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Last updated 3 weeks, 5 days ago

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Last updated 8 months, 3 weeks ago

2 months ago

142 - Ruling of the One who doesn't Perform his Prayer Perfectly - Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymīn

ما حكم من لم يقم الصلاة؟
What is the ruling on the one who does not establish the salah (prayer)?

والجواب عن ذلك بل الجواب عن ذلك أن نقول:
The answer to that is that we say:

أما من لم يقمها على وجه الكمال،
As for the one who does not perform it perfectly,

يعني انه أخل ببعض الأشياء المكملة الصلاة،
meaning that he neglected some of the things that complete the prayer,

فانّ هذا محروم
then, he is deprived;

محروم من الأجر الذي يحصل له بإكمال الصلاة،
deprived of the reward that he would attain by performing the prayer with completion.

لكنه ليس بإثم،
However, he is not a sinner.

يعنى مثلا: لو اقتصر على قول ((سبحان ربي العظيم)) في الركوع مع الطمأنينة لكان كافيا،
Meaning, for example: If he limits himself to saying Subhan Rabbi Al-Adheem (once) in 'Ruku with tranquility, then that is sufficient.

لكنه محروم من زيادة الأجر في التسبيح
However, he is deprived of the increase in reward that he would attain by doing Tasbeeh (more than once).

2 months ago

Does Iman increase and decrease - Sheikh Al-Albani

‎من هنا نحن نقول دائمًا وأبدًا كما عُلِّمنا من سلفنا: عليكم بالأمر العتيق
From here we always and forever say as we were taught by our Salaf: “It is mandatory upon you to stick to how it was at the old time (i.e., the time of the Prophet ﷺ and the Ṣahābah).”

‎في زمن الصحابة لم يكن هناك من يقول الإيمان لا يزيد ولا ينقص
At the time of the Ṣahābah, there was nobody that said: Imān does not increase or decrease.

‎لأنَّ هذا خلاف الكتاب والسنة
That's because this contradicts the Qurʾān and the Sunnah.

‎ لكن وُجِدَ بعده بنحو مائة سنة أو أكثر من رأى رأيًا فأخطأ، وهو رجل عالم فاضل،
However, about a hundred years after them, there was someone had an opinion and erred (in it), and he was a knowledgeable and virtuous man.

رأى أن الإيمان يستحيل أن يقبل الزيادة والنقص، وإنما الذي يزيد هو آثاره، وهي الأعمال الصالحة
He saw that it is impossible for Imān to increase and decrease, but only it's effect increases, which are righteous actions.

‎والله - عز وجل - يقول دائمًا وأبدًا أن الإيمان يزيد وبالتالي تزيد الأعمال الصالحة
And Allāh always and forever says that Imān increases thus good deeds increase.

‎ ثم هذا الرأي الذي صدر من بعض أهل العلم اتُّخذ دينًا ، وهذه مصيبة من مصائب المسلمين !
Then, this opinion that was given by some of the people of knowledge was taken as a religion, and this is one of the calamities of Muslims!

كيف اتُّخذ دينا والدين هو الإسلام ، والإسلام هو القرآن ، والقرآن يقول إن الإيمان يزيد وينقص صراحة ، (فزادهم إيمانًا )
How is it taken as a religion whilst the religion is al-Islām, and al-Islām is al-Qurʾān, and the Qurʾān explicitly says that Imān increases and decreases! “فَزَادَهُمۡ إِيمَٰنٗا”.
"But It (only) increased them in Imān"
[Sūrah al-ʿImrān:173]

2 months ago

141 - Supplication is an Act of Worship even in the Matters of Dunyā - Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymīn

قال عليه الصلاة والسلام: اقرب ما يكون العبد من ربه وهو ساجد
The Prophet ﷺ said (the meaning of which): "The 'abd (worshipper) is closest to his Rabb (Lord) while he is in prostration."

فاكثر من الدعاء بما شئت،
So, increase your supplications for whatever you want.

سؤال الجنة، التعوذ من النار، ،
Ask for Jannah, seek refuge from Hell-Fire,

سؤال علم نافع، عمل صالح، إيمان راسخ ، وهكذا.
Ask for beneficial knowledge, righteous deeds, firm Imaan, and so on.

سؤال بيت جميل، امرأة صالحة، ولد صالح، سيارة،
Ask for a beautiful house, a righteous wife, righteous child, car,

ما شئت من خير الدين والدنيا،
whatever you wish from the best of Dīn and Dunyā (worldly matters).

لان الدعاء عبادة ولو في أمور الدنيا،
That's because supplication is an act of worship, even if it's for the matters of Dunyā.

