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1 year, 5 months ago

The person that want to cheat with you will cheat on you. Cheating wont stop because he says "I do". The wedding doesn't change your character.

Many people think, once i climb this Holy alter once i say "I do", am a change man.... No!
If you are watching pornography now, you will still watch it in marriage.
If you are mastaubating now, you will still mastaubate in marriage..
*If you have no financial sense now, you will have none then..

Nothing is going to change, except that now, your action directly affect other human being. Thats all that is going to change. Before, all your action only affected you.

Everybody have a spirit influencing them.
Ephesians 2:1.. As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.

*If you marry someone that is not born again, he's spiritually dead.
My wife always say, how many of you will go to a mortuary to pick a fine boy or because he's rich? Yet, he's a corpse. That is how it is when you as a believer marries an unbeliever.

*When some people married an unbeliever and complain he's is drinking, cheating... What do you expect him to be doing? Is like saying a sinner is sinning.

-Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo

1 year, 5 months ago

If you are going to be specially use of God, you must be a man of regular fasting while others are feasting. He watches often(while others are sleeping, the one God will yes will be watching). Joshua was watching, that's why he saw that Angel by the wall of Jerico.

You must eat the word of God. The word of God must mean much to you.
I remember an incident that happened, I think it was in 1976, there was a world conference of Pentecostals in Kenya and some of us went from Nigeria, Myself, Brother Kumuyi and several other people. And in those days, Christians are supposed to carry a pocket Bible with him wherever he goes.

When we arrived there, there where all manners of people. So, we woke up one early morning and as usual, all the people that are there were talking and chatting. And I wanted to do my morning devotion, I wanted to study the word of God, so I took my pocket Bible and I went to the toilet. We were staying at the student and there were many toilets there. I don't know for how long I was there, I didn't know there was somebody else also there with his own pocket Bible. Finally we flush the toilet at the same time, came out at the same time, I looked at the fellow and he looked at me, and in his hand was his pocket Bible and in my hand was my pocket Bible. And the two of us began to laugh. That fellow was Brother Kumuyi... WE WENT TO HIDE SO WE CAN EAT THE WORD OF GOD.

They that wait upon the Lord, they shall renew their strength. Do you renew your strength by eating again the word of God? Few years back, one of my sons decided to travel with me. We were visiting several nations and several cities in the various nations. We would finish the crusade around 10pm, get to the hotel by around 11pm. Finished eating just before midnight and then, I will tell my children, "make sure you take your bath before you sleep, because tomorrow, we will be on our way by 5am".

One of the children, after we have travelled again and again and said, "I will never travel with you again". He wasn't the one preaching, all he was to do is just to sit in the plane, coming down, following me out. He said, "how do you get your strength?"

Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength...

-Pastor E.A Adeboye

1 year, 5 months ago

Why do you want to get married? If you can't clean up your motive, if you can't look at the whole picture. And sex is a part of the benefit of marriage, but it can't be the major reason or the only reason why you are getting married.

Marriages fail before they start, no marriages fails in marriage. If you are the right person, you will mostly meet the right person.

If you want to buy a Nigeria used car, who is the best person to take to inspect the car? Your tailor or your mechanic? The wrong person can't give you the right advice.

Sometimes, I see ladies fighting over a loser. You are dating someone and he's cheating on you and you are fighting the girl he's cheating with. To win who?

If you win the battle, you are still a loser.

The problem is not the girl, the problem is not boy. He has already told you who he is. Is for you to decide if this is what you want out of your own life. When marriages fails or not, it starts with you and starts before the marriage. When you know what is below your level, don't fight the person, they made an offer. In life you can't tell people not to make an offer. You can walk to a Ferrari store and tell them that; can you buy this car for 100naira? They will throw you out.

But to make that offer, they have the right to say this is what am offering and you have the right to accept that offer or not.

