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17 hours ago

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DVB Digital ညနေ ၃ နာရီ သတင်း (၁ ရက် ဇွန်လ ၂၀၂၄)

- CDM အရာရှိနှင့်စစ်သည်များ တော်လှန်ရေးတပ်အဖြစ်စုဖွဲ့။ - NLD ပါတီ နာယက သူရ ဦးတင်ဦး ကွယ်လွန်။ #dvbtvnews #dvbdigital #myanmar DVB Digital 3pm News Update. 01/06/2024 Subscribe Youtube Channel for instant updates! Download the DVB Mobile App: Android - …

17 hours ago

ဝိုင်းမော်မြို့နယ်အနီး လဘန်ရွာမှာ တိမ်းရှောင်နေတဲ့ စစ်ရှောင်ပြည်သူတွေဟာ ဧရာဝတီမြစ်ရေတက်လာတာကြောင့် ကြိုတင်တိမ်းရှောင်နေရပါတယ်။
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ဝိုင်းမော်အနီးက စစ်ရှောင်ပြည်သူတွေ မြစ်ရေတက်လို့ ကြိုတင်တိမ်းရှောင်- DVB News

ဝိုင်းမော်မြို့နယ်အနီး လဘန်ရွာမှာ တိမ်းရှောင်နေတဲ့ စစ်ရှောင်ပြည်သူတွေဟာ ဧရာဝတီမြစ်ရေတက်လာတာကြောင့် ကြိုတင်တိမ်းရှောင်နေရပါတယ်။ #dvbtvnews #ဧရာဝတီမြစ်ရေ #myanmar Download the DVB Mobile App: Android - https://bit.ly/dvbmobile IOS - https://bit.ly/dvbapple…

18 hours ago

ဆေးရွက်ကြီးနဲ့ ဆေးလိပ်လုပ်ငန်းတွေဟာ မျိုးဆက်သစ် လူငယ်တွေကို ပစ်မှတ်ထား ဆွဲဆောင် နေတယ်လို့ ကမ္ဘာ့ကျန်းမာရေးအဖွဲ့ (WHO)နဲ့ ဆေးရွက်ကြီးနဲ့ ဆေးလိပ်လုပ်ငန်းတွေကို စောင့်ကြည့်နေတဲ့ STOP တို့က အစီရင်ခံစာထုတ်ပြန်ပါတယ်။
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ဆေးရွက်ကြီးနဲ့ ဆေးလိပ်လုပ်ငန်းတွေ လူငယ်တွေကို ပစ်မှတ်ထားလာ - DVB News

ဆေးရွက်ကြီးနဲ့ ဆေးလိပ်လုပ်ငန်းတွေဟာ မျိုးဆက်သစ် လူငယ်တွေကို ပစ်မှတ်ထား ဆွဲဆောင် နေတယ်လို့ ကမ္ဘာ့ကျန်းမာရေးအဖွဲ့ (WHO)နဲ့ ဆေးရွက်ကြီးနဲ့ ဆေးလိပ်လုပ်ငန်းတွေကို စောင့်ကြည့်နေတဲ့ STOP တို့က အစီရင်ခံစာထုတ်ပြန်ပါတယ်။ #dvbtvnews #ဆေးရွက်ကြီး #myanmar Download…

2 days ago

ARAKAN—The United League of Arakan (ULA/AA) Humanitarian and Development Cooperation Office (HDCO) claimed on May 27 that heavy and small arms fire killed 268 civilians and injured 640 others between Nov. 13 - when the AA launched an offensive against the military - and May 13. Minbya Township recorded the highest number with 56 killed and 172 injured. Mrauk-U Township had the second highest with 42 killed and 72 injured. The HDCO stated that 80 percent of IDPs are in need of urgent humanitarian aid.

SHAN—Twelve civilians were killed and 36 others were injured in areas controlled by the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) in northern Shan State from January to May 5. “We have had to delay taking action due to our limited equipment to check for landmines,” said Lway Yay Oo, the TNLA spokesperson.

The areas most in need of mine clearance are in Namtu and Kutkai townships. Yin Lianghan, the spokesperson for the Shan Human Rights Foundation (SHRF), said that there have been 100 civilian casualties from landmines and unexploded remnants of war in northern Shan since the Brotherhood Alliance signed its ceasefire with the military on Jan. 11.

2 days ago

Timor-Leste holds hearing on Burma crisis

Timor-Leste’s Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice (Provedor dos Direitos Humanos e Justiçe, PDHJ) hosted the “Public Hearing on the Human Rights Crisis in Myanmar” in the capital Dili on May 27. The PDHJ, Timor-Leste’s national human rights commission, listened to testimony from seven human rights defenders from Burma.

