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Last updated 2 days, 10 hours ago

Mallu movies reviews only

⚠️Disclaimer: The contents of this channel are for information purposes only, and we are not sharing any copyright stuff!
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Last updated 11 months, 1 week ago


3 months, 1 week ago
***🟣******🟡***Kings Cross, Wed, Feb 28th, 3 …

🟣🟡Kings Cross, Wed, Feb 28th, 3 to 5pm, Yellow Boards and Light Papers.🟡🟣

Euston Road, between British Library and Renaissance Hotel, NW1 2AR, 3 minutes from Kings Cross Station, right in front of Judd Street, where Camden Townhall is located.

This is also where we went for Khan's "Healthy city summit💩" last year.

⚠️Excess deaths ignored. Why?
⚠️Did Govt+Pharma collude to kill? #Event201
⚠️WHO - world government incoming?

Boards and Light papers provided.

Please join us if you can make it. Strength in numbers.

If you prefer handing out Light Papers instead of holding a yellow board, you are obviously very welcome, too.

Wetherspoon The Barrel Vault afterwards (though it might be some work to find a space, but we grab the first table and expand from there.)🍷🍷🍷

3 months, 1 week ago

I am watching the February 22nd Coordinators Training Call and I'm only 15 min into it and Anna is confirming a lot of things I had a hunch about.

The first being that Trump's 2016 campaign was spot on - Make America Great Again. And later on his presidency he said that we were first going to make America great again and then we were going to help other nations do the same.

What I didn't know at the time was that he holds the office of Commander in Chief for the incorporated British Territorial govnm'nt services provider in the Sea jurisdiction, and therefore he doesn't have the standing or jurisdiction to participate in our work here on the Land. But he is certainly doing his part in the Sea jurisdiction.

And now I hear Anna talking enthusiastically about countries older than America who are discovering the fraud that has been committed against them, and bringing forth the evidence and rebuilding their lawful unincorporated governments.

And, just like Trump said, they are coordinating with the Federation, and The United States of America (unincorporated) is helping those older nations to rebuild their sovereign Land jurisdiction governments.


22 February 2024 - Countrywide Coordinator Training with Anna von Reitz

You do not want to miss this incredible training! Anna explains... ~ two key objections to learn ~ two Public Laws for the consideration of each of the 50 American States Assemblies ~ three layers of

I am watching the February 22nd Coordinators Training Call and I'm only 15 min into it and Anna is confirming …
3 months, 1 week ago

X (formerly Twitter)

UnBearableGuy (@XRPBrainst0rm) on X

Bedtime Stories... clip length 123 Release: 2008, 25th December. Christmas day movie. February is the 12th month on the '13 month calendar' making February 25th >12/25 Christmas day. Disney!!! QPost 3883 (look at the comms on the image)... Dated February…

Martin Geddes Channel
3 months, 2 weeks ago

**New Study Finds Virtually No Dental Benefit from Water Fluoridation in England

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🚰@COVID19Up: A new study using dental insurance records of 6.4 million adults in England found essentially no reduction in tooth decay for those living in fluoridated areas. It’s the largest ever study of the effects of fluoridation on the dental health of adults.**

The LOTUS study, funded by the UK Department of Health, was intended to inform policy-makers of what to expect for future dental and economic outcomes from the current plan to expand fluoridation to all of England. Currently, only 10% of England is fluoridated. The study found “exceedingly small” reductions in caries most people would not consider meaningful.


• Fluoridation results in only 2% fewer cavities

• No reductions in social inequalities

• No reductions in missing teeth

• Fluoridation a likely net economic loss when capital costs are included

Full story:👇****


Fluoride Action Network

Virtually No Dental Benefit From Fluoridation: Massive New Government-Funded Study Of England

Highlights: • Fluoridation results in only 2% fewer cavities • No reductions in social inequalities • No reductions in missing teeth • Fluoridation a likely net economic loss when capital costs are included A new study using dental insurance records of 6.4…

**New Study Finds Virtually No Dental Benefit from Water Fluoridation in England
3 months, 2 weeks ago

Does Michael Mann’s OUTRAGEOUS Libel Victory Mean We’re Saddled With His Hockey Stick Forever? – David Icke


Does Michael Mann’s OUTRAGEOUS Libel Victory Mean We’re Saddled With His Hockey Stick Forever?

