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Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago

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5 hours ago

💯 It's simple:

*• To improve your mood, exercise.

• To learn faster, have fun.

• To understand yourself, write.

• To help yourself, help people.

• To think more clearly, meditate.

• To understand the world, read.*

🤷‍♂️ Don’t complicate your life..

#Crypto #Investment #Entrepreneur #business #mentorship #Money #Life #Mindset #psychology

https://t.me/Andrew_tate_Entrepreneur 📱

8 hours ago


I'm looking for 5 people who want to take action and become the best versions of themselves within the next 90 days.

If this is you, then...

1 day ago

⭐️Worried about making the wrong decision?

Create your path by:
- Exploring
- Noticing
- Creating
- Learning
- Growing
- Repeating

You only fail when you don't learn…

https://t.me/Andrew_tate_Entrepreneur ✔️

1 week ago

Allow yourself to believe that your time is now. Be open to receiving rewards of your efforts. Instead of worrying about timing of universe, focus on enjoying the journey. Your life will keep getting better as you keep aligning to positive beliefs about yourself and your journey.

@Andrew_tate_Entrepreneur 💯

1 week, 1 day ago

Sometimes in life you have got to be your own coach, your own cheerleader, and your own fan.


1 week, 1 day ago

Failure is supposed to be a lesson; a one-time event.

It’s not meant to be an identity.

Your body is depressed because it wants you to know something.


2 weeks, 1 day ago


➡️Life tests your patience, how long will you tolerate certain things...

➡️Have you ever had the impression that life is pushing you to your limits?

➡️As if she wants you to say: “Enough, I don’t want this anymore!” »

➡️You know, there are people who live their lives without ever getting angry.

➡️They accept everything, they tolerate everything...

➡️But remember, in life, we only get what we tolerate.

➡️For example, let's say you lend money to a friend and he doesn't pay you back on time.

➡️If he asks you again and you accept again, do you really think he will have the urgency to pay you back quickly this time?

➡️“It took me 4 months to pay you back last time, you didn’t say anything, I thought it was okay!” »

➡️It's a simple rule: if you don't express your dissatisfaction, if you don't set limits, people will continue to act the same way towards you.

➡️They will feel comfortable repeating their actions, because they do NOT feel consequences.

➡️If you don't tolerate something, no one should allow themselves to do it to you!

➡️Let them look elsewhere for someone less demanding!

☄️So, this weekend, think about that☄️

🙂Being aligned with your values and standards means saying no to a lot more things than you think.

➡️And sometimes a small adjustment in our tolerances can lead to a BIG change in our daily lives.

➡️Take advantage of your weekend to think about what you tolerate in your life, and if it serves you well.

➡️Take care of yourself,

(Don't forget to rest this weekend, you deserve it 🫶

Join here for business tips☄️

2 weeks, 1 day ago

“Your state of mind counts 80% in achieving your goals.”

Change your state of mind through physiology { meditate, take up sport, control what you eat... Because all this influences your level of testosterone/estrogen ( hormone of self-confidence in men and women respectively ), cortisol ( stress hormone ) and even adrenaline ( motivation hormone ).

There are excellent opportunities all around you, but they will remain invisible to you until you put yourself in a strong, determined state of mind and ready to act no matter what difficulties lie ahead...

Few people talk about the power of the mind.



Entrepreneur Mindset-Business Ideas

ADMIN @Robinke AD #crypo #Bitcoin #TONcoin #1 platform that shares valuable insights to help individuals grow and succeed in business and entrepreneurs' world. Buy ads: https://telega.io/c/Entrepreneur\_Mindset\_Quotes\_Fact

“Your state of mind counts 80% in achieving your goals.”
2 weeks, 2 days ago
***➡️*****The law of autosuggestion*******↪️***** **If you …

➡️The law of autosuggestion*↪️* If you think you're beat, you are.

If you think you don't dare, you won't dare.

If you want to win and think you can't,
It's almost certain that you won't be able to.

If you think you're going to lose, you will lose.

The battles of life,
It's not always the strongest or the fastest who win, But sooner or later, the one who wins Is the one who thinks he can do it. ⭐️**

https://t.me/Andrew_tate_Entrepreneur 💙

3 weeks, 1 day ago

Important life tips*🙂*-Invest before purchasing*🙂*-Learn the concept of value*🙂*-Time is worth more than money*🙂*-Health is more than money


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Intel slava is a Russian News aggregator who covers Conflicts/Geopolitics and urgent news from around the world.

For feedback and business enquiries

Last updated 6 days, 2 hours ago

News and announcements of the library. No books here.
🇨🇳Official Chinese channel: t.me/zlib_china_official
🌐 https://zlibrary-global.se
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Last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago

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