1 year, 5 months ago

𝑫𝒐𝒏’𝒕 𝑺𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒍𝒆 F𝒐𝒓 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆
- Dr Myles Munroe
Nothing in life is instant. People think success is instant, but it really is not.

Achieving success is a process. You are full
of potential. Potential is always present, waiting to be exposed. It demands that you never settle for what you have accomplished.

Oddly, one of the greatest enemies of your
potential is success. Never accept success as a lifestyle—it is but a phase. Never accept an accomplishment as the end—it is but a mark in the process.

There are many selves within you that lie dormant, untapped and unused. Your primary problem is that you do not think about yourself as having even greater potential.

You can maximize the potential within you. You are not yet what you are supposed to be, though you may be pleased with what you now are.

Don’t accept your present state in life
as final, because it is just that, a state.

Don’t be satisfied with your last accomplishment, because there are many accomplishments yet to be perfected. Since you are full of potential, you should not be the same person next year that you are this year.

1 year, 5 months ago

Listen to me young people... Even your life must be planned, because there are things you can't do after a while. Life is like the seasons we have. We have four seasons; autumn, spring, winter, summer. So also life is in seasons.

No matter how you say you are spiritual, you can not play professional football at 40. It's late because the season have passed!

Because there is a phase in your life, if you don't plan it, that season is gone. And there is somebody at 32 still doing like a boyo. At 17 Joseph was out of His parents house and took his destiny in His hands.

They sent you to abroad and you are young does not mean you will start misbehaving. These days if you send children abroad, most of them misbehave and they say he's a small boy. At 17 Joseph knew what He wanted. It was at the age of 12 Jesus began to plan His business, by 30 He took the world by storm..


1 year, 5 months ago

When we were growing up, our parents will tell us, when you get to school, don't look for trouble. IN LIFE, THEY SAY AVOID TROUBLE. Don't go after anybody and nobody will come after you.

So, I grew up believing, for you to have enemies, is because of something you must have done against them. I never knew you can have enemies, who just make you enemy for nothing. And everything in Nigeria now works by connections, including hatred.

There are people that hate you on behalf of others.

When I was attacked, when I got home, the first thing I said to myself, "who wants to kill me?". I don't do business with nobody, am not owing anybody money. For like a whole day, that was what I was thinking.

I have seen people who have come to attack me on media and I have every reason to send them to jail. I have lawyers who are ready to work free and I told them, "leave them". So I kept asking, "who wants to kill me?". I was worried and still thanking God for preservation.

If I offend you, I expect you to tell me before getting to the level of sending 9 assasins with M-series gun, not AK47. They knew the kind of car I was driving, so they were ready for it.

I was worried, because I tried my best. Every month I pay millions of naira to people I don't know. We have over 200 widows we pay, we have youths we pay. We pay people even as far as Ghana, Sierra Loane, Cameroon....there are people we send money monthly.

Sometimes, I ask myself, if you attack this man, can you take care of these people?

I was asking myself, until by the second day, "why am I worrying myself when I can ask the Holy Spirit".
So, I asked the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit took me to "Genesis 4vs4-8... But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast. Then the LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."Now Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.

And the Lord ask me, who did Abel offend? And I said nobody. He said there are people that are angry with you because of what I God have done for you, not because of what you did. In life you don't need to look for trouble before they will look for your trouble. BUT I SAY TODAY, ANYONE WHO HAS MADE YOU A PROJECT, DESPITE YOUR INNOCENCE AND YOU INDIFFERENT TO THEIR OPERATIONS AND THEIR RISING, YOU HAVE BEEN CONSCIOUS OF THE PART GOD HAVE CHOSED FOR YOU TO FOLLOW, BUT THEY HAVE MADE YOU A PROJECT. THE GOD THAT SEES IN SECRET SHALL REPLY THEM PUBLICLY.... The wicked shall not go unpunished!

1 year, 5 months ago


Dearly Beloved
It is with great joy that my wife and I announce the wedding of our daughter, Deborah Paul-Enenche to Sam Hawthorn Uloko.

This week is an exciting week and God is set to do something amazing.

We invite you to join us to celebrate the Lord on Friday the 16th December for our "Pre-wedding" "Parking Lot" Concert where we will celebrate God for what He has done for us. We have many amazing musicians lined up such as Dunsin, Prosper Ochimana, Steve Crown and Moses Bliss. Amongst others. This is fully open to everyone and we look forward to your joining us.

Also, We are very excited about the auspicious wedding that will be happening this Saturday, 17th of December at the Glory Dome.

We would like to let you know that God will answer every lingering desire you have before this year runs out.

1 year, 5 months ago
-Pastor E.A Adeboye

-Pastor E.A Adeboye
Many years ago, we had Holy Ghost service at a stadium, the stadium was filled inside and out. There was a man sitting at the very top, one of his kidneys has been removed and the day the kidney was removed, there were all sorts of complication.

The doctors spent eighteen hours operating on him.
But then, he was there and the word of God came; that there is someone here, one of your kidneys has been removed and the second one is disturbing you, and God says am giving you two new ones. The man looked round and said "Oh God, how can you picked me up among the whole crowd?" that was on Friday.

On Monday, he went to the doctor and the doctor examined him and he said "what am I seeing, I know you, I know the trouble we went through when we were removing one of your kidney but now there are two brand new ones".There is somebody reading this message, by the time my God finishes with you, nobody will know you ever had a problem.

1 year, 5 months ago

There is a lot of disfunctionality in our homes,marriages, family life and others. There are four kinds of wives that have now translated into four kinds of parents. And we are dealing with three major generations(our parent generation, our generation and our children generation). The illiterate of the 21st century are not the people that can not read and write, but those who can not unlearn and relearn.

The generation of our parents is what I called the structured generation. What you see is what you get(sitdown, come here...you can't even ask questions).

Our generation is the transition generation. Our generation is a handover generation. We don't even know if Jesus tarries, what will eventually come.

Alot of times, father think it is only mothers that should take care of children and raised children and drop children off. Times have changed if you don't want to lose your children. Because it is the child nurtured today that will nourish you in the evening of your life. Whether you are a man or woman!

I did not have a great relationship with my mother and I vowed that my children won't suffer what I suffered. I had a fantastic relationship with my father and that helped my relationship with God.

Father's, your children are like plain sheet of paper, it is whatever you write! Don't give those paper to house help's.
Father's, you can not continue to mess up other people children and expect not to reap it over your children. You can't continue to have three girlfriends because you are not born again, even if you are not born again, nature teaches us decency. You leave your wife at home and be sleeping around, you sleep with your secretary, your house help and you expect your children to turn out well. It doesn't work that way. LIFE IS NOT GOVERN MY MIRACLES, LIFE IS GOVERN BY PRINCIPLES. YOU SOW IT, YOU MUST REAP IT.

No Sunday school can adequately help you train your children. No school teacher can adequately help you raise your children.

Have the number of children you can rear, not the one you can bear. If you know you are not ready to rear children, please zip up and do family planning.

-Rev. Funke Felix Adejumo

1 year, 6 months ago

In life you can't succeed in isolation. "I want to mind my business because people have dealt with me"..No sir!

No matter how much hurt in your heart, you still need people. If God almighty can not do without a man, who are you to do without men? You can't do without an individual. One of the problem you have, is not that people are really terrible, it is you that don't understand people.

Not everybody is called to be with you for life. There are some friends in your life who are true with their assignment, let them go. People are with you for three reasons;
1. For a reason. There is a reason why God brought them, when they fulfill the reason, let them go.
2. For a season. Some people are with you for a season, when that season is gone, let them go.
3. For a lesson. When they come into your life, don't throw away the lesson. Learn the lesson so you can understand the heart and the nature of man.

May the right people come into your life.

-Apostle Johnson Suleman

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Breaking News | Observing world events unfold in the grand theater of our time.

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