“We can engage with parliament and government officials both within our country and across [the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN] to address the human rights crisis in Myanmar. This includes highlighting the challenges faced by human rights defenders in Myanmar, which must be prioritized,” said Virgîlio Da Silva Guterres, the PDHJ ombudsman.

The public hearing was also supported by civil society groups, including Progressive Voice, ALTSEAN-Burma, and the Initiatives for International Dialogue. Dili has been outspoken in its support for a return to democracy in Burma since the 2021 military coup. Government officials, including President José Ramos-Horta, met with the National Unity Government (NUG) Foreign Minister Zin Mar Aung in July 2023.

2 days ago

More than 200,000 Rohingya in need of assistance

The Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK) stated that more than 200,000 Rohingya were displaced during fighting between the Arakan Army (AA) and Burma Army in Buthidaung Township and are in need of emergency aid. A request was made for Bangladesh to establish a humanitarian corridor into northern Arakan State.

“Without immediate international intervention, thousands of Rohingya will soon face starvation. Bangladesh must open its border for the formal delivery of humanitarian aid into northern Rakhine State or face the prospect of thousands of Rohingya dying from starvation on its doorstep,” said Tun Khin, the BROUK president.

Tun Khin added that help from the international community was needed as the AA does not have the resources to care for hundreds of thousands of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in areas under its control. BROUK urged the U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres to visit Bangladesh to negotiate the aid corridor directly with Dhaka.

1 week, 2 days ago

AYEYARWADY—The Pyapon District Court sentenced three people from 15-years to life in prison on May 16, according to anonymous sources close to the prison. The three were arrested in February allegedly carrying weapons and were charged under the Counter Terrorism Law.

A source told DVB that one of the youths received a life sentence while the other two were sentenced to 15 years in prison. Fourteen people were convicted by the Pyapon District Court in October 2023 for allegedly being members of the People’s Defense Force (PDF). Of them, seven were sentenced to death and the rest received prison terms.

CHINLAND—Five civilians were killed and ten others, including children, were injured by an airstrike carried out on Tarunaing village of Paletwa Township on Tuesday. Paletwa has been under the control of the AA since Jan. 14. “The military conducted three airstrikes with fighter jets,” a Tarunaing resident told DVB. Homes were also reportedly damaged.

1 week, 2 days ago

ASEAN parliamentarians respond to regional role in crime hubs

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations Parliamentarians For Human Rights (APHR) expressed alarm over a Justice For Myanmar investigation that revealed the involvement of foreign nationals and entities in cyber scam operations run by the Border Guard Force (BGF) in Myawaddy Township of Karen State.

“The cyber scam parks, illegal casinos, and illegal online gambling linked to the Karen BGF has resulted in untold suffering and misery across the region and beyond. Authorities across Southeast Asia must take concrete action to shut them down,” said Raoul Manuel, an APHR member from the Philippines.

Manuel urged parliamentarians from Malaysia and Thailand to investigate citizens of their countries that were implicated in the Justice For Myanmar report. Thai banks and citizens from Hong Kong, Singapore, China, and Cambodia were accused of doing business with the BGF, which has recently rebranded itself as the Karen National Army (KNA).

1 week, 2 days ago

Civil society groups condemn attacks in northern Arakan

A total of 195 groups and civil society organizations issued a joint statement condemning violence against the Rohingya in northern Arakan State. The Burma Army has been accused of killing and forcefully recruiting Rohingya, while the Arakan Army (AA) has been accused of looting and burning down Rohingya homes.

“We urge the AA to take responsibility to be accountable to local communities for ensuring social harmony. It is also necessary to comply with the Geneva Conventions and International Humanitarian Law not to wage battles in civilian areas and not to forcibly relocate villagers from the Rohingya villages,” it stated.

The joint statement called on the AA to independently investigate allegations of human rights abuses against the Rohingya and hold the perpetrators accountable. They also urged Rohingya leaders and the AA to engage in dialogue in order to ease ethnic tensions in Arakan State.

1 week, 3 days ago

KACHIN—Six civilians, including two children, were killed and 10 were injured by artillery in Waingmaw Township on Monday. “They were firing all day and night. We don’t know which side was shelling,” said a Waingmaw Township resident.

Kachin News Group reported that the military has been conducting drone attacks and airstrikes against the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) during fighting in Waingmaw. The KIA has reportedly captured at least 10 military outposts in Waingmaw since May 18. The KIA launched an offensive on March 7.

KAREN—A pregnant woman and three men were found dead in Kawkareik Township on May 19. They were allegedly killed by Burma Army soldiers from the Phu Chee Mu outpost who had fled after it was captured by the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) on May 18.

At least 20 from the military outpost were killed and 48 surrendered during fighting between the Burma Army and KNLA-led resistance forces. “The rest of them ran away. They took as many weapons as they could carry and destroyed [their arsenal]," a People’s Defense Force (PDF) member involved in the attack told DVB.

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