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5 days, 23 hours ago

Acupuncture and the chakra energy system have both become increasingly mainstream in the West, but rarely have the two approaches been joined into one practice. Acupuncture and the Chakra Energy System: Treating the Cause of Disease does just that. By comparing the traditional approaches of Chinese medicine and modern Western acupuncture with the chakra energy system of Ayurvedic philosophy, author John Cross offers clinically proven strategies for treating the causes of conditions, not just the symptoms. The book describes the seven major and twenty-one minor chakras in detail and explains how each is related to the body's aura, meridians, Key points, endocrine glands, autonomic nervous system, and varying symptomatology. Focusing on how to use the chakras in the treatment of chronic physical and emotional conditions—osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, low back pain with sciatica, insomnia, hypertension, depression, menopausal symptoms, and frozen shoulder, among others—Cross’s clear, in-depth explanations make his techniques easy for anyone to follow. Including appendices on how to use the chakras with copper and zinc needles and biomagnets, as well as which types of patients respond to such treatments, Acupuncture and the Chakra Energy System is a well-rounded guide for acupuncturists and other practitioners as well as interested students.


1 week ago

Signs of Awakening
By Mingyur Rinpoche

The very first sign of waking up is the insight that we are not doomed to retrace our steps forever. Maybe we used to think: “This is my life, and I am stuck with these repetitive, neurotic habits and uncomfortable feelings, and nothing can be done about it.” Then perhaps we recognize the limitations of this analysis and think: “Maybe there’s a little crack in this bee jar of samsaric existence that I can slip through.” This initiates the turn away from samsara, away from the mental state of confusion that manifests as desire and aversion.

Excerpted from:

Turning Confusion into Clarity: A Guide to the Foundation Practices of Tibetan Buddhism by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, page 6.

1 week, 2 days ago

🕵️🐷🕵️ zero-day🕵️🐷🕵️
"A powerful tool for self-discovery filled with mystical practices, meditations, and mind-expanding visuals from the artist behind the wildly popular Instagram account @beamingdesign.

In Beaming, Marilyne Verschueren—the artist behind internet sensation Beamingdesign—presents 100 expansive visuals designed to stimulate your mind and awaken your intuition. Messages of hope, resilience, and joy are incorporated into radiant art, with each image offering the reader an opportunity for deep contemplation and introspection. Powerful imagery is paire­­­d with dozens of guided mindfulness, journaling, and breathwork exercises to deepen the interactive experience. For fans of modern mysticism, tarot, and self-care and anyone on a spiritual journey, Beaming is an exquisite companion and a stirring call to follow your truth.

BELOVED ARTIST: Marilyne Verschueren (@beamingdesign) is a celebrated artist with a passionate following on social media. This book collects fan-favorite artwork, dozens of never-before-seen pieces, and guided practices for deeper engagement with the visuals to inspire self-care, personal growth, creativity, and more.

BEAUTIFUL BOOK TO GIFT AND DISPLAY: Overflowing with colorful, radiant artwork in an eye-catching package, this beautiful book is a statement object that makes an uplifting self-purchase or thoughtful gift for the spiritual and the spiritually curious.

FUN AND ILLUMINATING ACTIVITY: Rich with visually inspiring art, meditations, and mindful exercises, this book guides readers through an empowering practice of self-reflection and self-discovery. This visual approach offers a dynamic alternative to text-driven guides, bringing a fresh and energetic perspective to personal growth.

Perfect for:
Modern mystics
Tarot and oracle deck enthusiasts
Meditators and mindfulness practitioners
Fans of The Wild Unknown and Mystic Mondays Tarot
Fans of @beamingdesign on Instagram"


2 weeks, 2 days ago

मठ के व्यवस्थापक थे महायोगी महातपा! उन्हीं के संचालन में सारा कार्य होता था। उन्हीं के आदेश पर नये प्रवेश करने वाले साधकों को योग-तन्त्र आदि की दीक्षा दी जाती थी। सर्वप्रथम मुझे उन्हीं के सम्मुख उपस्थित किया गया था। काफी लम्बा-चौड़ा कक्ष था। कक्ष की दीवारें सुनहले रंग की थी जिनमें से सुनहले रंग का प्रकाश प्रस्फुटित हो रहा था। ओंकार की मन्द-मन्द ध्वनि भी गूँज रही थी वहाँ पर। वह ध्वनि कहाँ से निकल रही थी, यह मेरी समझ में नहीं आया। मगर यह निश्चित था कि वह किसी व्यक्ति के कण्ठ से नहीं फूट रही थी। उसका उद्गम कुछ और ही था, जो मेरे लिये अज्ञात था।
कक्ष के मध्य में रक्तवर्ण और पीतवर्ण के पारदर्शक स्फ़टिक पाषाण का शतदल कमल पुष्प था, जो स्वयं प्रकाशित हो रहा था। मैंने देखा - उस स्वप्रकाशित कमल पुष्प पर एक दिव्य महापुरुष पद्मासन की मुद्रा में विराजमान थे। वही थे महतपस्वी, महायोगी श्री महातपा। देखने में वे बिल्कुल एक बालक प्रतीत हो रहे थे। लेकिन उनकी आयु सबसे अधिक थी। उनका शरीर भी गुलाबी रँग का और पारदर्शक था। और था पूर्ण अनावृत। गले में मोतियों जैसी माला थी, जिसमें से शुभ्र वर्ण की रश्मियाँ निकल रही थी। वे बिना पलक झपकाये सामने की ओर स्थिर दृष्टि से देख रहे थे। तेजोमय मुखमण्डल पर किसी भी प्रकार का भाव नहीं था।

