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Last updated 1 year, 1 month ago

LaSoldiers, de straat kanaal van Telegram⚡️ Contacteer ons via @LScontact


Backup kanaal👇👇👇

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Kosten renovatie Binnenhof lopen op naar ‘gigantisch bedrag’: 2 miljard euro - https://nos.nl/l/2516993

1 month, 2 weeks ago

WOO-document "Notulen Expertteam Vaccinatiebereidheid Dinsdag 2-2-2021, 15:30-16:30 uur"

CGU = Corona Gedragsunit
Roorda = reclamebureau


#wob #woo

1 month, 3 weeks ago

A bill to protect child sex-trafficking victims died at the 11th hour
Maryland lawmakers adjourned Monday with the measure on the Senate floor waiting to get voted on.



1 month, 3 weeks ago
1 month, 3 weeks ago


On Medscape there is a chat thread where MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS answer the question:

"How concerned are you about adverse events related to the (Covid) vaccines?"

Only medical professionals can answer. They have to log into their Medscape account to do so.

Their tragic answers give you the smallest glimpse into the massive health consequences of workplace mandates, for health professionals.

So many health professionals now struggling with their own post covid vaccine health decline.


#vaccinatieschade #vaccinatieslachtoffers

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Christie Grace is a specialist in RNA and lipid nanoparticles and was a project manager at the top plasmid company in the world manufacturing recombinant proteins such as monoclonal antibodies, CRISPR, SpCas9, gene editing, and IVT mRNA production.

For two years Christie has been raising the alarm over harms that can be caused by lipid nanoparticles and has concerns over cold chain management, vaccine production quality assurance/control and the medical community's unwillingness to look at the scientific data.

This is a deep and specific conversation delving into the science of lipid nanoparticles which may become the next target for scientific investigation of vaccination injuries and death.

*Apologies for the host repeatedly slipping and calling LNPs 'liquid nanoparticles'.

Watch the full interview at:

We discussed:
Lipid nanoparticles (LNP)
The structure of an LNP
Mass manufacturing LNPs
Zeta potential of LNPs leading to leakage into the vascular system and the heart
Are lipid nanoparticles safe?
The Ostwald effect on lipids
How to cause clots and aneurysms
Dying suddenly in the absence of metals means lipid growth
Why harms were immediately obvious years ago
Fibrin, protease reactions and photos of rapid clotting
Claims from morticians of long, stringy clots
Photos of branching clots in lungs
Why clots are only associated with AstraZeneca and not Pfizer
Excess of negatively charged mRNA resulting in clots
CDC issues new warning advisory for clots
Why adverse reactions are rare
'Death batches' and TGA (Aust) FOI releases showing fragments of junk mRNA
How cold chain transport of mRNA vaccines works
How to make a vaccine
Protein misfolding in the lab and in the body
What is the definition of 'vaccine'?
Genetic therapeutics
How do our cells know when to stop producing spike protein?
Finding spike protein around the body
Gaslighting women over disruptions to their menstrual cycles
Japanese FOI data on lipids concentrating in organs
Cardiac myocytes that take up lipids
How the vaccine rollout could have been done better
Steel-manning the other side
Extrapolating LNP damage into the future
Linearised DNA (helix straightened) that could cause long term impacts
Lean body composition associated with higher risk of inflammation response
Distinguishing Long Covid from vaccine injury
'The spawning pit of degradation'
'The amygdala of the internet'
Malfeasance and culture inside Big Pharma
Silencing of scientists
The Fauci emails
Directed evolution and the Pfizer leaks
Is Chinese CCP propaganda correct for once?
Confirmation bias, self reflection and epistemological query
Comparing the scientific honesty of both sides
How does science progress if it won't question itself?
Hope for the future of medicine


Discernable® - We are a media studio that trades in the most valuable commodity of all...trust.

Lipid Nanoparticles: The Real Danger of mRNA Vaccines? - Discernable®

a specialist in lipid nanoparticles joins us to teach us how they work and what dangers they pose inside mRNA vaccines.

3 months, 3 weeks ago




Asking politicians if they want their bank accounts monitored

***🚨*** Sign our petition to stop the Government from introducing new powers to spy on all of our bank accounts on the premise of dealing with welfare fraud: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/stop-the-government-from-spying-on-all-of-our-bank-accounts We…

3 months, 3 weeks ago

President Hongarije treedt af na schandaal over gratie rond kindermisbruik


President Hongarije treedt af na schandaal over gratie rond kindermisbruik

Vorig jaar verleende ze gratie aan een man die veroordeeld was voor medeplichtigheid aan kindermisbruik in een kindertehuis. Dat viel bij veel Hongaren én bij premier Orbán verkeerd.

President Hongarije treedt af na schandaal over gratie rond kindermisbruik
3 months, 3 weeks ago

https://twitter.com/SaiKate108/status/1751552779045552521 #slowakije #oversterfte #vaccinatieschade

X (formerly Twitter)

William Makis MD (@MakisMD) on X

NEW ARTICLE: Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico Speech in Parliament (Jan.23, 2024): orders investigation into COVID-19 pandemic mismanagement and Vaccine deaths after 21,000 excess deaths announced in Slovakia since 2020! 21,000 Excess deaths since 2020…

https://twitter.com/SaiKate108/status/1751552779045552521 #slowakije #oversterfte #vaccinatieschade
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Wij zijn ook te vinden op @klokkenluiders2 en mewe: https://mewe.com/join/klokkenluiders

Last updated 1 year, 1 month ago

LaSoldiers, de straat kanaal van Telegram⚡️ Contacteer ons via @LScontact


Backup kanaal👇👇👇

Last updated 1 month, 2 weeks ago

Last updated 1 month, 3 weeks ago