increases relative to TON.

How does staking work on the bemo platform?
bemo accepts TON tokens from users and passes them to validators who participate in the validation process, supporting the operation of the TON blockchain. Validators receive rewards for their work, which, after platform fees, are returned to users in the form of staking income, reflected in the value of stTON tokens.

How is the value of stTON calculated relative to TON?The value of the stTON token relative to TON is determined by a smart contract after each validation round. The value takes into account the staking reward, platform fee, and the total number of placed TON tokens. For instance, if the current price of stTON is 1.2 TON and the staking yield is 10% per annum, then after one year, 1 stTON will be worth 1.32 TON.

How can users use their stTON tokens?
stTON holders can apply to withdraw their assets at any time. After a waiting period, which can last up to 72 hours, they receive TON tokens along with the accumulated income instead of their stTON. Thus, stTON tokens are always backed by the assets of the bemo staking pool, providing users with liquidity and income.

Still have questions? Write in the comments, let's figure it out together!👇

1 month, 2 weeks ago

🚨 Stay Alert!

📢 Dear users! We remind you that the latest information and news about bemo are available only on our official platforms: in our Telegram channel, on Twitter, and on our website.

🔍 Beware of Fakes: If you come across information about bemo events, programs, or airdrops on other websites and it's not confirmed on our channels, be wary. It could be a scam.

👉 Always Check the Sources: For reliable information, please refer to our official resources. We regularly update you on all important events and news.

🔗 Our Official Links:

• Website:
• App:• Documentation:• Twitter: @bemo_finance• Telegram Channels: RU / EN• Email:

‼️ Be careful!
We do not send out NFTs or messages with links to third-party resources not related to bemo. If you receive such a message, it is a scam.

📩 Seek Clarification!
If you have any doubts, ask questions, comment on posts, write to our email, or contact our support representative.

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bemo: ton liquid staking

The first liquid staking protocol on the TON blockchain

3 months ago
***🌟*** **stXP Tokenization Guide**

🌟 stXP Tokenization Guide

🪙 What is stXP?
stXP is the Staking Experience Point Token that is used to reward every bemo application user for staking their $TON. It is a preToken that will be converted into $BMO later this year.

🏆 How do I get stXP?
You get stXP when you stake TON. Every day you hold your Staked TON (stTON), you receive stXP. Size of the stake and holding period multiples apply. Liquidity provision and swapping on DEXes earn you additional stXP.

📈 What is stXP token for?
You will get the bemo’s platform governance token $BMO in exchange for your stXP preTokens. Token release is to happen in Q4 2024. stXP token is the only way to invest in bemo.

🔄 Does it have a monetary value?
Yes, you can sell stXP for stTON or buy it to increase your $BMO tokens within the conversion. Following their distribution, stXP tokens will be immediately available for trading on DeDust DEX.

🚀 Who is eligible for the airdrop?
Every past, current, and future user will earn stXP until the end of the bemo incentive program in October 2024.

🪂 What is the airdrop amount?
bemo users will receive 30% of their earned stXP’s rewards directly to their TON wallet addresses. The remaining balance as well as newly earned stXPs will soon be claimable in the app.

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3 months, 1 week ago
***🔥*** **Exciting News for bemo App …

🔥 Exciting News for bemo App Users! 🔥

We believe that participation directly translates to ownership. That's why we're tokenising our incentive - the staking experience points stXP!

🪂 Prepare for an Airdrop of the first preToken on TON in the coming days!

👉 We will deliver 30% of your stXP holdings directly to your wallet. The remaining balance and newly minted stXP vesting terms will be announced soon.

🎯 Get ready for the stXP token staking option, which will unlock additional rewards from us.

📈 Now, you can monetise your bemo ownership before the $BMO token release or double down on your investment in bemo’s and TON DeFi's success by buying more stXP!

🔄 DEX listing guaranteed!

🚀 Stake to Earn — Stake with us and earn additional yield on top of staking rewards with no extra risk!