قال الله: (وَقَالَ رَبُّكُمُ ادْعُونِي أَسْتَجِبْ لَكُمْ) [غافر: ٦٠] ،
Allah said (the meaning of which): "Invoke Me, [i.e. believe in My Oneness (Islamic Monotheism) and ask Me for anything] I will respond to your (invocation). [Ghafir: 60]

قال: (وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ) (البقرة: من الآية١٨٦)
(And Allah said) (it's meaning): And when My 'ibaad ask you (O Muhammad ﷺ) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor). [Al-Baqarah:186]

وفي هذه الايام العصيبة ينبغي أن نطيل السجود،
And in these difficult/catastrophic times, we should prolong prostration,

وان نكثر من الدعاء بان يأخذ الله على أيدي الظالمين المعتدين،
and increase our supplications so that Allah takes hold of the hands (i.e., suppresses them) of wrongdoers and transgressors;

ونلح ولا نستبطئ الإجابة،
we insist (in Du'ā) and are not hasty for the answer.

لان الله حكيم قد لا يجيب الدعوة بأول مرة أو ثانية أو ثالثة،
That's because Allah is Al-Hakīm (The Most-Wise). He may not answer the suplication from the first, second, or third time,

من اجل أن يعرف الناس شدة افتقارهم إلى الله فيزدادوا دعاء
as to make the people know their dire need for Allah, so they increase in du'ā.

3 months, 2 weeks ago

138 - Ruling of Forgetting the Takbeerat al-Ihraam - Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymīn

تكبيرة الاحرام: أن يقول الإنسان عند الدخول في الصلاة 'الله اكبر'،
Takbeerat al-Ihraam is that a person says 'Allahu Akbar' when he begins his prayer.

لا يُمكن أن تَنعقِدَ الصلاة إلا بذلك،
Prayer cannot be performed except with that.

فلو نسِّيَ الإنسان تكبيرة الاحرام، جاء وقف في الصَّف ثم نَسي وشَرَعَ في القراءة وصَلَّى فَصَلاتُهُ غير صحيحة.
So, If a person forgets Takbeerat al-Ihraam, he comes, stands in the row, then forgets (it), begins with recitation, and prays, then his prayer is invalid.

غير مُنعَقِدة إطلاقاً.
It was not performed at all.

لأن تكبيرة الاحرام لا تَنعَقِد الصلاة إلّا بها.
That's because prayer can only be performed/correct with Takbeerat al-Ihraam.

قال النَّبيُّ صَلَّى الله عليه وسلَّم لِرَجُلٍ علَّمَهُ كيف يُصَلّي. قال:' إذا قُمتَ إلى الصّلاة فأسبِغِ الوُضوءَ ثم استقبِلِ القبلَةَ فكبِّر.
The Prophet ﷺ said to a man whom he taught how to pray, he ﷺ said: "If you stand up for prayer, make Wudhu properly, then face the Qiblah and make Takbeer."

فلابد من التكبير. وكان صلى الله عليه وسلم مُداوَماً على ذلك.
So, it is a must to do Takbeer. The Prophet ﷺ used to always do it.

3 months, 2 weeks ago

138 - Ruling of Forgetting the Takbeerat al-Ihraam - Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymīn

3 months, 2 weeks ago

When to Speak Against the Ahlul Bid'ah - Sheikh Salih Al-Fawzan

يقول فضيلة الشيخ، وفقكم الله
He says: Honorable Sheikh, may Allah grant you success.

قد يتكلم كثير من الناس في بعض دعاة البدعة وخوارج هذا الزمان بالقدح وتبيين أخطائهم
There might be many people who speak against some of the people of Bid'ah (innovation within religion) and the kharijites of this time and point out their mistakes.

فهل يعتبر هذا من الغيبة لهم؟
Is this considered as backbiting them?

إذا حصل منهم شر وفتنة فلا بد أن يفضح أمرهم ويبين مخازيهم
If they make evil and fitnah (tribulations), it is a must that they are exposed and their disgrace is revealed,

من أجل أن يحذرهم الناس
so that people can be careful of them.

إذا حصل منهم تعدي على الناس وشرٍ على الناس
If they transgress and commit evil against people,

فلا بد من كشف عوارهم لأجل أن يحذرهم الناس
then their faults must be exposed in order for people to be warned.

أما إذا ما حصل منهم شر، إنما شي في قلوبهم
However, if they do no evil, it is only something in their hearts,

واعتقدوه في قلوبهم ولا حصل منهم شر فإنهم يتركون ولا يتعرض لهم
they believe it in their hearts, and no evil was committed by them, then they are left alone without exposing them.

والعلماء يقولون من اعتقد مذهب الخوارج ولم يحصل منه شي، يترك
And the scholars say that whosoever believes in the Madh-hab (way) of the Kharijites and doesn’t commit anything, then he is to be left alone.

أما إذا حصل منه شي، فلابد أن تكف يده
But if he commits something, then he must be held back.

