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TON Contests

The Open Network contests announcements channel.

Discussion: @toncontests_chat.

Developer chats: @tondev_eng (EN), @tondev (РУ).

General: ton.org, @tonblockchain, @toncoin, @toncoin_rus.
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Last updated 1 day, 22 hours ago


Last updated 14 hours ago

🧊 @community_bot is a Telegram-native toolset for communities.

📝 Overview & beta access: t.me/community_bot/beta

💬 Chat: @communitieschat

Last updated 14 hours ago

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Smart Contract Cracking Competition - Multisig 2.0 Prize fund: Up to 20 000 TON (more than $100,000 at the moment) Deadline: 12:00 on April 10 (UTC) Who can participate: Everyone The Task is to identify potential vulnerabilities and issues in the new version…

1 month, 4 weeks ago

Smart Contract Cracking Competition - Multisig 2.0
Prize fund: Up to 20 000 TON (more than $100,000 at the moment)
Deadline: 12:00 on April 10 (UTC)
Who can participate: Everyone

The Task is to identify potential vulnerabilities and issues in the new version of Multisig smart contract.

Evaluation Criteria and Prize Fund Distribution:
You will be rewarded the most if you can find critical vulnerabilities, such as unplanned loss or theft of assets or gaining admin rights or bypass restrictions.

Minor flaws that do not affect security may be rewarded with a small bonus or no reward at all.

Non-code issues (e.g. social engineering) are not considered.


Branch "main", commit 107ee13aa4cbabdc9ff0684b738dcd272c4211bc

Submit an issue on GitHub.

Please do not copy-paste reports from ChatGPT and like.

2 months ago
**The Open League Hackathon**

The Open League Hackathon

TON Foundation has launched The Open League Hackathon, a fast track into The Open League, with over $150 million in project and user incentives.
The hackathon itself runs from April to June and has a $2 million prize pool.
Contestants will build new Web3 Onboarding & GameFi, Web3 Social, DeFi, and eCommerce use cases on TON and Telegram.

Why apply?
▪️ $2 million prize pool.
▪️ Fast track to The Open League program with a 50,000 Toncoin boost for your token's liquidity pool.
▪️Top projects may secure funding from a $500,000 pool provided by TON Ventures.
▪️A chance to meet with TON Foundation members and VC/investors on TON in Dubai during Gateway.

Projects part of The Open League pilot season have seen triple digit growth in active users, token holders, market capitalization and trading volume across TON DEXes. And that was with only 1 million Toncoin in Rewards. For Season 1 - rewards will 30x to 30M Toncoin for 3 months (3 seasons).

Think you can beat the competition? It’s time to build on TON.

Register now.

2 months ago

Smart Contract Cracking Competition - Jetton With Governance Prize fund: Up to 20 000 TON (more than $100,000 at the moment) Deadline: 18:00 on April 1st (UTC) Who can participate: Everyone The Task is to identify potential vulnerabilities and issues in…

2 months ago

*📢 Important Community Announcement*

Hello, dear members!

With deep respect and responsibility towards our community, we wish to share an important update regarding the upcoming TON Tact Challenge #2 planned for this month.

After thorough consideration of all circumstances and factors affecting our community and its members, we have come to the decision to cancel the challenge set for this month. We understand this may cause disappointment among many of you who were eagerly looking forward to this event, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this decision may cause.

This decision was not made lightly. We always aim to provide the best experience for our participants and ensure that our challenges meet high standards of quality and engagement. Currently, due to a number of unforeseen circumstances, we are not confident that we can achieve these standards without additional time for preparation and adaptation.

We appreciate your understanding, patience, and continuous support. Together, we have built an incredible community, and we commit to continue working on offering you exciting and inspiring initiatives in the future.

Please stay tuned for our updates as we will share more information about future challenges and events as soon as they become available. During this time, we will also be looking for ways to make our community even more engaged and supportive of each other.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to express your thoughts on this decision, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are always open to dialogue and value your opinion.

