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Канал №1 для тех, кто звонИт, а не звОнит!

Реклама — @manson_reklama
Владелец — @CCORVER

РМ: @Spiral_Miya

Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago

Канал, где простым языком разбираю исключения и нелогичности русского языка.

Реклама — @CCORVER

Купить рекламу через биржу:

РМ: @Spiral_Miya

Last updated 5 days, 17 hours ago

Учи английский вместе с нами. Легко и увлекательно.

По рекламе: @JaMasha

🥇 Продвигаем бренды, политические компании и предпринимателей под ключ. https://blog-activ.ru/

Last updated 4 weeks, 1 day ago

2 months ago
3 Amazing Things Invented by Kids

3 Amazing Things Invented by Kids

Louis Braille suffered a serious impairment(нарушение) when he was just 3 years old. Braille was 12 when he learned of a method of silent communication originally created for the French military. He simplified it, and in 1824 the braille writing system was born.

As a teen, Jerry Siegel was having a hard time sleeping one hot summer night in 1934. Restless, his mind turned to his favorite science fiction stories—and as he looked outside at the moon, he got an inspiration(вдохновение) of his own. Siegel jotted them down, and in the morning, ran to visit his artist friend Joe Shuster, who made some sketches. .

Christmas Lights🔥
Before electric lights were invented, many people decorated Christmas trees with actual candles(свечи). But by 1917, people were more accustomed(привыкшие) to electricity and 15-year-old Albert Sadacca was ready to capitalize on their trust.

2 months, 1 week ago
**10 paradoxes**

10 paradoxes
#intermediate, #life

The more you hate a trait(черта) in someone else, the more likely you are avoiding(избегание) it in yourself. Carl Jung believed that characteristics in others that bother us are reflections of the parts of ourselves that we deny. Freud referred to it as “projection.” Most people call it “being an asshole.”

People who can’t trust, can’t be trusted. People who are chronically insecure (неуверенны) in their relationships are more likely to sabotage them. Call it the Good Will Hunting syndrome, but one way people protect themselves from getting hurt is by hurting others first.

А теперь потренируй свое произношение. Открывай продолжение по кнопке ниже. Включай микрофон и тренируйся)
Now practice your pronunciation. Continue using the button below. Turn on the microphone and train)🎤

2 months, 1 week ago
[#quotes](?q=%23quotes) ***😂***

#quotes 😂
“Sometimes I feel so sick(чувствовать плохо) at the state of the world I can’t even finish my second apple pie.” —Banksy, Wall and Peace
“Some cause(вызывать, являться причиной) happiness wherever(куда бы) they go; others, whenever(когда бы) they go.” —Oscar Wilde, The Duchess of Padua
“I am not young enough to know everything.” —J.M. Barrie
“When one door closes, another opens. Or you can open the closed door. That’s how doors work.”
“A positive attitude(отношение) may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy(раздражать) enough people to make it worth the effort(стоит усилий).”
“Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you’re abusing(злоупотреблять) the privilege.”
“Please be patient(терпеливый). I am ruining things as fast as I can.”

8 months ago
[#history](?q=%23history) [#food](?q=%23food) [#world](?q=%23world)

#history #food #world
How did hot dogs get their name when there are (thankfully) no dogs involved? Some believe the name began as a joke: Hot dogs were a cheap, affordable (доступный) meal popular with the working class (рабочий класс), and with few people knowing how hot dogs are made, the implication (подразумевалось) was that dog meat was used to keep them cheap.

A more likely explanation is that the German butchers (мясники) behind early American frankfurters (франкфуртские сосиски) noted the resemblance (сходство) between their slender sausages and dachshunds (такса). They nicknamed their delicious creation “dachshund sausages,” and over time, the name gradually morphed into (постепенно превратилось в) the shorter, snazzier (более стильное) “hot dogs.”

8 months, 2 weeks ago
[#things](?q=%23things) people do around the world …

#things people do around the world to slow down


The Swedish word fika translates as “coffee and cake break,” yet it means so much more than that. Fika is a mindset: slowing down, being present, savoring the moment(наслаждаясь моментом).
Forget slurping a latte(хлебая латте) while walking down the street and using your phone. When you fika, you put away the screens and sit down somewhere cozy(уютно). You sip your coffee (or your drink of choice). You nibble on a delicious cake or cookie. And you enjoy a proper chat(поболтать как следует) with someone.

1 year, 1 month ago

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SAT materials by Mr Abu📚

• All resources to prepare SAT ***📚*** • Real tests with explanations ***📄*** • Daily digital sat questions and discussions ***🏆*** All SAT tests***📑***- https://t.me/abusat\_760/172 All SAT books ***📚*** - https://t.me/abusat\_760/347 Admin: @SatMath\_760

The biggest SAT channel in Uzbekistan***😍***
1 year, 12 months ago



This writer analyzed 100 graduation speeches — here are the 4 tips they all share

On June 12, 2005, Jobs stood before the graduating class of Stanford University and reminded them that he had never graduated from college. “Truth be told, this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a college graduation.” He then told three stories about his…

2 years ago

#intermediate #facts

to expand - расширять
to shrink - сжиматься
hence - следовательно, отсюда, с этих пор

Read it


Interesting facts

Fact: Abraham Lincoln was a bartender You know that the 16th president of the United States fought for the freedom of slaves and the Union, but what you didn’t know is that he was a licensed bartender(бармен). Lincoln’s liquor license was discovered in 1930…

[#intermediate](?q=%23intermediate) [#facts](?q=%23facts)
2 years ago

#intermediate #facts #interesting

drugstore - аптека 💊
stuck - закрепиться, прилипнуть 📌
inconsequential - несущественный ❗️



The Fascinating Origins of Famous Company Names

IKEA Ingvar Kamprad, a 17-year-old Swede, founded the company in 1943 with money his father gave him for doing well in school. The teenage retail titan-to-be formed the name of his company—which originally sold pens, wallets, picture frames, table runners…

[#intermediate](?q=%23intermediate) [#facts](?q=%23facts) [#interesting](?q=%23interesting)
2 years ago

Тапни, кто такой «yob»?😏****

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Канал №1 для тех, кто звонИт, а не звОнит!

Реклама — @manson_reklama
Владелец — @CCORVER

РМ: @Spiral_Miya

Last updated 2 weeks, 4 days ago

Канал, где простым языком разбираю исключения и нелогичности русского языка.

Реклама — @CCORVER

Купить рекламу через биржу:

РМ: @Spiral_Miya

Last updated 5 days, 17 hours ago

Учи английский вместе с нами. Легко и увлекательно.

По рекламе: @JaMasha

🥇 Продвигаем бренды, политические компании и предпринимателей под ключ. https://blog-activ.ru/

Last updated 4 weeks, 1 day ago