لابد أن يقاتل، لابد أن يوقف عند حده.
He must be fought. He must be stopped.


3 months, 2 weeks ago

Being Patient Upon the Trials Faced for Holding onto the Deen - Sheikh Ibn Baz

السؤال : بعض الشباب المتمسك بدينه أصبح يحارب حتى في بيوت آبائه؛ لأنهم يحاربون المنكرات التي دخلت البيوت التي أفسدت قلوب الناس، نرجو توجيهكم.
Question: Some of the youth who hold on to the deen are fought against, even in their parents' house. That's because they fight against the munkarāt (sins) that have entered the houses, that corrupt the hearts of the people, we ask for your directions.

الجواب: عليه أن يصبر، على الشباب، وعلى غير الشباب أن يصبر، إذا دخل البلاء البيت عليه أن يصبر،
Answer: It is upon him to be patient, it is upon the youth and others to be patient. If balā' (calamity/corruption) enters his house, it is upon him to be patient.

هذا زمان الصبر، وزمان الفتن والمحن، عليه أن يصبر، ويجاهد حسب طاقته، ويسأل الله العون على ذلك.
This is the era of patience, and the era of trials and tribulations. It is upon him to be patient, make jihād (strive) according to his ability, and ask Allah to aid him upon that.

وإذا استطاع أن يستقل بنفسه في بيت وحده إذا لم يستجيبوا له، ولم يطاوعوه على إزالة المنكرات، فلا مانع أن يستقل إن استطاع في بيت وحده،
If he is able to live alone seperately in a house, if they don't listen to him in removing the munkarāt (sins), there is no problem if he lives alone separately in a house.

وإذا لم يستطع فليجاهد، وليتق الله، ولا يكلف الله نفسًا إلا وسعها، ولا يحضر المنكر.
If he is not able to, then he should strive, and have taqwā (fear) of Allah; "Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope" He should not attend the munkar.

فدرجات إنكار المنكر ثلاث: اليد، ثم اللسان، ثم القلب،
Forbidding the munkar (sins) is of three levels: With the hand, then the tongue, then the heart.

الأول بيده إذا استطاع، إذا كان رب البيت هو يستطيع أن يفعل ما يقدر عليه،
First is with his hands if he is able to. If he is the master of the house, then he can do whatever he is capable of.

وإذا كان ليس هو رب البيت، بل مجبور معه آباؤه، معه أبوه وإخوانه الكبار؛
If he is not the master of the house, rather he is constrained, his parents are with him, his father and elder brothers are with him,

فلينكر ما استطاع بلسانه، فإن لم يستجيبوا؛ أنكر بقلبه،
then he should forbid what he can with his tongue. if they don't listen to him, then he forbids with his heart.

فإن استطاع أن يفارق، ويستقل في بيت فعل ذلك،
If he is able to seperate from them and live independently in a house, he should do that.

فهو جهاد هذه الحياة، حياة الجهاد، ودار الجهاد،
It is the jihād (struggle) of this life, the life of struggle, and the abode of struggle.

فلا بدّ من الصبر، ولا بدّ من المجاهدة حسب الطاقة، فاتقوا الله ما استطعتم
So, it is a must to have patience. it is a must to strive and struggle according to one's ability. "So have taqwā of Allah as much as you can"

3 months, 2 weeks ago

O Women! Adhere to Your Homes - Sheikh Al-Albani

الأصل في هذا أن تعرف المرأة أنها خُلقت لتلزم بيتها وتخدم زوجها وتربي أولادها إنْ كان لها أولاد،
The fundamental principle regarding this is that a woman knows that she was created to adhere to her house, serve her husband, and nurture her children, if she has children.

وإنْ لم يكن لها ولد فَحَسْبُها أن تُعْنى ببيتها وزوجها.
And if she does not have children, it is sufficient for her to look after her house and her husband.

ثم يجوز لها أن تخرج لقضاء بعض المصالح التي لا يستطيع الزوج أو أحد أقاربها من محارمها أن يقوم بذلك أو لا يتيسر لغيرها أن يقوم لها بذلك،
After which, it is allowed for her to go out to fulfill certain needs that neither her husband nor any of her relatives from her Mahaarim are able to do. Or that which is not easy for others to do on her behalf.

ثم لا بأس من خروجها لزيارة صواحبها أو أقاربها في حدود.
Also, there is no problem for her to go out to visit her friends or relatives within limits.

ليست كثيرة كما هو الشأن مثل للرجال،
Not often, as is the case with men.

لأن الرجال لم يُخاطبوا بمثل ما خُوطبت النساء، في قوله تبارك وتعالى : ﴿وَقَرْنَ في بيوتكن ولا تبرجن تبرج الجاهلية الأولى
(This is) because men have not been addressed as women have, in the statement of Allāh, the Blessed, the Most High: "And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance" (Surah Al-Ahzāb 33:33)

هذا ينبغي على المرأة أن تضع ذلك نصب عينها، أي: أن لا يكون خروجها كخروج الرجل دون حساب ودون حدود،
Thus, women should always remember this, meaning that her leaving the house should not be like that of a man, without any account and without any limits,

حتى ولو لم يمانع زوجها في ذلك
even if her husband does not object to it.

3 months, 3 weeks ago

137 - The Ruling of Praying a Voluntary prayer behind the One Praying an Obligatory Prayer - Sheikh Ibn 'Uthaymīn

أما الإنسان الذي يصلي نافلة خلف من يصلي فريضة فلا باس ،
As for the one who is praying a voluntary prayer behind someone praying an obligatory prayer, there's no problem.

لا بأس بها، لان السنة قد دلت على ذلك
There is no problem with it, because it is indicated by the Sunnah.

فإن الرسول صلي الله عليه وسلم انفتل من صلاة الفجر ذات يوم في مسجد الخيف  في مني،
For indeed, the Messenger ﷺ turned after (performing) the Fajr Salah in Masjid Al-Khaif in Mina, one day,

فوجد رجلين لم يصليا،
when he found two men who hadn't prayed (in congregation).

فقال: ما منعكما أن تصليا في القوم؟
So he ﷺ said: "What prevented you both from praying with the people (in congregation)."

قالا: يا رسول الله صلينا في رحالنا
They said: "O Messenger of Allāh, we have already prayed in our houses."

يحتمل أنهما صليا في رحالهما لظنهما أنهما لا يدركان صلاة الجماعة، أو لغير ذلك من الأسباب
They may have prayed in their houses because of their assumption that they would not be there in time for the congregation, or for other reasons.

فقال: ((إذا صليتما في رحالكما ثم أتيتما مسجد جماعة فصليا معهم، فإنها لكما نافلة)) .
Then, he ﷺ said: "If any of you prays in his house and then comes to the Masjid (and there is a) congregation, then pray along with them. Surely it is a voluntary prayer for you."

الأولى أو الثانية
"Indeed it", referring to the first Salah or the second?

الثانية لان الأولى حصلت بها الفريضة، وانتهت وبرئت الذمة
(It refers to the) second Salāh because the first one fulfilled the obligatory prayer, which was completed and freed (the person from it's) obligation.

الثانية لكما نافلة وهما يصليا خلف من يصلي الفريضة
The second (prayer) is voluntary for you. And they were praying behind the one who is praying the obligatory prayer.

إذا كان المأموم هو الذي يصلي النافلة والإمام هو الذي يصلي الفريضة فلا بأس بذلك،
If the person who is being led in Salāh is the one praying the voluntary prayer and the Imām is the one praying the obligatory prayer, then there is no problem with that,

كما دلت عليه هذه السنة
As established by this (narration of) the Sunnah.

5 months, 3 weeks ago

Be Courageous in Spreading the Truth and Facing the People of Falsehood - Sheikh Ibn Uthaymin

أن من أهل الباطل من يتحدى أهل الحق
There are some of the people of falsehood who challenge the people of truth.

إلى يومنا هذا!
Until this day !
إلى يومنا هذا
Until this day.

ولكن على أهل الحق أن يستعينوا بالله عزوجل في مقاومة هؤلاء
However, it is upon the people of truth to seek the aid of Allah the Exalted in opposing them,

وأن يعلموا أن كلمة حق تغلب ألف كلمة باطل
and they should know that a word of truth outweighs a thousand words of falsehood.

لكن السيف بضاربه
However, the sword depends on the one who wields it.

السيف بضربه
The sword depends on the one who wields it.

ربما يكون السيف بيد جبان
Perhaps the sword is in the hand of a coward,

فإذا رأى العدو مقبلا سقط السيف من يده
so, If he sees the enemy approaching, the sword falls from his hand.

هل ينتفع بالسيف، لا
Does he benefit from the sword?No!
بيد شجاع لو كان سيفه مثلما لقرع به هام الأعداء
(Whereas) in the hand of the courageous one, even if his sword is broken at the tip, he strikes the heads of the enemies.

فالحقيقة أن السيف بضاربه
The reality is that the sword depends on the one who wields it .

كم من إنسان يحمل من الشريعة أشياء كثيرة
لكن لا ينتفع بها ولا ينفع
How many people carry a great amount (of knowledge) of the shari'ah, but they do not benefit from it or benefit others.

وكم من إنسان دون ذلك بكثير لكن نفع الله به
And how many people are much less than that (in knowledge), but Allah brings benefit with them.

لأنه مجاهد يجاهد أهل الباطل بما معه من الحق
That's because he is a mujaahid (those who strive in the path of Allah), he is making jihad (striving) against the people of falsehood with what he has of the truth.

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Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago


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