Thank you for your understanding and support. We look forward to our future initiatives!

2 months, 1 week ago

Smart Contract Cracking Competition - Jetton With Governance
Prize fund: Up to 20 000 TON (more than $100,000 at the moment)
Deadline: 18:00 on April 1st (UTC)
Who can participate: Everyone

The Task is to identify potential vulnerabilities and issues in the new Jetton with Governance smart contract.

Evaluation Criteria and Prize Fund Distribution:
You will be rewarded the most if you can find critical vulnerabilities, such as unplanned loss or theft of jettons or gaining admin rights.

Minor flaws that do not affect security may be rewarded with a small bonus or no reward at all.

Non-code issues (e.g. social engineering) are not considered.


Branch "main", commit 22fec6b69e4800ace71cc5fbf0b06f4d36af120a.

Submit an issue on GitHub.

2 months, 2 weeks ago

🏆 MyTonWallet Contest for iOS Developers

Prize fund: up to $25,000
Deadline: 23:59 on March 28th (Dubai time)
Results: April 12th, 2024

The Task is to implement the new design for MyTonWallet as a new Swift app based on the provided mockups and archive with animations. Your submission must precisely represent the provided design – this includes all elements, their proportions and position on the screen, as well as their animations and transitions.

Required Functionality (Screens)
1. Auth Flow, including both creating and importing wallets.
2. Main Screen listing all user's tokens and recent transactions.
3. Transaction Info Modal featuring several transaction types.

While the task involves developing a new Swift app, some existing code from our current JavaScript app must be reused. Specifically, the API and blockchain integrations (which is already standalone and currently exposed as a web worker). To achieve this, a bridge must be implemented to allow running JavaScript process from the Swift environment (e.g., in an invisible WebView). This approach enables leveraging our existing API abstractions and focusing on the UI part without delving deeply into blockchain-related programming.

Evaluation Criteria
During the evaluation stage our judges will test the submissions on a broad range of iOS devices. The key factors that will be used to determine the best apps are:

· The general aesthetics of the app.
· Adherence to the provided mockups and design elements.
· Attention to the tiniest details in the user experience.

The smoothness of animations and the overall stability of the app will play a major role. Last but not least is the absence of significant flaws (including crashes, performance issues, battery drains, visual glitches, noticeable element blinking, layout imperfections and more).

Contestants will be able to submit their entries to @MyTonWalletBot. We will further clarify the submission instructions closer to the deadline.

4 months, 1 week ago

*🎉 TON Smart Challenge #5 - Winners Revealed!*

The coding frenzy has wrapped up, and we're thrilled to announce the winners! 🚀

*🏆 Memorable SBTs for Participants!*
Big congrats to all participants with a non-zero score! Check your memorable SBT at TON Society portal.

*💰 Prize Pool Distribution Soon!*
The $20,000 in Toncoin prize pool will be split among the top 100 participants. Stay tuned!

*🎊 Congratulations to Our Winners!*
Special shoutout to those who topped the charts! Your skills are incredible!

*📜***Leaderboard Ranking

Thanks to all participants for making TON Smart Challenge #5 a success. More challenges and opportunities await—keep coding! 🚀

TON Society

TON Smart Challenge #5

A ten-day contest organized by TON Foundation and Codeforces, open to both beginners and experienced FunC developers, featuring a total prize fund of $20,000 in Toncoin.

*****🎉*** TON Smart Challenge #5 - Winners Revealed!**
4 months, 4 weeks ago
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Turn your endless taps into a financial tool.
Join @tapswap_bot

Last updated 1 day, 22 hours ago


Last updated 14 hours ago

🧊 @community_bot is a Telegram-native toolset for communities.

📝 Overview & beta access: t.me/community_bot/beta

💬 Chat: @communitieschat

Last updated 14 hours ago