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Last updated 8 months, 2 weeks ago

Объективный взгляд из Европы на события в Украине.

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Last updated 6 months ago

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Plaintiffs Ask Judge to Take Swift Action as Landmark Fluoride Trial Wraps Up

Rather than delivering summary arguments, the attorneys responded for nearly three hours to questions from U.S. District Judge Edward Chen during the last day of the two-week bench trial in San Francisco federal court.


Children's Health Defense

Plaintiffs Ask Judge to Take Swift Action as Landmark Fluoride Trial Wraps Up

A landmark trial that could determine the future of water fluoridation in the U.S. ended Tuesday with attorneys for the environmental groups and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency responding to questions from federal Judge Edward Chen.

Plaintiffs Ask Judge to Take Swift Action as Landmark Fluoride Trial Wraps Up
3 months, 3 weeks ago


X (formerly Twitter)

Elon Musk (@elonmusk) on X

Worth watching, especially for parents

3 months, 4 weeks ago

Science Has Now Created Synthetic Humans

Researchers have succeeded in creating synthetic embryos for the first time ever, without stopping to wonder if it should be done at all. https://bit.ly/3SLhLU1

9 months ago

Los Angeles School District Encourages Sick Students to Attend Classes

Daily Attendance Rates Tied to State Funding of School Districts

Last year, 40 percent of students in LAUSD were “chronically absent” and the year prior to that, it was at an all time high of 50 percent.

"...if the current 90 percent daily attendance rate increased to 95 percent as it was prior to the pandemic, LAUSD would receive $300 million more in state funding."

#LAUSD #TheVaccineReaction #NVIC


The Vaccine Reaction

Los Angeles School District Encourages Sick Students to Attend Classes

When Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) in California reopened following the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) declaration, public school officials initially demanded that...

Los Angeles School District Encourages Sick Students to Attend Classes
9 months ago

World Council for Health Proposes New Approach for Childhood Vaccines



World Council for Health Proposes New Approach for Childhood Vaccines

Cautionary Message to Parents in Wake of Growing Safety Concerns

World Council for Health Proposes New Approach for Childhood Vaccines
9 months ago

Susan Shelley: If the government makes mistakes, it should clean up after itself

Everybody in government takes an oath to uphold the Constitution, but when they ignore that oath, it’s very expensive to go to court and try to hold them to it. This is a problem. If the government makes mistakes, it should clean up after itself, not glare defiantly across the public square like an old Soviet statue covered in pigeon poop.


Daily News

Susan Shelley: If the government makes mistakes, it should clean up after itself

Our freedom isn’t secured by parchment.

Susan Shelley: If the government makes mistakes, it should clean up after itself
9 months ago

Oral Argument in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Health Freedom Defense Fund et al. v. Alberto Carvalho LAUSD

Jacobson did not say that the state could plunge a needle into the arm of someone who objected to being vaccinated or could condition employment on submitting to a vaccine.


Brownstone Institute

Oral Argument in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Health Freedom Defense Fund et al. v. Alberto Carvalho ⋆ Brownstone Institute

What if LAUSD is still requiring the shot twenty years from now? How did they come up with the premise that it doesn’t matter whether the shot is effective or not?

Oral Argument in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Health Freedom Defense Fund et al. v. Alberto Carvalho LAUSD
9 months ago

‘Predatory’ Anti-Parent Agenda in Schools

Very important information for parents from Theresa Wrangham - Executive Director, National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC)



‘Predatory’ Anti-Parent Agenda in Schools

Good Morning CHD is a daily news show by Children's Health Defense TV bringing you the latest daily news ***☀️***

‘Predatory’ Anti-Parent Agenda in Schools
9 months ago

He OWNS It: Gov. @GavinNewsom S-Hole Cities, Sanctuary, Crime, Drugs, Homelessness, Corruption

Gavin is running away from California after participating in its demise since 1997


California Globe

He OWNS It: Gov. Newsom’s S-Hole Cities, Sanctuary, Crime, Drugs, Homelessness, Corruption

California Gov. Gavin Newsom has a little public relations problem: the state he governs is a dangerous shithole and an albatross around the neck of all Democrat politicians.

He OWNS It: Gov. [@GavinNewsom](https://t.me/GavinNewsom) S-Hole Cities, Sanctuary, Crime, Drugs, Homelessness, Corruption
9 months ago

California Education Budget: Graded F-
Even with the fourth largest economy in the world, Californians can’t find any basic public service the State successfully provides

While California spends more money on its public schools than the entire national spending of 195 countries around the world ($127.2 billion) and with that is merely average for it’s per pupil spending in the nation, we have somehow managed to accomplish the WORST literacy rate in the nation, and the lowest average graduation rate in the nation. Maybe that is due to the fact we have the second lowest pupil to teacher ratio in the country and are tied for 43rd in the nation for highest percentage of threatened or injured students in the nation. So what is the response of California’s leadership in these hard budget times?


California Globe

California Education Budget: Graded F-

Kids – it is always about the children. Better schools, better programs, more safety, less discipline, less stress; take your pick and you have probably heard someone speak on its importance and their fight to fix the problem. Because, why not? Who is going…

California Education Budget: Graded F-
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Canal oficial da juliana Cantoria do bonde do forró fotos exclusivas aqui

Last updated 8 months, 2 weeks ago

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Last updated 2 months ago

Last updated 6 months ago