The sad Michael Mann defamation case against Mark Steyn and Rand Simberg ended last week in the even sadder confines of the Washington D.C. Superior Court. The verdict was awful for those believing in free speech and the right to engage in public criticism…

Does Michael Mann’s OUTRAGEOUS Libel Victory Mean We’re Saddled With His Hockey Stick Forever? – David Icke
3 months, 2 weeks ago

Cutting Through Book 2by Alan Watt A Glimpse Into the Great Work

Sample Page from Book 2

As a preface to understanding, I think it necessary to go through the standard phases of “waking up."1. An Individual vaguely perceives something is wrong in his/her life. This takes the form of fatigue at trying to "keep up" with real or imaginary crisis, encroachment of government into every aspect of life, increasing taxation and so on.  Sometimes it takes the loss of work and the realization that the safety net they contributed to has a gaping hole in the middle.

  1. The individual discovers that justice is a joke and that all control mechanisms go up like a pyramid, taking their property, taxes etc. with it.
    This wealth then is distributed to "help bail-out" or "prop-up" "failing" transnational corporations. Left-overs are channeled via Overseas
    Developement Corporations to "developing nations," where the loot is pocketed by front-men and their beaurocrats. Crumbs filter down to social services, which, after being guzzled by directors and staff, leave little for the needy except bundles of forms, in triplicate, of course.

  2. The individual looks around for others already exposing "the conspiracy." These established champions inform him which "conspiracy"
    books to read. Having then done so, the individual begins to "expose" the corruption, first to friends, then when friendless, he either publishes what he has gleaned or becomes paranoid and withdraws from society altogether.

Why does the waking-up process fail to spread quickly through society?
1. He is terribly naive. He believes the massive corruption "just happened" to begin in his own lifetime, otherwise mummy or daddy or teacher would have warned him. It does not occur to him that his Parents, teachers etc. were as conditioned as he was.

  1. Most people do not wish to know. They, like farm animals, have been domesticated. Wild animals (original) have natural instincts of self-
    preservation. They sense the evil intentions of predators and they survive by trusting their instincts. Wild herds do not "hang around" when one or more members drops dead. Specially bred sheep do.

  2. Pavlovian conditioning/response indoctrination has been fed to every individual, through schooling. The media then takes over. Peoples’ opinions are simply sound-bites from news, talk-shows or quotes from glossy magazines.

  3. Trust replaces the instinct of self-preservation. It over-rides memory and logic. Controllers and shepherds encourage trust.

  4. When threatened with loss of possessions, property, access to health care, etc., people turn to government(predators) for help, or/and
    organized religion.  Should an individual persist in pushing for his "rights," he will be removed from society and placed in a psychiatric hospital or prison on any number of pretexes.  The alternative is death by "accident," or shot by police while 'resisting arrest.'


Page 2 of "Cutting Through" Vol. 2 by Alan Watt

5 months, 3 weeks ago
Do we still want to [#binthewho](?q=%23binthewho)? …

Do we still want to #binthewho? Absolutely!! But let’s not forget it is domestic law that is binding on the people. #peoplespushback #binthewho

5 months, 3 weeks ago

7) Sentencing

A Court has The power to commit a person to prison #FAKEWARRANTS

Including The Person Carrying the warrant (Regardless of Intent)
You Told them it was Fake 👀

are multiple offenders


Contempt of Court Act 1981

5 months, 3 weeks ago
Contempt of Court Act 1981

Contempt of Court Act 1981
1981 CHAPTER 49

“Interfere with the course of justice”

Misleading Warrants

5 months, 3 weeks ago

The Gas Board
The Electricity Board

Now you have upto 10 Foreign owned companies claiming Rights of Entry to your home:

- Traders
- Suppliers
- Generators
- Distributors
- Metre Operators Run by Data Thieves #Capita


Check Ofgem Licenses

Conspiring to make Financial again

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Last updated 2 days, 10 hours ago

Mallu movies reviews only

⚠️Disclaimer: The contents of this channel are for information purposes only, and we are not sharing any copyright stuff!
Advertisement: @Globaladz

Last updated 11 months, 1 week ago