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3 months, 2 weeks ago

How to Earn 25% APY with bemo: Part 3

Join the bemo airdrop now and start earning stXP, which will be converted into $BMO tokens!

💸 Be active on DEX.
This is a great strategy for active DeFi participants.

🎯 What to do?
1. Stake $TON through bemo (bemo finance bot).
2. Earn stTON.
3. Trade stTON on DEX.
4. Sell stTON for TON and stake again!

📈 How is stXP earned?
You earn stXP both for minting stTON and for trading on DEX. This means that even with a small amount of capital, you can accumulate a significant amount of stXP.

🏆 The perfect strategy for active users with limited capital. Swap your stTON for TON and stake again!

🔎 How to get 25% APY with bemo:
Part 1 | Part 2

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bemo ENG

How to Earn 25% APY with bemo: Part 1 ***🚀*** You can already participate in bemo's airdrop! Earn stXP, which will be converted into $BMO! ***🏦*** Just hold stTON in your wallet! This is the simplest strategy to earn stXP. ***🎯*** What to do? 1. Stake $TON with bemo. 2.…

5 months, 1 week ago
***🔥*** **New Milestone for bemo!**

🔥 New Milestone for bemo!

🚀 Excited to announce that the amount of TON tokens staked on the bemo platform has reached 10 million, and the TVL has exceeded $22 million.

What This Means

💸 Token Distribution: Guaranteed allocation of 10% of the total $BMO tokens during the stXP conversion.

🔄 stXP Conversion: No later than October 2024.

👉 Find out more about the incentive program here.

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5 months, 1 week ago

🚨 Stay Alert!

📢 Dear users! We remind you that the latest information and news about bemo are available only on our official platforms: in our Telegram channel, on Twitter, and on our website.

🔍 Beware of Fakes: If you come across information about bemo events, programs, or airdrops on other websites and it's not confirmed on our channels, be wary. It could be a scam.

👉 Always Check the Sources: For reliable information, please refer to our official resources. We regularly update you on all important events and news.

🔗 Our Official Links:

• Website:
• App:• Documentation:• Twitter: @bemo_finance• Telegram Channels: RU / EN• Email:

📩 Seek Clarification!
If you have any doubts, ask questions, comment on posts, write to our email, or contact our support representative.

bemo: ton liquid staking

The first liquid staking protocol on the TON blockchain

6 months ago

🚨 Stay Alert!

📢 Dear users! We remind you that the latest information and news about bemo are available only on our official platforms: in our Telegram channel, on Twitter, and on our website.

🔍 Beware of Fakes: If you come across information about bemo events, programs, or airdrops on other websites and it's not confirmed on our channels, be wary. It could be a scam.

👉 Always Check the Sources: For reliable information, please refer to our official resources. We regularly update you on all important events and news.

🔗 Our Official Links:

• Website:
• App:• Documentation:• Twitter: @bemo_finance• Telegram Channels: RU / EN• Email:

📩 Seek Clarification!
If you have any doubts, ask questions, comment on posts, write to our email, or contact our support representative.

bemo: ton liquid staking

The first liquid staking protocol on the TON blockchain

7 months, 3 weeks ago

🔥 stTON Farming Strategy on Megaton DEX!

Provide liquidity for the stTON-wTON pool and reap multiple rewards!

Every TON holder can benefit in four ways:
🔹 Staking Rewards: 4.6%
🔹 $MEGA Tokens: 6.8%
🔹 bemo boost: 19%
🔹 Swap Fees: 0.5%

🚀 Your potential yield is over 30%!Getting started is simple:
1️⃣ Wrap your TON tokens into wTON (guide).
2️⃣ Deposit them into the stTON-wTON pool (guide).

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منبع والپیپرای 3D و 4K 💜

Last updated 2 weeks, 6 days ago

📥 Pengaduan @NgadminJajanBOT

🎗 Channel Lapak • @LapakBasejajan
📚 KamusJajan @KamusJajan

‼️ BlackList • @BJReport

Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago

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🔥For paid promotion
Contact @private9999

Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago