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Last updated 2 days, 14 hours ago

all day together

для связи: @dashallovee

Last updated 1 month ago

Отдельная группа для всех формаций на нож , которые вижу на рынке.

⚪️ Основной канал: https://t.me/rdnscalp
⚪️ Мой YouTube: https://youtube.com/@rdnscalp

⚪️ Admin: @rdnscalping

Last updated 5 months ago

1 month, 4 weeks ago

Quanto mais vazia a mente mais cheia a boca

2 months ago



Por que tantos Oficiais Alemães tinham Cicatrizes?

***🔴*** Considere apoiar o canal: ***▶*** PIX: historiouww2@gmail.com Todos já vimos os filmes da Segunda Guerra Mundial em que um oficial nazista, usando um casaco de couro e uma braçadeira com a suástica, exibe uma grande cicatriz facial na bochecha esquerda. Alguns…

2 months ago
"ματαιότης ματαιοτήτων, τὰ πάντα ματαιότης."

"ματαιότης ματαιοτήτων, τὰ πάντα ματαιότης."
- Εκκλησιαστής

"Tudo é inutilidade, ilusão, loucura."
~ Ecclesiastes 1:2

3 months, 3 weeks ago

Conto de Lima Barreto que reflete a cultura de aparências que a sociedade brasileira tem.

4 months ago

A Arte Cavalheiresca do Arqueiro Zen - Eugen Herrigel

4 months ago

Saved by @download_it_bot



1:46 GO!-MoodDeity
6:17 chichen itza-zecki
8:32 Scary Garry-Kaito Shoma, DJ Paul
10:12 Override-KSLV Noh
14:13 Queen of Pain-VØJ, Lastfragment
16:26 Memphis Doom-Kordhell
19:03 Knight ll-KXNVRA
21:08 Imperator-BuntaSparks
23:58 MIDNIGHT SHIFT-Phonk Killer
28:22 DEVIL SOUL-Phonk Killer
30:16 Piracy-KSLV Noh
32:17 Sunstrike-Wilmain, SH3TLVIZ
40:30 UNHOLY-Dxrk, Kordhell
45:32 Future Steps-m!lane
50:21 youth-akiaura, Loneliness
52:59 Devil Eyes-DODIVK
57:21 Showdown-shadowraze

6 months ago
6 months ago

Musashi é o mais famoso romance épico japonês do século XX, com cerca de 120 milhões de exemplares vendidos no mundo. A história de Miyamoto Musashi, na vida real o grande samurai do Japão da época dos xoguns (século XVII), conta como um jovem selvagem e sanguinário adquire, ao longo de inúmeras lutas e constantes situações de grande perigo, as qualidades e a têmpera que o levariam a ser o maior e mais sábio de todos os guerreiros.

6 months ago
7 months, 1 week ago

"The power of your mind is your greatest weapon. From the mind came forth all weapons and knowledge of war. From the mind came metallurgy, engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, shipbuilding, tactics, navigation, and aviation. With the power of the mind shall we wage war. Sharpen it like a sword and do not let it rust. The nature of warfare is evolving and so must you evolve with it. Your enemies now attack your very minds with lies and tell you to believe them. I say to you that you must make your mind as solid as iron but as flexible as copper. You must also make it luminous and resistant to corrosion like gold, because your enemies attack not just your mind but your soul. Therefore, it is not enough to sharpen your mind, you must sharpen your soul too. Use your mind to turn your soul into a weapon to slay your enemies and uplift your people, infusing it with the power of a thousand stars, its brilliance overcoming the darkness of the world around you. Those with luminous souls are the most legendary warriors, the kind who fear not death or pain, and fight not for themselves but for the natural order. Will you be the predator or the prey? Will you drown yourself in lies to avoid pain, or will you seek truth at all costs? Weakness and ignorance are the culmination of choices that people make to diminish themselves in their standing in the natural order. Fools and weaklings will die as they should. What you see here on Earth is not order but chaos. You are not obligated to obey chaos. The only law is natural law. Everything in violation of it is to be disregarded, challenged, and replaced with natural law. Awaken your soul from the delusions of this world. There is no true death, only change and travel. Never give in to fear, weakness, delusion, or demoralization. Hold victory in your heart and share this with those you love. The great fire in the soul is rising, do you feel it? The greatest war of all times is coming, but do not be afraid. Instead take joy in the fact that the age of darkness is coming to an end. It is hard to see right now. There will indeed be much death and suffering before then. Seek purity of body, mind, and soul and inspire others. Each of you is a warrior in your own right, even if you hold no weapon in your hand, because your mind and soul are your true weapons. Do you feel that fury, that hate burning in your heart for your enemies? Shape that like molten metal into your armor and weapons, to go forth and slay evil first within yourself, then in others. Hate, however, is useless unless tempered by love. Each warrior fights not just because he hates something, but because he wants to defend something or someone. A mother will fight to defend her children if they are threatened. So too, must you fight for the sake of those you love. The nature of war permeates everything; It is of course physical, but it is also of the mind and soul. You must master all of this to master war and be victorious. Become the eagle, one with great sight and power, and one who is shackled by nothing. You are a weapon but you are also a shield. Do not neglect your allies and loved ones and do not neglect yourself. You WILL be victorious and never doubt this; So long as your WILL is kept sharp and immaculate, like a blade of palladium, you and your kin will carve out a new way, a new empire, a new future for the children. From the corpse of this false world that has eclipsed the minds and souls of humanity, we will reforge it all anew, recast in purity, perfection, and power. What was lost, shall return, improved. The dead will find new lives. The Earth will regenerate. Those who fell to corruption will not. Tyrants will be slain and given no mercy. You will see fire in the sky and on Earth, fire in the hearts of man and fire devouring the tyrants. Never lose hope, children. Your enemies are afraid because they know their fate and they know they cannot change it. They look to the skies in fear because they know that is where their demise will come from. Their annihilation, and your liberation, are imminent.

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Last updated 2 days, 14 hours ago

all day together

для связи: @dashallovee

Last updated 1 month ago

Отдельная группа для всех формаций на нож , которые вижу на рынке.

⚪️ Основной канал: https://t.me/rdnscalp
⚪️ Мой YouTube: https://youtube.com/@rdnscalp

⚪️ Admin: @rdnscalping

Last updated 5 months ago