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Sasha Waves

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Daily inspirational quotes to change your life.

Milkaa'ina ilma namaatif 85% ilaalcha sammuu isaati

Mataa ke jijjiiri jiruu ke ni jijjiirta!

@oroquotes join godhi

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Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago

2 months ago


X (formerly Twitter)

Sasha.waves (@sasha35625) on X

#Waves is rebranding into AI chain and $waves ticker will be replaced with $AI ! Also Waves will merge with GPT!

2 months, 1 week ago

What problems Units.network is trying to solve.

L1 chains' scalability cannot be sufficiently increased without compromising their decentralization. This is why the narrative of Layer 2 chains, semi-independent blockchains connected to established Layer 1s, has become so important. Layer 2 chains reduce the execution load on Layer 1 but tap into their consensus guarantees. However, Layer 2 chains also need some internal consensus; otherwise, they degenerate into centralized setups whose behavior can, to a certain extent, be controlled by Layer 1 but without any liveness guarantee, for example. It seems reasonable to extend the consensus established in Layer 1 to Layer 2, in such a way that they effectively become one ecosystem fully governed by one and the same consensus guarantees. In this case, interoperability between all Layer 2 chains is handled on the Layer 1 consensus layer as well. The Units network resolves the issue of interoperability for EVM chains and may potentially handle networks using other smart contracts virtual machines as well.

To a certain extent, the promise of the Units network is to resolve the scalability issue in general. With enough L0 level validators, the ecosystem will be able to support a virtually unlimited number of networks. The whole setup in this scenario will resemble the Ethereum sharding approach. On an application level, Units resolves the issue of launching your own block space, fully EVM compatible, in a simple and fast way. Also, all new chains will be embedded into the existing ecosystem, with trustless interchain bridges and bridging to the external ecosystem provided at launch. The ecosystem DAO may also provide economic rewards for new chains in exchange for their native tokens. In a nutshell, we're trying to simplify bootstrapping your own block space and making it a part of a larger ecosystem as much as possible.

2 months, 1 week ago

What is Extended Consensus to be used in Units.network

Extended consensus allows the reuse of established economic incentives to provide shared security to networks beyond those where the incentives were already established. In Layer 2 networks, it enables a higher level of decentralization. For example, instead of having one centralized sequencer entity, we effectively create a decentralized sequencer setup, which resolves the problem of L2 network centralization.

Besides providing shared security, extended consensus enables trustless interoperability among all participating networks, with the initial network where the original consensus is established serving as Layer 0 for the entire ecosystem. It enables trustless data and liquidity transfer between all ecosystem networks with security guarantees on par with those of the Layer 0 network consensus.

Extended consensus should eventually provide quasi-linear scaling for the entire ecosystem. There will be a positive feedback loop between all the networks built on top of Layer 0 and the economic incentives in the base layer itself: new emerging incentives in all participating networks will effectively trickle down to the base layer, increasing the incentives in it, and attracting more validators. They, in turn, will be able to support more networks connected to Layer 0.

The Units Network narrative ties in smoothly with the nascent Ethereum restaking narrative, which appears to be expanding onto consensus in L2 chains built on top of Ethereum Layer 1. In the future, L2s are expected to become Ethereum shards, fully governed by the economic incentives and consensus of the base layer.

Units.network will also incorporate ZK machinery to facilitate interaction between different ecosystem subchains, similar to how Ethereum plans to implement inter-shard interaction.

3 months, 1 week ago

Derivatives are finally launching on one of the oldest DEXs in existence, http://wx.network! A totally new setup that no one has ever come up with - order book perpetual futures without a funding rate, fully non-custodial.

The launch will happen in stages, starting with the introduction of synthetic assets; BTC will be the first. It will be distributed through a community AIRDROP! You need to have some WXDAO tokens staked in the WX DAO to be eligible.

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Power 2024

The Power Protocol, launched over a year ago, has played a pivotal role in decentralizing the Waves ecosystem where it was initially introduced. However, the protocol is blockchain agnostic, offering a means to decentralize economic incentives and provide the transparency essential for any effective governance setup. The principles of KPI-based, transparent, self-improving governance extend beyond any specific blockchain ecosystem or even the blockchain space itself—they could be relevant to any collective decision-making process, within or outside the blockchain ecosystem.

The next phase for the Power Protocol involves expanding beyond the Waves ecosystem and engaging more participants, which is vital for its continued development and expansion. To understand why expanding the protocol is critical for its growth, let's revisit the fundamental concept behind it. The DAO ecosystem built on the Power Protocol features a two-tier structure, with the primary (Mother) DAO acting as a last resort for the Child DAOs. In instances of governance deadlocks within Child DAOs, they can defer to the Mother DAO for resolution. For this model to function effectively, the Mother DAO must encompass a sufficient number of participants and governance power. In the Power Protocol, governance power is tokenized with the $power token; participants of the Mother DAO receive rewards in this token for active governance participation. The Mother DAO becomes the ultimate authority for Child DAOs, with its extensive community poised to assist and advance governance in Child DAOs.

Therefore, a crucial step for the Power Protocol ecosystem is the onboarding of new participants to the Mother DAO, aiming for approximately 100,000 active members. To achieve this, direct onboarding to the Mother DAO will be facilitated, with the $pwr token made available for purchase through fiat transactions, a referral program for Power Protocol ambassadors, and a price support mechanism for $pwr. A portion of the tokens distributed to new Mother DAO members will be repurchased on the open market, boosting the $pwr price, which is vital for the protocol's credibility. Additionally, Mother DAO's treasury funds will be leveraged to enhance the $pwr token's value, signaling to new participants the benefits of joining.

