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Last updated 3 months ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago

1 week, 4 days ago
Daniel Haqiqatjou Official
1 week, 5 days ago



All Your Online Friends Are AI Bots

#HaqiqatShow #Haqiqatjou #muslimskeptic How governments are using (and plan to use) AI (artificial intelligence) to control populations. Technologies like ChatGPT are already being utilized for social purposes. Full episode: https://www.youtube.com/live/QZc7y…

1 week, 5 days ago
A famous political cartoon published in …

A famous political cartoon published in 1899.  

It is useful for understanding the liberal ideology of progress (or international development) and its relationship to colonialism. Liberal ideology holds that it is the white man's burden to spread civilizational progress - including science and human rights - to "backwards" peoples. Because these peoples seek to maintain their religious and cultural traditions, coercive change under a colonial military government is necessary. 

The cartoon shows John Bull (Britain) and Uncle Sam (U.S.) delivering the world's people of colour to civilization. The people in the basket carried by Uncle Sam are labelled Cuba, Hawaii, Samoa, 'Porto Rico', and the Philippines, while the people in the basket carried by John Bull are labelled Zulu, China, India, 'Soudan', and Egypt.

2 weeks, 5 days ago

The last thing Jewish extremists and Zionists want to debate is the Talmud. They want to make every debate a boring slog about which side walked out of the Camp David accords and which side doesn't respect which provisions of international law.

That's their bread and butter.

So it is our duty to bring the Talmud to the fore of every debate about Israel and Palestine. Throw this wrench into the conversation and watch them squirm. By avoiding the Jewish religious texts, you are playing directly into their hands.

2 weeks, 5 days ago

The secular activist critique of Israel and its atrocities would be ONE MILLION times more effective if it included references to Judaism, the Talmud, and Jewish law.


Good job referencing Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International for the thousandth time. How about a Talmud reference now and then? Can you do that, maybe?

Let me explain why it would be more effective.

If you list all the atrocities Israel has committed every day for its 75 year history, most people have difficulty wrapping their heads around that level of evil.

Why would this one country intentionally use snipers to shoot pregnant women and toddlers? Why would they starve people to death en masse and carpet bomb them and then laugh at the mutilated bodies? Why would they tie up doctors and nurses in 200 person groups and bury them alive with bulldozers?

This is evil that most people have no ability to grasp. So the brain shuts down. It can't be understood, so it's not real.

To be real, the mind needs a plausible reason for why Israelis commit their crimes, and if there is none presented, many will just assume that these reports are exaggerated or the Palestinians must have done something equally evil to justify Israeli actions.


You give that reason and then you present hundreds of references from their religious texts which explicitly command genocide and apartheid.

What makes this effective is that Westerners are already primed to understand a "religious extremist" narrative. Ironically, it's the Zionists and their New Atheist minions who for decades have worked to embed this narrative in the public psyche in order to destroy Islam and dehumanize Muslims.

Why are we not taking advantage of this, especially when the level of overt racial supremacy and commands for genocide and apartheid in Jewish religious texts are unique and completely absent from the religion of Palestinians?

This is a slam dunk in the narrative battle. Israel has no response to this. Their hasbara agents have no response.

But time and again, I watch Palestinian activists debate, and they don't even bring it up.

Thankfully, in this war, we do see activists making some reference to Amalek here and there, but where is the elaboration? Flesh it out! Look at what the sages have said. Look at what the rabbis have said and do say. Israel is a deeply religious society, and even the Israelis who are not religious are influenced by the Jewish culture which is directly based on the religion.

To all the activists, we have a huge archive of material on these Jewish texts on MuslimSkeptic. We've done the research for you. Read through some of them and you will take your ability to stump these genocide apologists to the next level. See link below.

BTW this is exactly what is done for the Nazis. What are we told about the Nazis and why they committed the most unique evil that the world has ever known? We're told, the Nazis did it because they were racists. That's the reason given and, along with dozens of movies and documentaries, it is enough of a narrative to arouse the righteous emotions of the Western masses.


2 weeks, 5 days ago

Israel is not capable of controlling Palestine and the broader Middle East on its own.

Israel can only do this if it has the support of the US military industrial complex.

And Israel can only get the support of the US military industrial complex if it has the support of US political, media, and educational institutions.

Thus, logically, the primary target of the Palestinian Resistance is NOT Israel or its army.

Rather the primary target of the Palestinian Resistance is the supportive relationship between Israel and US political, media, and educational institutions.

Thus far, the Palestinians and their allies have successfully damaged and weakened this relationship in ways no one could have imagined.

In doing so, they're destabilizing Israeli control over US political, media, and educational institutions - and transforming social and political life in the world's most powerful country.

Keep it up. Everyone plays a part.

3 weeks, 4 days ago
3 weeks, 4 days ago

As Israel launches its genocidal attack on Rafah, let us not forget the atrocities the Jewish people have suffered in their history.

What if I told you the Jews suffered the equivalent of nearly 11 Hol-causts in just a few days, in just one city?

It's true. This happened, according to the Talmud.

From Gittin 58a

"Rav Yehuda says that Shmuel says in the name of Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel: What is the meaning of that which is written: “My eye affects my soul because of all the daughters of my city” (Lamentations 3:51)? There were four hundred synagogues in the city of Beitar, and in each and every one of them there were four hundred schoolteachers, and each and every one of these teachers had four hundred schoolchildren. And when the enemy entered there, these schoolchildren stabbed them with their pens. And when the enemy prevailed and caught them, they wrapped the children in their scrolls and lit them on fire."

This means that 400 x 400 x 400 = 64,000,000 Jewish children were burned alive in just one city.

64 million! That is nearly 11 Hol-causts altogether, but instead of happening over 5 years, it happened in a matter of days.

So, never forget. If Jews commit genocide against Palestinians or anyone else, they should never be blamed because they have uniquely suffered. Name me any other people in all of history who had 64 million of their children burned alive in one city. You can't, you antisemite.

Remember the 64 million!

3 weeks, 5 days ago

I see some imams are making the same disastrous mistakes that were made in 2015-2020.

Shockingly, some are describing non-Muslim pro-Palestinian protestors as being akin to the Sahaba.

In 2018, some Compassionate Imams described people like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib as akin to the prophets.

This ridiculous level of praise is outrageous, theologically confused, and completely unacceptable.

Why do some Muslims and imams operate with a type of low IQ thinking where someone is either as evil as Satan or at the level of Sahaba or prophets? Is there nothing in between?

Yes, anyone who is fighting against Israel is doing something good. Does that make them akin to the Sahaba? Does that make them awliya? No. Can't you support something without exaggerated praise?

1 month ago

Your great grandmother changed the world by being a supportive wife and mother who spent most waking hours cooking, cleaning, being pregnant, and raising kids.

Your great grandfather changed the world by going to the factory or the field and doing back breaking work to bring money home so that your great grandmother and their children could eat and have a roof over their heads.

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Uncensored posts from the Office of Donald J. Trump

Reserved for the 45th President of the United States


Last updated 5 days, 9 hours ago

Government of India's official channel on Telegram for communications and citizen engagement

MyGov homepage: mygov.in

MyGov COVID19 page : corona.mygov.in

MyGov Hindi Newsdesk: https://t.me/MyGovHindi

Last updated 3 months ago

EVP of Development & Acquisitions The Trump Organization, Father, Outdoorsman, In a past life Boardroom Advisor on The Apprentice
Son of Former President of the United States Donald J. Trump.


Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago