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East Turkestan News

Uyğurlar tõğrısıda yañıliklar va Uyğurça yañıliklarnı İñlızçaga õgırış.

News about Uyghurs and translation of Uyghur-language news into English.

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Last updated 5 days, 19 hours ago

BRACE 2202 210°-240° 11 3 IMPACT 2411 ☢️

End Game

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Actress Pooja Hegde

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Last updated 4 weeks ago

2 weeks, 5 days ago

Bitter Winter

Thailand Accused of Sending Uyghur and Other Refugees Back to China

A report highlights how asylum seekers from China and other countries have been repeatedly kidnapped or arrested and sent back to their persecutors.

East Turkestan News
3 weeks ago

Sound of two or multiple adhans from some surrounding mosques (2 or 3?) in Tashkent


3 weeks, 3 days ago

Bitter Winter

Uyghurs, “Me Too,” and the CCP

Serious allegations hit two Uyghur leaders. Abuse, if ascertained, should not be condoned and all should be handled responsibly—but the CCP should not be allowed to exploit the incident either.

East Turkestan News
3 months, 2 weeks ago
Probably this gif has some offensive …

Probably this gif has some offensive words but maybe it is good to share this gif with ccp supporters to anger them

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Danate for Palestinians’ cause:


اغاثة طارئة

Help Ouena reach their goal by donating or sharing with your friends.

Danate for Palestinians’ cause:
4 months, 2 weeks ago

X (formerly Twitter)

Arslan Hidayat.ئارسلان ھىدايەت (@arslan_hidayat) on X

Translation ***👇🏻*** “The latest, most cruel torture in the Xinjiang concentration camps set up by the CCP: the semi-squatting and bending water cell where Uyghurs are tortured can be called a living hell on earth! I myself suffered similar torture in China back…

4 months, 3 weeks ago


The Schizoid Nature of Modern Hebrew: A Slavic Language in Search of a Semitic PastA serious book from an acclaimed publishing company with extremely strange and provocative title.

5 months ago

Bitter Winter

China, ISIS, and Pakistan: Unholy Alliance Eyes Maldives

A new pro-China President has asked Indian troops to leave the Maldives within two months. The United States wants to know what he plans to do with ISIS-connected terrorists.

East Turkestan News
5 months ago

The ways of cultural genocides are subtle. The Uyghurs are a case in point. Since the 2017, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has devised several methods to achieve its genocidal goal against the Uyghurs. This has resulted in a massive deportation of innocent people to “re-education” camps, and has also targeted their children who remain at home. One of the most heinous tactics against Uyghur children is in fact to make them “artificial orphans.” Their parents are not dead. They are inmates in detention and labor camps. Children, unwillingly left alone by their parents, are then “forcibly separated from them and placed in childcare institutions, or orphanages, and boarding schools.”

Bitter Winter

Uyghurs | Bitter Winter

The largest part of the population (46,5 %) in Xinjiang, where Han Chinese have however grown to 39% through a government-sponsored immigration program aimed

5 months ago

The billionaire said one should consider the “two sides” of the Uyghur question. Or perhaps it is time to consider the two sides of Elon Musk.Elon Musk stated on Twitter that there are two sides to China’s repression of the Uyghur. He did so as an excuse to bow to China. However, no matter what he says, genocide is genocide, and it only has one side. It is a crime against the laws of nature, human morality, and international law.
Interestingly, Elon Musk’s words have not expressed two sides of the Uyghur genocide but rather two sides of his own beliefs.

Bitter Winter

The Two Sides of Elon Musk: A Uyghur View

The billionaire said one should consider the “two sides” of the Uyghur question. Or perhaps it is time to consider the two sides of Elon Musk.

**The billionaire said one should consider the “two sides” of the Uyghur question. Or perhaps it is time to consider …
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A space for collaborating on video Tasks Share Vedio ,exchange expertise, and work together Earn together❤️to create compelling content.Let's make every frame count!⚠️We don't pay you guys for tasks.Problem contact @DopamineKaBot1_bot #PecafullCommunity🫶

Last updated 5 days, 19 hours ago

BRACE 2202 210°-240° 11 3 IMPACT 2411 ☢️

End Game

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

Actress Pooja Hegde

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Last updated 4 weeks ago