New mechanisms are also essential for Child DAOs, particularly the integration of existing economic incentives in Child DAOs with the $pwr incentives in the protocol. The treasury swap process, where $pwr tokens are issued by the Mother DAO in exchange for Child DAO tokens, will be streamlined and standardized. Moreover, a SaaS-like solution will be provided for launching your own DAO, with a DAO constructor becoming a key aspect of Power Protocol's expansion, significantly enhancing $pwr tokenomics as the primary protocol token will be required for Child DAO launches.

A notable new Child DAO to be launched on the protocol is Units DAO, based on a new ecosystem of EVM-compatible chains built atop the Waves protocol. Its DAO will utilize the token from the ecosystem's first chain, UNIT0. Participants will manage 10% of all UNIT0 supply and receive $pwr tokens for participation, helping to distinguish effective decision-makers within the DAO. A treasury swap between Units DAO and the Mother DAO will facilitate $pwr issuance for Units and provide the Mother DAO treasury with a significant stake in UNIT0 tokens.

Having been tested within the Waves ecosystem, the Power Protocol is now poised for broader adoption. This expansion will necessitate the development of more user-friendly interfaces, extensive tutorials, and an expanded core support and development team. From enlarging the Mother DAO to launching a Child DAO constructor, all roadmap milestones are designed to establish Power as a large, self-sustaining ecosystem for years to come.

3 months, 2 weeks ago

Skipping our regular Friday's AMA today, will get back to you next Friday with a new format. Time of change.

3 months, 3 weeks ago
***🧐*** This APR looks insane! ***💰***

🧐 This APR looks insane! 💰

🦾 Hurry up to get real yield with extra $SBT rewards now! 🤟🌚

3 months, 3 weeks ago
***💫*** This [#Flywheel](?q=%23Flywheel) is running and …

💫 This #Flywheel is running and cannot be halted! 🦾

The sbWX/WX pool acts as the powerhouse of @StakeBooster's tokenomics! 🚀

💵 It gains a share of the revenue from all other #StakeBooster pools and voting 🗳 power from $gWX.

💎 Its yield mechanism is unstoppable, functioning like a perpetual motion device:
🧮 As the pool's size grows, so does the voting power supporting it, which in turn boosts the returns from other @StakeBooster pools!

3 months, 3 weeks ago

$waves miners pls update the Waves node to:

And vote for 1.5.3 release activation!


Release Version 1.5.3 (Mainnet + Testnet + Stagenet) · wavesplatform/Waves

In this release This is the mandatory release that fixes couple of issues with the v1.5.2 release. All miners are required to update their nodes and re-sync the state. State and Blockchain Updates ...

[$waves](https://twitter.com/search?q=%24waves&src=cashtag_click) miners pls update the Waves node to:
3 months, 3 weeks ago

End Game 2.0

The current paradigm in decentralized ledger technology hinges on the principle of global consensus. Essentially, the primary aim of contemporary blockchain systems is to achieve global synchronization among all network participants, ensuring a uniform system perspective. While this might not be the sole approach to constructing decentralized ledgers, it is rooted in the foundational theory of distributed systems, which predominantly revolves around consensus. As of now, we lack alternative methods to bypass this consensus requirement.

Consequently, the prevailing strategy for enhancing scalability and achieving high-performance decentralized ledgers involves the development of lightweight blockchains that operate atop the robust layer 1 blockchains equipped with comprehensive global consensus mechanisms, which are indispensable.

At present, these secondary layer 2 chains are generally developed using Zero-knowledge technology, enabling the verification of the Layer 2 network's state by submitting a concise proof to the Layer 1 chain. Alternatively, they employ optimistic roll-ups, where any incorrect state of the Layer 2 system can be corrected by issuing a challenge verifiable on the Layer 1 chain.

In both scenarios, Layer 2 blockchains rely on Layer 1 for verification purposes without being an integral part of it. They function more as ancillary applications. For instance, they cannot leverage the established consensus on Layer 1 beyond verification – the architecture of these Layer 2 systems tends to be somewhat centralized, and they could benefit from increased decentralization, such as in the selection of an entity responsible for submitting state proofs to the Layer 1 chain.

Moreover, the apparent separation of these chains from their parent chain suggests a potential alternative configuration where the chains are effectively integrated within the foundational Layer 1 chain. This integration could facilitate trustless interactions among subchains, enabling, for example, a decentralized application on one chain to initiate flash loans from another. Essentially, different Layer 2 chains could act as shards of a unified state, reminiscent of earlier sharding concepts for decentralization, sharing consensus assurances with the foundational Layer 1 chain and collectively forming a cohesive network.

In my view, this integration represents the ultimate evolution of the Layer 1/Layer 2 narrative. This is the vision behind http://units.network, which aims to establish an ecosystem of interconnected Layer 2 chains reliant on the foundational Layer 1 layer for consensus. The incorporation of Zero-Knowledge proofs into these chains will follow, with the ultimate goal of linking all chains using Zero-Knowledge technology. This will transform all Layer 2 chains into shards of a unified state, with the #Waves Layer 1 chain serving as a beacon chain, facilitating trustless interactions and providing consensus and economic incentives.


UNITS Network

UNITS is an ecosystem of interconnected blockchain networks unified by common economic incentives and consensus

**End Game 2.0**
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Last updated 1 week, 4 days ago

Daily inspirational quotes to change your life.

Milkaa'ina ilma namaatif 85% ilaalcha sammuu isaati

Mataa ke jijjiiri jiruu ke ni jijjiirta!

@oroquotes join godhi

Na qunnamuuf @ilmanesruu @Nesrujr

Last updated 1 month, 1 week ago