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Electroculture farming

Discount code - Electro15

⚡️Harness the power of Nature⚡️Alternative science & methods ⚡️Energy , Frequency , Vibration ⚡️Life Force , Healing ,⚡️Ancestral knowledge

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1:1문의 : @xsizex / E-mail : xsizex@naver.com

◇ Community Building & Management

개설일 : 2019.12

Last updated 2 days, 15 hours ago

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Last updated 2 weeks ago

1 week ago

The Energetic Fabric of Reality:

Imagine we are delicate threads in an infinite fabric of energy, so fine that it's thinner than the finest hair. This energetic field simulates the entire world around us, immersing us in a three-dimensional illusion that we perceive with all our senses.

The Senses as Vibration:

There's no real space; it's merely different energy represented as vibration. The senses are the instruments that capture and interpret this vibration. They are the gates that grant us access to the world. See the sunrise, hear the ocean's roar, smell the forest's scent, taste the sweetness of a fruit - each perception resonates with this vibration.

Time as Frequency:

Time isn't just a sequence of events; it's a frequency that permeates the fabric of reality. It's the metronome that guides the rhythms of life. With each moment, time oscillates through us, shaping and altering the fabric of existence.

Energy as Amplitude:

Energy is the force driving these vibrations; it's the amplitude, the intensity behind every sensory impression. It imbues reality with its structure and liveliness. Every experience, every sensation, is an expression of this energy flowing through us.

The Interplay of Sensory Perception, Time, and Energy:

In this interplay, our senses perceive the vibrations of reality, shaped by time and animated by energy. Each moment is a symphony of vibration, frequency, and amplitude, deeply touching us and shaping our existence.

An Illusion of Reality:

The world, as we know it, is an illusion woven from vibration, frequency, and amplitude. Every perception, every experience, is a facet of this illusion, a part of the greater whole. Yet within this illusion, we find our truth, our fulfillment, our existence.

The Circle of Life:

Around the circle of life, the threads of being are spun. Every vibration, every frequency, every amplitude is a node in this infinite pattern. Life unfolds in an eternal dance of sensory impressions, carried by time and nourished by energy.

The Universe as Loom:

The universe itself is the grand loom weaving this pattern of life. Each of us is a part of this fabric, a thread in this grand tapestry. Through our senses, we experience the beauty, the diversity, the uniqueness of this cosmic weave.

Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !


1 week ago
Electroculture farming
1 week ago
We understand that WATER is H2O …

We understand that WATER is H2O 💧
Sir William Hardy, a chemist 100 years ago, professed that there are 4 phases of water
1. Solid ❄️
2. Liquid 💧
3. Vapour ☁️
4. Plasma (H3O2)
This information has been heavily suppressed. Why? Because it's orderly HEXAGONAL CRYSTALINE STRUCTURE
makes it more bioavailable to the body on a cellular level. STRUCTURED WATER also aids in the elimination of toxins from your body, decreases inflammation, and slows the aging process

Plantsurge is the easiest way to structure your water magnetically. No moving parts, lasts a lifetime
Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !


2 months, 1 week ago


Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results



11 FREE excerpts from Stefan Sobkowiak's NEW Master Class : https://permaculture.study/courses/masterclass-bundle/ Enjoy. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ** NEW ** Stefan's Master Class: https://permaculture.study (START FOR FREE) Want to VISIT…

2 months, 1 week ago


Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results


Electroculture update, June 10th, 2023

I love how this branch has leaves growing on it.

2 months, 1 week ago


Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results


I Grew and Foraged 100% of My Food for an Entire Year!

For one year I grew and foraged 100% of my food. Every. Single. Bite. No grocery stores, no restaurants, not even a drink at a bar. Nature has been my garden, my pantry and my pharmacy. I lived in the city of Orlando, Florida in a 100 square foot tiny house.…

2 months, 2 weeks ago
When we see news like this …

When we see news like this , it’s time to do the opposite
Grow more food now !

Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !

2 months, 2 weeks ago
***A*** beautiful and healthy farm from …

A beautiful and healthy farm from no dig advocate and expert - Charles Dowding. An inspirational person to learn and watch as he shows us no dig growing methods with Plantsurge produces amazing results Sometimes it’s just not possible to provide the desired explanation on how and why it works exactly. Although studies and proof can be shown, there are always skeptics around. To help overcome this Plantsurge has offered 365 days money back guarantee. Also stack Plantsurge with Electroculture and I guarantee you will see amazing results like many have experienced

Use code : Electro15


Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !

2 months, 2 weeks ago


Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !


Sea Water for The Garden - Remineralizing Soil - Surprising Cancer Link -Increased Nutrients in Food

Modern intensive agricultural methods have stripped increasing amounts of nutrients from the soil in which the food we eat grows. Sadly, each successive generation of fast-growing, pest-resistant produce is truly less good for you than the one before. Over…

2 months, 3 weeks ago

Stack Plantsurge with Electroculture to achieve amazing results !

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Building GameGPT by Prism for the next evolution of game development. Build Games in days, not weeks.

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코인왕 SNS https://linktr.ee/block_ck

Twitter l https://twitter.com/Blockchain_CK
Channel l https://t.me/Coin_AirdropKing/
Group l https://t.me/Coin_Airdrop_King/

1:1문의 : @xsizex / E-mail : xsizex@naver.com

◇ Community Building & Management

개설일 : 2019.12

Last updated 2 days, 15 hours ago

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Last updated 2 weeks ago