प्रज्ञा ने आगे कहा - उस दिव्य महात्मा के कक्ष में प्रवेश करते ही मेरी आत्मा को जिस आनन्द और जिस शान्ति का अनुभव हुआ उसे शब्दों में व्यक्त नहीं कर सकती मैं। निश्चय ही उसी आनन्द और शान्ति को परम आनन्द और परम शान्ति कहते होंगे योगीगण।

उसी आनन्द और शान्ति के सागर में आकण्ठ डूबी हुई मैं जब उस दिव्य महापुरुष को निहार रही थी, उसी समय न जाने कब, कैसे और कहाँ से आकर मेरे गले में सुन्दर खिले हुए ताज़े गुलाब के फूलों की माला झूल गयी। घोर आश्चर्य हुआ मुझे। तीव्र सुगन्धमय गुलाब के फूल इतने बड़े-बड़े और सुन्दर थे कि उन्हें इस संसार का नहीं कहा जा सकता।

पुष्प की माला का प्राप्त होना इस बात का संकेत था कि मुझे दीक्षा की आज्ञा परम योगी महातपा से प्राप्त हो गयी है। उसके बाद मुझे दीक्षा कक्ष में ले जाया गया। वहाँ भी एक महायोगी पद्मासन में बैठे हुए दिखलायी पड़े मुझको। वे भी बालक सदृश थे। लेकिन उनकी आयु भी काफ़ी थी। उनके नेत्र बन्द थे। चेहरे पर असीम अलौकिक दिव्य तेज था। मुझे बतलाया गया कि उनका नाम कैवल्यपाद है और सैंकड़ों वर्षों से इसी प्रकार समाधिस्थ बैठे हुए हैं।

कैवल्यपाद का जहाँ आसन था, उसके समीप स्फ़टिक की एक गोलाकर वेदी थी जिस पर स्वर्ण का लगभग दो फुट ऊँचा दीपाधार था। उस दीपाधार पर अष्टधातु के पात्र में एक दीप प्रज्वलित था। पात्र में तेल के स्थान पर कोई अज्ञात तरल द्रव भरा हुआ था, जिसका रंग सोने की तरह था। दीप की ज्योति में किसी प्रकार का कम्पन नहीं था। सबसे आश्चर्य की बात थी कि उस स्थिर ज्योति का प्रकाश अत्यन्त तीव्र था और पूरे कक्ष में फैल रहा था। बाद में ज्ञात हुआ कि वह दीप पिछले कई सौ वर्षों से जल रहा है और निरन्तर प्रकाश बिखेर रहा है।


2 weeks, 3 days ago

Who is Kundalini, the Serpent Power? Mythologically, she is an aspect of the Shakti (power or energy) and consort of Shiva. Philosophically, she is the creative energy that eventually forms mind and matter, and comes to rest in the lowest form of matter. She is consciousness: the power of matter to know itself. In terms of Tantric practice, she is the mysterious power that resides in the human body and can be awakened through suitable techniques: special meditations and yogic practices of a particularly powerful nature. She is The Goddess, the ultimate heart of many areas of Eastern religion, not only of Hinduism.

This volume, by the foremost student of Shaktic and Tantric thought, "Arthur Avalon," is the prime document for the study and application of Kundalini yoga. The author covers the philosophical and mythological nature of Kundalini; the esoteric anatomy associated with it; the study of matrass — the chakras, or psychic centers in the human body and their progressive awakening; and the yoga associated with this. This introduction, some 300 pages of unique material, is followed by translations (with long analytical commentary) of two important Tantric documents: The Description of the Six Chakras and the briefer Five-fold Footstool. By working through these documents the reader can acquire the essence of Kundalini yoga.

For centuries this material was a closely guarded secret in India; even native scholars were not allowed access to it. In fact, it was so restricted that many Indologists refused to recognize its existence. It took half a lifetime of searching by Sir John Woodroffe to locate the key documents and further years to find a master able and willing to evoke from the cryptic texts a modus for study and application. The result of Woodroffe's work, however, was one of the most important developments in Indian thought, a key to many areas of art and religion that had hitherto been locked. It is also a work that has great interest to Westerners who wish to acquire for themselves the validity of the ultimate experience.


