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منبع والپیپرای 3D و 4K 💜

Last updated 2 days, 21 hours ago

📥 Pengaduan @NgadminJajanBOT

🎗 Channel Lapak • @LapakBasejajan
📚 KamusJajan @KamusJajan

‼️ BlackList • @BJReport

Last updated 1 day, 1 hour ago

For comments and suggestions
To share funny pic

🔥For paid promotion
Contact @private9999

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago

2 months ago
**Last Chance on BitgeT and Additional …

Last Chance on BitgeT and Additional Retro Airdrop *🪂***

There are literally only 200 spots left on BitgeT for those who will receive exactly 3.268 DFC for depositing 17-20 DFC on their spot account! Details and rules in the post!

For the last two hundred users, Meta has also announced an additional instant drop of 5 DFC! Details in the chat!

Instructions for the additional reward:- Verify on BitgeT
- Deposit 17-20 DFC to your spot account
- Take a screenshot of the deposit and copy the transaction link
- Send it in one message to the chat https://t.me/bitget_dfc
(any other message will result in a ban)

In total, you are already guaranteed to receive 8.268 DFC (26$ at the current rate) 😱

Just a reminder, today 500 people already received drops for completing the Trading Challenge on xRocket + many were pleased with a good drop from TF for DEX!

Let's go! Our activity depends on your activity - we are one with you!

2 months ago
2 months ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago
3 months, 3 weeks ago
**Listings** ***💻***

Listings 💻
Hey guys, I've been getting a lot of questions in private messages about listings on one or another exchange - when? Will it happen at all? What's the next exchange?

To avoid answering the same questions multiple times, I'll remind you of some points and try to summarize all the information:
- The listing process on an exchange itself is not the fastest and takes some time, as it goes through several stages.
- Before a token is listed on an exchange, it must meet the criteria of that platform, mainly relating to the quality of the project and the token:
• Development team activity
• Product utility
• Extensive user network
• Liquidity
• Security
- Even if everything is excellent in all these aspects, it does not mean that you will be listed "right now," as the exchanges themselves also face difficulties. I'll explain this in more detail below 👇

I want to mention that the mentioned difficulties are more technical in nature and do not depend on us. Naturally, they will be fixed in the near future 💻

As you have already noticed, tokens are a relatively young product on TON, and DFC and other tokens belong to this class of crypto-assets. While many exchanges try to keep pace with the release of such novelties, some are unable to immediately launch the corresponding software (similar to the TON inscriptions in December).

Most of the selected exchanges currently do not have these standards of working with tokens in their arsenal, so there is currently very active work on integrating such tools. Again, listing is just a matter of time! As for the next exchange, you will, of course, find out from the upcoming announcements or overhear the latest insider information during the broadcasts *👍 You think - we're working on it 💪*

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Most beginners mainly come for "quick money" and "X's", but there are also those who are interested in the long term. The following information is more for the latter 🖥

If you have already decided that the theme of "web3 and crypto" is really of interest to you, then I will share my experience with you.

And straight to the point:
Here, many things are not easy, it will not be quick, and not everyone will succeed! 🤫
Many will simply be put off by the amount of information that needs to be constantly studied when delving into crypto, not to mention the amount of time needed to devote to it!
Here, you need to be diligent and not be afraid to face your inner demons, here your main opponent and enemy is not the market, but you yourself!

If you understand what is happening, then welcome to crypto! *👋 An adequate user will need about six months to understand what real experience and skills he is developing comprehensively here:
- web3, crypto, internet
- digitization of the environment
- economic principles (basics)
- financial literacy
- analytical abilities
- studying new directions
- self-improvement (constantly)
- participation in community life
- And much more...
You will have to learn to accept both the positives and the negatives, make serious decisions, and face setbacks and losses! Here you will meet like-minded people and find support! Learn to go with the flow and go against the trend! 😉*

Here it's all like in regular life, just multiplied by several times and faster! So think about whether you can handle it 😉

3 months, 4 weeks ago
5 months, 4 weeks ago

It's infuriating...

It's infuriating how TON is being hated on by blockchain supporters! It's one thing if those who have absolutely no relation to it are hating, you don't even pay attention to them. But it's another thing when every other person with "TON" in their username decides to throw crap at the fan, saying things like "look, it's just like a broken soup," "it's broken!"

It's not cool, folks! You should stand up for your own till the end! But it seems like you're just waiting for someone to slip up so you can kick them while they're down. What have you innovators done yourselves?!

We hope that TON will learn from its mistakes, fully recover soon, and become better and stronger! In turn, we are happy and rooting for our beloved The Open Network! Together, we will repel any attacks 💪

We understand the concern of users and the fact that when transactions start working fully, there may be a drop in the price of TON, BUT for us personally, this is a good point to acquire the asset before the bull run, you can consider it as inside information 😘

P.S. The Chinese are to blame for everything...

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منبع والپیپرای 3D و 4K 💜

Last updated 2 days, 21 hours ago

📥 Pengaduan @NgadminJajanBOT

🎗 Channel Lapak • @LapakBasejajan
📚 KamusJajan @KamusJajan

‼️ BlackList • @BJReport

Last updated 1 day, 1 hour ago

For comments and suggestions
To share funny pic

🔥For paid promotion
Contact @private9999

Last updated 2 months, 1 week ago