2 weeks, 5 days ago

"This book explains in detail the bases of the yoga of sound, its therapeutic aspects and its effect on the biological and psychic system of the human being. From the thousand-year old Indian tradition a scientific method to regulate your own emotional and physical state through the vibrational resonance of singing.

The first traces of Nada Yoga appear in the most antique and sacred Indian scriptures such as the Natya Shastra, the Gandharva Veda, the Naradiya Shiksha, and many others. Thanks to the extraordinary work of the musician and researcher Vemu Mukunda it was recovered from the ancient traditions and diffused throughout the world.

The author, Stefano Manfrin, relying on years of in-class experience, as he was committed to spreading the science of Nada Yoga, in this text revisits and further deepens this discipline. He has developed and coined his original contribution: The System of Music-Evolution."

3 weeks, 2 days ago

"The question of whether we survive the grave has been in the minds of men for countless ages and is indeed one of the cornerstones of every major world religion, and in particular of the more recent movement of the Spiritualist Church. Many have endeavoured to answer this question, whether out of a personal obsession and devotion or as an act of serving their fellow man, and our libraries are filled with their treatises — some more enlightened than others.

Dr. Douglas Baker is not only well versed on the teachings of Ancient Wisdom, but a qualified medical doctor and has travelled the world investigating and lecturing on, among other things, this very important subject of life after death.

Dr. Baker's concise question-and-answer format makes this mystery-riddled subject very understandable for truth seekers of all ages, and is published in conjunction with his extensive public lecture tour of England in an effort to bring many so-called mystery teachings to the attention of the public as we approach the Age in which man will no longer proceed on "blind faith", but rather becomes a knower."


3 weeks, 4 days ago

"What does "good luck" look like and how do you achieve it?

Lucky symbols, lucky numbers, lucky charms and luck-creating rituals—how is it that a disciplined and hard-working country like Japan is so invested in the idea of luck? And what, exactly, does "good luck" mean?

This insightful book—by a leading expert on the subject—explores the ways in which "good luck" symbols and rituals in Japan are used in tandem with diligence and a positive attitude to help people overcome life's many twists, turns and bad patches.

It explores how customs and beliefs play a vital role in creating positive expectations and outcomes—and includes practical exercises for bringing good fortune and happiness into your own life.

Author Nobuo Suzuki acquaints us with beloved Japanese icons of luck, prosperity, and goal-setting and explains what they truly represent—including Maneki Neko (the "Lucky Cat"), Daruma (the "Lucky Buddha") and the Seven Lucky Gods of Good Fortune. We even meet some quirky and much beloved modern Japanese symbols of luck like the "Golden Poop" (yes, you read that right!). And we learn how these symbols all foster a sense of community which contributes to the happiness and well-being of all individuals in Japan.

With this book, luck becomes a matter of self-understanding and connection to others rather than something that exists outside of ourselves and other people. It is an integral part of life and learning to shape out a destiny for ourselves that we can view with pride and contentment."


4 weeks, 1 day ago

🕵️🐷🕵️ zero-day🕵️🐷🕵️
"What is the relationship between consciousness and our brain? Are they one and the same? Who are we really? The Consciousness Network presents a novel account of one of the greatest scientific challenges of the twenty-first century: understanding the connection between brain and mind.

The book explores remarkable cases of patients who demonstrate how our impression of reality is created by the brain. Age-old questions about dreams, colour perception, phantom sensations and hallucinations are illuminated by surprising discoveries from the latest brain research. How does consciousness differ from memory, emotions and behaviour? How did it develop during the evolution of life on earth, and does it serve a purpose? Does the brain leave room for free will? In this unique blend of philosophy, history, psychology and neuroscience, Cyriel Pennartz breaks new ground by presenting an original theory of brain and mind, substantiated by brain research in patients and healthy people. This theory, inspired by the seventeenth-century philosopher Spinoza, goes significantly deeper than current thinking based on computer models or artificial intelligence.

The Consciousness Network is essential reading for students working at the interface of neuroscience, cognitive psychology, philosophy of mind and cognitive science, as well as anyone interested in consciousness and the brain."


3 months, 1 week ago

Book Title: "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle

Quote: "The state of mind that is free of thought is a state of heightened consciousness, of increased awareness and wakefulness."

Explanation: This quote from "The Power of Now" highlights the concept of consciousness as being present in the moment and free from the incessant chatter of the mind. When we are able to quiet the mind and be fully present, we can access a deeper level of awareness and connect with our true essence. This heightened state of consciousness allows us to experience life in a more profound and meaningful way.

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